Hilary Duff can basically do no wrong, but if her official comeback track " Chasing The Sun " left you a little underwhelmed, then her brand new single "All About You" is going to make you say thank GAHD. Her super-catchy new track is the perfect acoustic pop-rock anthem you've been hoping for since she announced her new album.

The new single gives us a little Taylor Swift meets The Lumineers meets old-school Hilary vibes, which can only mean one thing: It's P-E-R-F-E-C-T. It's just the kind of song to remind you why you loved Hil's Metamorphosis anthems and have been counting down her musical return ever since.

So turn your speakers up, get your dancing shoes on, and blast Hilary's ah-mazing new single!

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What do you think about Hilary Duff's new single? Will you be downloading her new album? Sound off in the comments!


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