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A solitary man

A solitary man

Val Kilmer
Val Kilmer: 'I never cultivated any sense of personality'

He's been demonised by his ex-wife and has alienated virtually every director he has worked with: is Val Kilmer the most difficult actor in Hollywood, or its most ruthless perfectionist? William Leith talks to the man formerly known as 'Psycho Kilmer'about his gruelling new role

Even if he's carrying some extra weight, there's no question that, aged 44, Val Kilmer still looks good. He's tall and muscular, with healthy skin and good teeth. His teeth, in fact, are so good that they sometimes look unconvincing in the mouths of the venal, destructive characters he so often plays. His face is broad, with high cheekbones and plump lips; he is a mixture of Irish, German, Swedish and Cherokee. When I meet him in a suite in the Dorchester hotel he looks as if he's dressed for a morning in front of the television, in clothes that would suit someone 25 years younger - T-shirt, baggy jeans, short jacket, and shoes that might almost be slippers.

Kilmer introduces himself and shakes my hand. As he does this, I can see something in his pale-eyed face that I've seen a lot in his films - when he smiles, he doesn't look happy.

'I'm a character actor,' he tells me, 'but I look like a leading man.' Kilmer's career is a bit of a mystery. He's definitely attractive, and he's definitely a good actor - just look at his portrayal of Jim Morrison in The Doors (1991), or his near-perfect performance as Robert De Niro's nasty henchman in Heat (1995) . But something is missing. Why isn't he up there with Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt? Perhaps it's because, like Willem Dafoe or Nick Nolte, he comes across better when playing tormented, self-loathing characters. In Tombstone (1993) he's Doc Holliday, an alcoholic with a death wish; in Top Gun (1986) he's the vicious Iceman. He's not always the guy you're rooting for.

In Kilmer's latest film, Wonderland, he plays John Holmes, a real-life porn star and cocaine addict who was said to have had sex with more than 10,000 women and was mixed up in a quadruple murder in Hollywood in 1981 - 'the bludgeoning to death of four people at a drug den', as the Los Angeles Times put it. The film chronicles the exact moment when the floral 1970s gave way to the decade of greed that followed - 'the death of that innocence', says Kilmer. In the film he wears a scrubby beard and looks sweaty and desperate throughout. He is, incidentally, very convincing.

'I never cultivated a persona,' says Kilmer of his career. 'It's the persona that makes you a leading actor. A leading actor has something extra that's fun to watch. But it isn't usually about acting. Bogart was a leading man, but he was an ugly guy. He was tiny. He didn't have that wide a range as an actor. But to watch him on screen - he just had a fantastic persona.'

In Kilmer's view, then - despite playing the lead in The Doors, Batman Forever (1995), and The Saint (1997) - he's not an A-list star because he's missing some mysterious X-factor. Besides, he'd rather be a proper actor. He is famously picky about his work. He's the sort of guy who keeps the director on set for hours after everyone else has gone home, asking about his character's motivation. In Hollywood he became known as 'Psycho Kilmer'. In his first film, the daft spy spoof Top Secret! (1984), he played a rock star called Nick Rivers and spent ages growing into the role. He wanted to know who Nick Rivers was and why he would say things. Kilmer even released an album of Nick Rivers songs. The director, Jim Abrahams, was quoted as saying, 'Is it really so important?' It makes you wonder - how fed up does a director have to be to say that about his own film?

This reputation for being difficult has followed Kilmer around for years. In 1996 an American gossip magazine called Buzz cited him as 'one of the 12 scariest people in Hollywood'. Joel Schumacher, who directed Batman Forever, called him 'childish and impossible', and 'the most psychologically disturbed human being I have ever worked with'. On the set of Tombstone the screenwriter Kevin Jarre told a reporter, 'There's a dark side to Val that I don't feel comfortable talking about.' When Kilmer was filming The Saint he was rumoured to have told the film crew to avoid eye contact with him. When he played Jim Morrison in The Doors he reportedly requested that the crew address him as 'Jim'. The late John Frankenheimer, who directed Kilmer in The Island of Dr Moreau, said afterwards, 'I will never climb Mount Everest and I will never work with Val Kilmer again.' At the end of Kilmer's last scene in the film, he is reported to have said, 'Cut! Now get that bastard off my set!'

And this is nothing new: Kilmer walked off the set of his first job because he could not get into his character's motivation.

The job was a television advertisement for hamburgers. Kilmer was 12. He told the director he couldn't pretend to like the hamburgers he was advertising.

Kilmer has always denied being difficult. 'If I'm demanding,' he has said, 'which I don't think I am, overly, it's for the good of the picture.' Note Kilmer's use of the word 'overly'. In any case, he hates talking about the rumours of his brattish behaviour. When I ask him about John Frankenheimer, there is an awkward moment of silence before he says wearily, 'What a shame. He's dead. What a drag to sit here and defend myself. To sit here and talk about John Frankenheimer. Advise me. I don't want to talk about him any more. What do I do when the next guy asks me a question? Because I've got to figure out a way.'

Talking to Kilmer is slightly disconcerting. Mostly he speaks in a slow, slightly scary drawl, like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. But he is given to sudden, rather alarming, changes of subject. At one point he says, apropos of nothing in particular, 'Find Scarlett.'


'Find Scarlett. It's not complicated. I don't know where she is. Find her.' It turns out he's talking about the actress Scarlett Johansson - who, at the time of the interview, is in London to attend the Bafta ceremony. Why he wants me to find her is never quite explained. She's one actress Kilmer hasn't been 'linked' to, although he has been linked to all sorts of other women, often at the height of their celebrity - his ex-wife Joanne Whalley, Michelle Pfeiffer, Daryl Hannah, Drew Barrymore, Elisabeth Shue, Cindy Crawford, and, of course, Cher, who saw him in a play when he was 24, fancied him, and anointed him as one of her toyboys. 'I never cultivated any fame through who I knew,' he tells me.

'I never cultivated any sense of personality.'

Hasn't he? Another crucial thing about Kilmer is that he is one of these macho ranchers, like Russell Crowe and Mel Gibson. He spends a lot of time on his remote ranch near Santa Fe in New Mexico.

'It's a wilderness sort of area,' he says. 'I have a river running through it. I keep a hundred animals.' He rides horses. The ranch house, he says, is 'an adobe and log cabin. It's pretty simple.' This is where he proposed to Joanne Whalley. Apparently, before accepting, she laughed, but she would not tell him why. 'She's a very private woman,' he said later.

Kilmer grew up in the Los Angeles area, in a town called Chatsworth in the San Fernando Valley. 'It was still quite wild,' he says dreamily.

His father was an aerospace engineer. Kilmer describes him as a man with 'country values', and as 'very eccentric'; yet almost every newspaper report describes him as a fabulously wealthy company director and land developer. Kilmer's parents divorced when he was nine; it was a terrible shock. Divorce, Kilmer felt, set him apart from his peers. 'It was obvious to me at the time that this was the biggest thing I'd been through,' he tells me. 'It was seen as what it was - an odd event. That something bad had happened.'

He says he doesn't think it's quite so bad for his own children, who live with Whalley in Los Angeles. 'It's more normal to be divorced now,' he says. 'It's not seen as something bad now that parents just "love each other differently" and say the things that counsellors teach them to say when they don't know what to say to their kids.' Actually, I don't think he thinks divorce is normal or easy; I think it tears him apart. At one point he says, 'It's a really weird thing, modern divorce. I found out I was getting divorced on television. That was kind of weird.'

Kilmer and Whalley met on the set of the 1988 film Willow; within months they were married. In 1991 they had a daughter, Mercedes. But their careers kept them apart, and Kilmer was 'linked' with other women. His older brother, Mark, said, 'I am convinced that Val will have trouble with relationships until he seeks help.' But he sought the wrong kind of help; he reportedly told a film company secretary that she had 'awakened a flame inside of [him] like no other woman.'

When he found out that Whalley had filed for divorce, Kilmer was away from home, working on a film - he caught the news on CNN in his hotel room. It was only a matter of weeks since the birth of their second child, Jack. Kilmer returns to the subject periodically during our conversation. His conclusion is: 'There's nothing good about divorce.'

After his parents' divorce, Kilmer's life got more and more troubled. He lived with his father, his brother Mark, and his younger brother, Wesley. 'Things didn't go well between my father and me for a very long time,' he has said. He began to perform in school plays. 'I had kind of an actor's sensibility,' he tells me. 'I was quiet. More contemplative than outgoing. And I was also the lead in plays, so I got a lot of attention.'

At 16 Kilmer applied to the Juilliard acting school in New York, and was accepted. On the eve of his departure his brother Wesley, an epileptic, had a fit, fell into their swimming-pool and drowned. Kilmer still hasn't got over it. 'Well,' he says, speaking very slowly, 'my little brother was, um... just an amazing artist. A genius. When he died, the people at his funeral, the adults and children, it was amazing. They were all friends of his. I was sort of in awe of him.'

He went from his brother's funeral straight to acting school. When his father died, in 1995, he became estranged from his older brother over a dispute about their father's estate. Mark said, 'Val has no example in his life of a good relationship he can look to.'

Not everyone finds him difficult. He got on well with Michael Mann, the director of Heat (1995), another man known to be obsessed with detail. When he worked with Mann, the two of them were doing what they love best - 'exploring until you run out of time'. I think Kilmer's the sort of person who becomes addicted to the emotions he feels on a film set. After filming the pivotal scene in Wonderland, he was found weeping in his trailer. 'That night was very exciting,' he says.

'It just hurts to be imagining it. Filming only lasted 20 days. It was very intense.' Kilmer enjoyed the experience so much that he collaborated with the photographer Ali Alborzi on a series of photographic collages based on the film. These pictures were to go on show at the Proud Galleries in Camden next week, but, at the last minute, the exhibition has been cancelled. The gallery is taking legal action against Kilmer for breach of contract, and Alex Proud, the director of the gallery, says of the actor, 'He certainly won't be invited to my wedding later this year.' Another happy collaborator, then.

So what will become of Kilmer? 'I think I'm becoming a bachelor,' he says. 'It's nice when you say bachelor. It means "not going to get married". Bachelor. I like the way that sounds.' Last autumn he reportedly had a fling with the actress Angelina Jolie. 'I sure like Angelina Jolie,' he tells me. 'She's awfully busy, though.' As I leave, Kilmer shakes my hand. 'No, I'm just kidding myself,' he says. 'I'm sure I will get married. I'm built that way.' Again he gives me his pale-eyed smile. And again I realise that, when he smiles, he doesn't look happy.

  • 'Wonderland' is released on 7 May