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Public Advocate Bill de Blasio: Section 8 housing subsidies cuts will cost city – New York Daily News Skip to content

Public Advocate Bill de Blasio: Section 8 housing subsidies cuts will cost city


Budget cuts are supposed to save taxpayers money, but Public Advocate Bill de Blasio says a controversial cost-saving measure will actually soak the city.

“The taxpayers are going to get ripped off here,” de Blasio said as he released what he called the first cost analysis of a move last year to yank promised Section 8 housing subsidies from 2,600 people.

The city was forced to rescind the promised vouchers – which help poor families pay their rent – in December when it ran out of federal funds. Among those affected were formerly homeless families, young adults who aged out of foster care and women seeking to escape domestic violence.

De Blasio says those vouchers would cost roughly $25 million – far less than the $47 million to $77 million it will cost if to house them in homeless shelters.

He says at least 27 have already entered the shelter system, while 134 are on the brink.

“If we don’t get these families to stable housing, we’re going to end up spending more in the long term,” de Blasio said.

The city Housing Authority declined to comment on de Blasio’s analysis, but spokeswoman Yvette Andino released a statement saying NYCHA is working with the affected families.

“We … share the Public Advocate’s desire to fix the situation, and we are exploring a number of ways to do it,” Andino said.