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Dems blast Breitbart Pelosi posters - POLITICO

Dems blast Breitbart Pelosi posters


Democrats are slamming an ad campaign from Breitbart to promote its new California coverage that features a graphic illustration of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s face on a scantily clad woman’s body in a suggestive position.

Pelosi herself told ABC News on Monday that the posters were “so undignified.”

“It’s so tasteless that I mean, is it even worthy of a question?” Pelosi told ABC News’ John Parkinson.

“To say the least, the Breitbart News ad is foul, offensive, and disrespectful to all women,” Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said in a statement. “It is a disgusting new low and would be reprehensible against any woman ? regardless of party.”

The conservative news outlet launched its California coverage Monday with an ad campaign featuring a series of image illustrations, including the Pelosi one, which appeared to combine her image with one of pop star Miley Cyrus’s infamous Video Music Awards performance, and a graphic of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s head on the torso of a woman with exposed breasts, save for carefully placed Breitbart logos.

The ads made a splash online, with several commentators noting on Twitter that the image of the House Democratic leader especially crossed a line.

Wasserman Schultz pinned the image on Republicans and called for them to speak out against the image.

“It’s no wonder the Republicans are having problems appealing to women,” the Florida Democrat said. “If GOP leaders are serious about their rebrand, then both their elected and Party leadership should condemn this outrageous behavior, call on Breitbart News to immediately remove the ad, and not continue to use this website as a forum for their views.”

But some conservatives pushed back, saying the ads were nothing outside of what Democrats have embraced previously.

Breitbart offices did not respond to a request for comment.