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페이지를 파싱하기 어렵습니다. Bibliography



'ABD AL-WAHHAB, HASAN HUSNI. Khuldsat ta'rIkh Tuunis. Tunis, 1953.

'ABD EL-JALIL, JEAN M. Breve Histoire de la litterature arabe. Paris, 1947. Cf. pp. 215-16, 284-85.


ADAMS, CHARLES CLARENCE. Islam and Modernism in Egypt. London, 1933.

ADIVAR, ABDULHAK ADNAN. " Ibn Haldun" in Islam Ansiklopedisi. Istanbul, 1943         Cf. fasc. 47, pp. 738-43.

AHMAD BABA B. AHMAD AT-TINBUKTI..N'ayl al-ibtihaj bi-tatriz ad­dibaj. Fez, 1903. Cf. pp. 143-45.


ALATAS, HUSAIN. "Objectivity and the Writing of History: The Conceptions of History by Al-Ghazali, Ibn Khaldun ... ," The Islamic Review (Woking), XLII (1954), no. 1. Cf. pp. 11-14.

'ALI PASHA MUBARAK. al-Khitat al jadidah at-Tawfiqiyah. Bulaq, 1305 [1887/88]. Cf. vol. xiv, pp. 5-6.

ALLAHABAD, AHMAD HUSAIN, and ABDU-R RAHMAN, SHAMS AL­ ULEMA', trs. Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah. Lahore, 1924-1932. 3 vols. Urdu translation.

ALTAMIRA Y CREVEA, RAFAEL. " Notas sobre la doctrina historica de Abenjaldun" in Homenaje a D. Francisco Codera. Saragossa, 1904, Cf. pp. 857-74.

AMARI, MICHELE. Bibliotheca Arabo-Sicula. Vol. I, Lipsia [Leipzig], 1857 (Arabic texts); Ippendice (1875); Seconda Appendice (1887). Cf. pp. 460-508 and Appendices.

AMARI, MICHELE. Bibliotheca Arabo-Sicula. Vol. II, Turin and Rome, 1880-1881. 2 vols. in 1. Cf. pp. 163-243, 719-20.

AMARI, MICHELE. "Altri frammenti arabi relativi alla Storia d'Italia," A tti della R..1ccademia dei Lincei, Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche (Rome), 4 ser., vi (1889), 5-31.

AMMAR, ABBAS M. "Ibn Khaldun's Prolegomena to History. The Views of a Muslim Thinker of the 14th Century on the Devel­opment of Human Society." Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, Dept. of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge University, 1941.


ANESI, 'ALI NOREDDIN AL-. "Il pensiero economico di Ibn Khaldun," Rivista delle Colonie Italiane (Rome), vi (1932),112­27.

ARENDONK, CORNELIS VAN. "Ibn Khaldun" in Encyclopaedia of Islam (q.v.). Cf. Supplement , p. 91.

ARNOLD, SIR THOMAS WALKER. The Caliphate. Oxford, 1924.


ARRI, G. DI ASTI. Ebn Khaldoun da Tunisi: Storia generale degli Arabi e di alcuni celebri popoli loro contemporanei dalla loro origine fino al Kalifato di Moavia. Paris, 1840.

ARSLAN, SHAKIB, EMIR, ed. Ta'rikh Ibn Khaldun al-musammd bi­Kitab al-'Ibar. See IBN KHALDUN (3).

ASTRE, GEORGES ALBERT. "Un Precurseur de la sociologie au XIV° siecle: Ibn Khaldoun" in L'Islam et l'Occident. Paris, 1947. Cf. pp. 131-50.

AWA, ADEL. L'Esprit critique des' freres de la purete." Beirut, 1948.

'AYAD, MOHAMMED KAMIL. "Die Anfange der muslimischen Geschichtsforschung" in Geist and Gesellschaft: Kurt Breysig zu seinem 60. Geburtstag. Breslau, n.d. [1928]. 3 vols. Cf. Vol. in, Vom Denken fiber Geschichte , pp. 35-48.

'AYAD, MOHAMMED KAMIL. Die Geschichts- and Gesellschaftslehre Ibn Ijalduns. For­schungen zur Geschichts- and Gesellschaftslehre, 2. Stuttgart and Berlin, 1930.

'AYAD, MOHAMMED KAMIL. "Ibni HaIdun's Kadar Islamda Tarih," Is Mecmuasi (Istanbul), 1938, no. 14, pp. 24-36, 76-79.


BABINGER, FRANZ CARL HEINRICH. Die Geschichtsschreiber der Osmanen and ihre Werke. Leipzig, 1927. Cf. pp. 212, 282, 369, 379.

BACHER, WILHELM. "Bibel and Biblische Geschichte in der muham­medanischen Literatur," Jeschurun (Bamberg), Ix (1872), 18-47.

BAMMATE, HAIDAR. Visages de l'Islam. Lausanne, 1946. Cf. pp. 175-79.

BARGES, JEAN JOSEPH LEANDRE. "Lettre sur un ouvrage inedit attribue a l'historien arabe Ibn Khaldoun," Journal asiatique (Paris), 3 ser., xII (1841), 483-91.

BARNES, HARRY ELMER. "Sociology before Comte," American Journal of Sociology (Chicago), xxIII, no. 2 (Sept., 1917), 197­98.

BARNES, HARRY ELMER.  A History of Historical Writing. Norman [Okla.], 1937. Cf. pp. 94-96.

BARNES, HARRY ELMER and BECKER, HOWARD. Social Thought from Lore to Science. 2d ed. Washington, 1952. 2 vols. Cf. 1, 266-79, 706-8.

BARTHOLD, VASILII VLADIMIROVICH. Turkestan down to the Mongol Invasion. E. J. W. Gibb Memorial Series, N.S. v. London, 1928. Cf. pp. 3-4.

BARTHOLD, VASILII VLADIMIROVICH. Mussulman Culture. Calcutta, 1934. Tr. Shahid Suhrawardy. Cf. pp. 66-68.

BARTHOLD, VASILII VLADIMIROVICH. La Decouverte de l'Asie: histoire de l'orientalisme en Europe et en Russie. Tr. B. Nikitine. Paris, 1947. Cf. pp. 29-31.

BAUMSTARK, ANTON. "Der Bibelkanon bei Ibn Chaldun," Oriens Christianus (Rome), IV (1904), 393-98.

BECKER, CARL HEINRICH. " Altester geschichtlicher Beleg fur die afrikanische Schlafkrankheit," Der Islam (Strassburg), I (1910). Cf. pp. 197-98. (See also Islamstudien [Leipzig], II [1932], 149-50.)


BEL, ALFRED. "Ibn Khaldun" in Encyclopaedia of Islam (q.v.). Cf. II, 395-96.

BELIAEV, EVGENII ALEKSANDROVICH. " Istoriko-sotsiologicheskaia teoriia Ibn-Khalduna," Istorik Marksist (Moscow), no. 4-5 (1940), 78-84.

BEN CHENEB, MOHAMMED. " Etude sur les personnages mentionnes dans I'Idjaza du cheikh 'Abd El Qadir el Fasy" in Actes du XIV­Congres International des Orientalistes. Algiers, 1905; Paris, 1908. 3 pts. Cf. pt. III, sect. 335, pp. 512-15.

BERCHER, LEON. Initiation a la Tunisie. Paris, 1950. Cf. pp. 191-92. and SURDON, G., trs. See SURDON.

BERGH, SIMON VAN DEN. Umriss der muhammedanischen Wissen­schaften nach Ibn Haldun. Leiden, 1912.

BJORKMAN, WALTHER. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Staatskanzlei im islamischen Agypten. Hamburg, 1928.

BOER, TJITZE J. DE. The History of Philosophy in Islam. London, 1903. Cf. pp. 200-208

Bolshaia Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia. Moscow, 1950, Cf. XVII, 259, s.v. "Ibn Khaldun."

BOMBACI, ALESSIO. "La dottrina storiografica di Ibn Haldun," Annali dells Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, xv (1946), 159-85.

BOMBACI, ALESSIO. "Postille alla traduzione De Slane della Muqaddimah di Ibn Haldun," Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli (Naples), N.S. III (1949), 439-72.

BOSCH, KHEIRALLAH G. "Ibn Khaldun on Evolution," The Islamic Review (Woking), xxxvin (1950), no. 5, p. 26.

BOUSQUET, GEORGES HENRI. Le Droit musulman par les textes. Algiers, 1947. Cf. pp. 93-95.

BOUSQUET, GEORGES HENRI. L'Islam Maghrebin. 4th ed. Algiers, 1954.

BOUTHOUL, GASTON. Ibn-Khaldoun: sa philosophie sociale. Paris, 1930.

BOUTHOUL, GASTON. . "L'Esprit de corps selon Ibn Khaldoun," Revue inter­nationale de Sociologie (Paris), XL (1932), 217-21.

BOUTHOUL, GASTON. . Preface to 2d (reprint) ed. of Les Prolegomenes d'Ibn Khal­doun. . . . Paris, 1934-1938. Cf. I, pp. vii-xxiv. See SLANE (7).

BOUTHOUL, GASTON. Traite de Sociologie: Les Guerres. Paris, 1951. Cf. pp. 388­91.

BOUVAT, LucIEN. L'Empire mongol. Paris, 1927. Cf. pp. 6-7.

BROCKELMANN, CARL. Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur. Vol. 1, Weimar, 1898; vol. ii, Berlin, 1902 (in 3 pts). Cf. 11, 242-45.

BROCKELMANN, CARL. Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur. . 2d ed. Vol. I, Leiden, 1943; Vol. 11, 1944­1949 (6 sects in 3 fascicules). Cf. 11, 314-17.

BROCKELMANN, CARL. Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur. . Supplementbande. Vol. I, Leiden, 1937; vol. II, 1938; vol. 111, 1942 (23 sects in 11 fascicules). Cf. II, 342-44.

BROCKELMANN, CARL.. History of the Islamic Peoples. New York, 1947.

BROWNE, EDWARD GRANVILLE. A Literary History of Persia. London and Cambridge, 1902-1924. 4 vols. Cf. II, 86-89; 111, 412; iv, passim.

BRUNSCHVIG, ROBERT. La Berberie orientale sous lesHafsides des origines a la fin du XV- siecle. Paris, 1940-1947. 2 vols. Cf. 11, 385-94.


BUKHSH, SALAHUDDIN KHUDA. "Ibn Khaldun and his History of Islamic Civilization," Islamic Culture (Hyderabad), 1 (1927), 567-607.

BUKHSH, SALAHUDDIN KHUDA, tr. Contributions to the History of Islamic Civilization. Cal­cutta, 1929-1930. 2 vols. Cf. n, 201-60; for original, see KRE­MER.

BURET, L. "Un Pedagogue arabe du XIV' siecle: Ibn Khaldun," Revue Tunisienne (Tunis), v (1934), 23-32.

BUSTANI, BUTRUS AL-. Da'irat al-ma'arif. Beirut, 1876-1900. 11, vols. Cf. 1, 460-68.

BUSTANI, FUAD IFRAM AL-. "Ibn Khaldun: Extracts from the Prolegomena," ar-Rawa'i (Beirut), 1927, no. 13.

CAHEN, CLAUDE. La Syrie du Nord. Paris, 1940. Cf. pp. 84-85.

CAHUN, LEON. Introduction a l'histoire de l'Asie: Turcs et Mongols. Paris, 1896. Cf. pp. 495-97.

CANARD, MARIUS. "Les Relations entre les Merinides et les Mamelouks au XVI° siecle," Annales de l'Institut d'Etudes Orien­tales (Algiers), v (1939-1941), 41-81.

CARO BAROJA, JULIO. "El Poder Real, segun Aben Jaldun," Africa (Madrid), xii (1955), no. 161, pp. 212-14.

CARO BAROJA, JULIO.. "Aben Jaldun y la ciudad musulmana," ibid., xii (1955), no. 167, pp. 484-88.

CARRA DE VAUX, BERNARD, BARON. Les Penseurs de I'Islam. Paris, 1921-1926. 5 vols. Cf. 1, 278-93.

CASANOVA, PAUL. "La Malhamat dans l'Islam primitif," Revue de l'Histoire des Religions (Paris), LXI (1910), 151-61.

CASANOVA, PAUL. Mohammed et la fin du monde. Paris, 1911. Cf. pp. 45 ff, 133 ff.


CHAIR-RUY, JULES. " Sociologfa y psicologfa de la vida social en la Obra de Ibn Jaldun," Revista Mexicana de Sociologia (Mexico), xxi (1954), no. 4, pp. 7-22.

COLOSIO, STEFANO. " Contribution a 1'etude d'Ibn Khaldoun," Revue du Monde Musulman (Paris), xxvi (1914), 318-38.

COOK, STANLEY ARTHUR. "The Semites: The Writing of History" in The Cambridge Ancient History. Cambridge University Press: New York, 1923-1951. 12 vols. Cf. 1, 223-25.

COQUEBERT DE MONTBRET FILS, E. "Extraits des Prolegomenes historiques d'Ibn-Khaldoun," Journal asiatique (Paris), 1 ser., v (1824), 148-56; vi (1825), 106-13; x (1827), 3-19.

CROZAT, CHARLES. Amme Hukuku Dersleri. Istanbul, 1944-1946. 2 vols.

Da'irat al-Ma'arif al-Islamiyah. [Arabic translation of Encyclopaedia of Islam .] Cairo, 1934. Cf. Vol. L, fasc. 3, pp. 152-55.

DAGHIR, JOSEPH A. Masadir ad-dirasah al-adabiyah. Saida, 1950.

DARBISHIRE, ROBERT S. "The Philosophical Rapprochement of Christendom and Islam in Accordance with Ibn Khaldun's Scientific Criticism," The Moslem World (Hartford), xxx (1940),226-35.

DELVAILLE, JULES. Essai sur l'histoire de l'idee de progres. Paris, 1910. Cf. p. 115.

DERMENGHEM, EMILE. Les Plus Beaux Textes arabes. Paris, 1951. Cf. pp. 209-15, 225-30.

Di MATTEO, IGNAZIO. "It 'tahrif' od alterazione delta Bibbia secondo i musulmani," Bessarione (Rome), xxvi (1922). Cf. pp. 242-43.

DONALDSON, DWIGHT M. "The Shiah Doctrine of the Imamate," The Moslem World (Hartford), xxi (1931), 14-23. DOUTTE, EDMOND. Magie et religion dans l'Afrique du Nord. Algiers, 1909.

DOVER, CEDRIC. "The Racial Philosophy of Ibn Khaldun," Phylon (The Atlanta [Georgia] University), xiii (1952), 107-19.

DOZY, REINHART PIETER ANNE. Historia Abbadidarum: praemissis scriptorum Arabum de ea dynastia locis nunc primum editis. Lugduni [Leiden], 1846. Vols. H (1852) and in (1863), Scriptorum Arabum loci de Abbadidis. Cf. Ii, 206-16; in, 235-36.


DOZY, REINHART PIETER ANNE.Review Of IBN KHALDUN (4) and SLANE (6), q.v., Journal asiatique (Paris), 6 ser., xiv (1869), 133-218.

DOZY, REINHART PIETER ANNE.. Recherches sur l'histoire et la litterature de 1'Espagne pendant le Moyen Age. 3d ed. Leiden, 1881. 2 vols. Cf. 1, 89-116 and Appendices.

DUBLER, CESAR EMIL. "Fuentes arabes y bizantinas en la Primera Cronica General, Intercambios cristiano-islamicos," Vox Romanica (Bern), xii (1951). Cf. pp. 120-22.

ENAN, MUHAMMAD ABDULLAH. Falsafat Ibn Khaldun al-ijtima'iyah. Cairo, 1925. For originals, see HUSAIN, WESENDONK.

ENAN, MUHAMMAD ABDULLAH. Ibn Khaldun:Hayatuhu wa-turathuhu al fikri. Cairo, 1933.

ENAN, MUHAMMAD ABDULLAH. Ibn Khaldun. Cairo, 1939.

ENAN, MUHAMMAD ABDULLAH. Ibn Khaldun: His Life and Work. Lahore, 1941; reprinted 1944; 2d ed., 1946.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago, London, and Toronto, 1950. 24 vols. Cf. xn, 34, s.v. "Ibn Khaldun."

Encyclopaedia of Islam. Leiden and London, 1913-1934. 4 vols. Supplement (in 5 pts.), 1934 - 1938. See ARENDONK, BEL, GIBB (3), MACDONALD (4).

Encyclopedia Americana. New York and Chicago, 195 1. 30 vols. Cf.xiv, 617, s.v. "Ibn Khaldun."

EZZAT, ABDULAZ1Z. Ibn-Khaldoun et sa science sociale. Cairo, 1947.

FARRUKH, 'UMAR. Ibn Khaldun wa-Muqaddimatuhu. Beirut, 1943; 2d ed., 1951.

FARRUKH, 'UMAR. . "Dirasat 'an Muqaddimat Ibn Khaldun," Revue de l'Academie Arabe (Damascus), xxix (1954), 67-76, 203-14.

FARRUKH, 'UMAR. . The Arab Genius in Science and Philosophy. The American Council of Learned Societies: Near East Translation Program, Publication 10. Tr. John B. Hardie. Washington, 1954.

FERRAND, GABRIEL. Relations de voyages et textes geographiques . . . relatifs a 1'Extreme-Orient du VIII` au XVIII' siecles. Paris, 1913-1914. 2 vols. Cf. 11, 459-61.

FERRERO, GUGLIEMO. "Un sociologo arabo del secolo XIV: Ibn Kaldoun, La Riforma sociale (Turin), vi (1896), 221-35.

FINDIKOGLU, ZIYAEDDIN FAHRI. "Ibn Haldun'un hayati ve fikirleri, Ibni Haldun ve Felsefesi," Is Mecmuasi (Istanbul), 1939-1940 et seq.

FINDIKOGLU, ZIYAEDDIN FAHRI "Les Theories de la connaissance et de I'histoire chez Ibn Haldun" in Proceedings of the i0th International Congress of Philosophy. Amsterdam, 1949. 2 vols. Cf. 1, 274-76.

FINDIKOGLU, ZIYAEDDIN FAHRI. La Conception de l'histoire et la theorie methodologique chez Ibn Khaldoun. Ucler Basimeve, Genglik Kitabevi ne§riyati. Ictimai eserler serisi, ix. Istanbul, 1951.

FINDIKOGLU, ZIYAEDDIN FAHRI. "Turklyede Ibn Haldunizm" in Fuad Koprulu Armagani. Istanbul, 1953. Cf. pp. 153-63.


FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. "Ibn Khaldun and Timur" in Actes du XXI' Congres International des Orientalistes. Paris, 1949. Cf. pp. 286-87.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. "Ibn Khaldun and Timur" in Bulletin des etudes arabes (Algiers), 1950, no. 47, p. 61.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. "Ibn Khaldun's Activities in Mamluk Egypt (1382­1406)" in Semitic and Oriental Studies Presented to William Popper. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1951. Cf. pp. 102-24.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. Ibn Khaldun and Tamerlane: Their Historic Meeting in Da­mascus, A.D. 1401 (803 A.H.). A study based on Arabic Manu­scripts of Ibn Khaldun's "Autobiography," with a translation into English, and a commentary. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1952. For Persian translation, see NAFISI (2).

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. "The Biography of Ibn Khaldun" in Yearbook: The Ameri­can Philosophical Society: 1953. Philadelphia, 1954. Cf. pp. 240­41.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. Ibn Khaldun's Use of Jewish and Christian Sources" in Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Orientalists. Cambridge, 1954. Cf. pp. 332-33.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. "Ibn Khaldun and Josippon" in Homenaje a Millas-V'alli­crosa. Barcelona, 1954-1956. 2 vols. Cf. I, 587-98.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. "Ibn Khaldun's 'Autobiography' in the Light of External Arabic Sources" in Studi orientalistici in onore di Giorgio Levi Della rida. Rome, 1956. 2 vols. Cf. 1, 287-308.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. "Ibn Khaldun's Sources for the History of Jenghiz Khan and the Tatars," Journal of the American Oriental Society (Bal­timore), Lxxvl (1956), 91-99.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. "Ibn Khaldun: On the Bible, Judaism and Jews" in Ignace Goldziher Memorial Volume. Budapest, 1948; Jerusalem, 1956. Cf. 11, 147-71.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. "A New Latin Source on Tamerlane's Conquest of Damascus (1400/1401): B. de Mignanelli's Vita Tamerlani (1416), Translated into English with an Introduction and a Commentary," Oriens (Leiden), Ix (1956), 201-232.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. "Ibn Khaldun's Contribution to Comparative Religion" in University of California Publications in Semitic Philology (Berkeley and Los Angeles), in press.

FLINT, ROBERT. History of the Philosophy of History in France, Bel­gium, and Switzerland. Edinburgh, 1893. Cf. pp. 157-70.

FLUGEL, GUSTAV LEBERECHT. "Ibn Chaldun" in Allgemeine En­cyclopadie der Wissenschaften and Kunste, eds. Ersch and Gruber. Leipzig, 1818-1850. 3 sects in 99, 43, and 25 pts. Cf. sect. 2, pt. 15, pp. 26-28.


FRANK, HERMAN. Beitrag zur Erkenntniss des Sufismus nach Ibn Haldun. Inaugural-Dissertation. Leipzig, 1884.

FREYTAG, GEORG WILHELM FRIEDRICH. Chrestomathia Arabica grammatica historica. Bonn, 1834. Cf. pp. 150-82.

GABRIELI, FRANCESCO. "Il concetto della 'asabiyya nel pensiero storico di Ibn Ualdun," Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (Turin), LXV (1930), 473-512.

GABRIELI, FRANCESCO. . Storia della letteratura araba. Milan, 1951. Cf. pp. 263-65.

GABRIELI, GIUSEPPE. "Saggio di bibliografia e concordanza della storia di Ibn ljaldun," Rivista degli studi orientali (Rome), x (1924),169-211.

GARCIN DE TASSY, JOSEPH HELIODORE SAGESSE VERTU. "Supple­ment a la Notice de M. de Hammer, sur 1'Introduction a la con­naissance de l'Histoire, celebre ouvrage arabe d'Ibn Khale­doun," Journal asiatique (Paris), I ser., iv (1824), 158-61.

GARDET, LOUIS. La Cite musulmane: Vie sociale et politique. Paris, 1954.

GARDET, LOUIS and ANAWATI, M. M. "La Place du Kalam d'apres Ibn Khaldun" in Introduction a la theologie musulmane. Paris, 1948. Cf. pp. 121-24 and passim.

GAUDEFROY-DEMOMBYNES, MAURICE. "Ibn Khaldoun, Histoire des Benou'l-Ahmar, rois de Grenade," Journal asiatique (Paris), 9 ser., xii (1898), 309-40, 407-62.

GAUTIER, EMILE FEUX. "Un Passage d'Ibn Khaldoun et du Ba yan," Hesperis (Paris), XLI (1924), 305-12.

GAUTIER, EMILE FEUX. L'Islamisation de l'Afrique du Nord: Les siecles obscurs du Maghreb. Paris, 1927. See MARGAIS, WILLIAM.

GAUTIER, EMILE FEUX. Meeurs et coutumes des Musulmans. Paris, 1931.


GIBB, HAMILTON ALEXANDER ROSSKEEN. Arabic Literature. Oxford, 1926. Cf. pp. 112-13.

GIBB, HAMILTON ALEXANDER ROSSKEEN. "The Islamic Background of Ibn Khaldun's Political Theory," Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies (London), vii (1933-1935),23-31.

GIBB, HAMILTON ALEXANDER ROSSKEEN. "Ta'rikh" in Encyclopaedia of Islam (q.v.). Cf. Supplement, pp. 233-45.

GIBB, HAMILTON ALEXANDER ROSSKEEN. Modern Trends in Islam. Chicago, 1947.

GIESECKE, HEINZ HELMUT. Das Werk des 'Aziz b. `Ardassir Astarabadi. Leipzig, 1940. Cf. pp. 114-15.

GOITEIN, SOLOMON DOB FRITZ. [Extracts from Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddima ( On the Method of History ).] In Hebrew, with introduction, notes, and vocabulary. Jerusalem, 1943.

GOITEIN, SOLOMON DOB FRITZ. "An Arab on Arabs: Ibn Khaldun's Views on the Arab Nation," The New East, Quarterly of the Israel Oriental Society (Jerusalem), 1 (1950), nos. 2-3, 115-21, 198-201. In He­brew; English summary in no. 3.

GOLDZIHER, IGNAZ. "Linguistisches aus der Literatur der muham­medanischen Mystik," Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft (Leipzig), xxvi (1872). Cf. pp. 766-67.

GOLDZIHER, IGNAZ. "Uber muhammedanische Polemik gegen Ahl al-Kitab," ibid., xxxii (1878). Cf. pp. 345, 361, 368.

GOLDZIHER, IGNAZ. "Materialien zur Kenntnis der Almohadenbewegung in Nord-Afrika," ibid., XLI (1887), 30-140.

GOLDZIHER, IGNAZ. Die Zahiriten. Leipzig, 1884.

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GOLDZIHER, IGNAZ. A Short History of Arabic Literature. Translated from Croatian into Hebrew by P. Shinar. Jerusalem, 1952. Cf. pp. 140-41.

GONZALEZ-PALENCIA, ANGEL. Historia de la literatura Arabigo­Espanola. 2nd ed. Barcelona, 1945. Cf. pp. 183-85.

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GRUNEBAUM, GUSTAVE EDMUND VON. "as-Sakkaki: on Milieu and Thought," Journal of the American Oriental Society (Baltimore), LXV (1945). Cf. p. 62.

GRUNEBAUM, GUSTAVE EDMUND VON. Medieval Islam: A Study in Cultural Orientation. 2d ed. Chicago, 1953.

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GUERNIER, EUGENE LEONARD. La Berbirie, l'Islam et la France. Paris, 1950. Cf. pp. 226-35, 396-402.

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GUILLAUME, ALFRED. The Traditions of Islam. Oxford, 1924. Cf. pp. 89-93, 159-68.

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GUILLAUME, ALFRED and ARNOLD, SIR THOMAS WALKER, eds. The Legacy of Islam. Oxford, 1931.

GUMPLOWICZ, LUDWIG. "Ibn Chaldun, ein arabischer Sociologe des 14. Jahrhunderts" in Sociologische Essays. Innsbruck, 1899.

GUMPLOWICZ, LUDWIG. "Un Sociologue arabe du XIV* siecle" in Aperfus socio­logiques. Lyon and Paris, 1900. Cf. pp. 201-26.

HAJJI KHALIFAH, MUSTAFA B. 'ABDALLAH. Kashf az-zunun: Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopaedicum. Ed. G. Fliigel. Leipzig and London, 1835-1858. 7 vols. Cf. II, no. 2085, p. 101 and passim.

HAMMER-PURGSTALL, JOSEPH, FREIHERR VON. Ober den Verfall des Islam each den ersten drei Jahrhunderten der Hidschra. Vienna, 1812.

HAMMER-PURGSTALL, JOSEPH, FREIHERR VON. "Description des noces de Bouran" in Fundgruben des Orients (Vienna), v (1816). Cf. p. 389.

HAMMER-PURGSTALL, JOSEPH, FREIHERR VON. "Extraits d'Ibn Khaledoun" in ibid., vi (1818), 301-7, 362-64.

HAMMER-PURGSTALL, JOSEPH, FREIHERR VON. "Notice sur l'Introduction a la connaissance de 1'histoire, Celebre Ouvrage arabe d'Ibn Khaldoun," Journal asiatique (Paris), 1 ser., 1 (1822), 267-78; Iv, 158-61.

HAMMER-PURGSTALL, JOSEPH, FREIHERR VON. Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches. Pest, 1827-1835. 10 vols. Cf. 1, 301; III, 489; VII, 253.

HAWFI, A. M. AL-. Ma' Ibn Khaldun. Cairo, 1952.

HERBELOT DE MOLAINVILLE, BARTHELEMY D ' . "Khaledoun" in Bibliotheque orientale, ou Dictionaire universel. . . . Paris, 1697. Cf. II, 418.

HEYWORTH-DUNN E, GAMAL-EDDINE. A Basic Bibliography on Islam.
The Muslim World Series, Iv. Cairo, 1955. Cf. pp. 28-30.

HIMSI, NAIM AL-. "al-Balagha bayn al-lafz wa-l-ma'na," Revue de l'Academie Arabe (Damascus), xxv (1950), 447-48.

HIRSCHBERG, H. Z. ["The Berber Heroine Known as the 'Ka­hena' "], Tarbiz (Jerusalem), xxvi (1967), 370-83. In He­brew.

HITTI, PHILIP KHORI. History of the Arabs. London and New York, 1951.

HOOGVLIET, MARINUS. Specimen e litteris orientalibus exhibens diversorum scriptorum locos de regia Aphtasidarum familia... . Leiden, 1839.

HORTEN, MAx. Die Philosophie des Islam. Munich, 1924.

HOSTELET, GEORGES. "Ibn Khaldoun, un precurseur arabe de la sociologie au XIV' siecle," Revue de l'Institut de Sociologie (Brussels), 1936, pp. 151-56.

HUART, CLEMENT IMBAULT. Litterature arabe. Paris, 1923. Cf. pp. 345-49.

HUSAIN, TAHA. Etude analytique et critique de la philosophie sociale d'Ibn Khaldoun. Paris, 1917. For Arabic translation, see ENAN

HUSARI, SATI AL-. Dirasah 'an Muqaddimat Ibn Khaldun. Beirut, 1943-1944. 2 vols.

HUSARI, SATI AL-. "La Sociologie d'Ibn Khaldun" in Actes du XV- Congres International de Sociologie. Istanbul, 1952.

IBN AL-FURAT, NASIR AD-DIN MUHAMMAD. at-Ta'rikh. Beirut, 1936-1938. Cf. vol. ix.

IBN AL-'IMAD. Shadhardt adh-dhahab fi akhbdr man dhahab. Cairo, 1350-1351 [1931-1933]. Cf. Vol. vu, pp. 76-77.

IBN AL-KHATIB, LISAN-AD-DIN. al-Ihdtah fi akhbdr Gharndtah. Cairo, 1319 [1901]. 2 vols. See MAQQAR1 (1).

IBN 'ARABSHAH, AHMAD B. MUHAMMAD. 'Ajd'ib al-magdur fi akhbdr Timur: Ahmedis Arabsiadae, vitae et rerum gestarum Timur, qui vulgo Tamerlanes dicitur, historia. Ed. S. H. Manger. Leovardiae [Leeuwarden], 1767-1772.2 vols. Cf. ii, 62-70, 786-96. Other editions: Calcutta, 1841; Cairo, 1868. For English translation, see SANDERS.

IBN 'ARABSHAH, AHMAD B. MUHAMMAD. Kitab Fakihat al-khulafa' wa-muafkahat az-zurafa': Fructus Imperatorum. Ed. G. Freytag. Bonn, 1832-1852.2 pts in 1 vol. Cf. 1, 151; II, 94.


IBN IYAS , MUHAMMAD B. AHMAD. Bada'i' az-zuhur fi waqa'i' ad­duhur. Bulaq, 1311-1312 [1893-1895]. 3 vols. Cf. Vol. I.

IBN JULJUL, AL-ANDALUSI ABO DAWOD SULAYMAN B. HASSAN. Les Generations des medecins et des sages. Ed. Fu'ad Sayyid. Cairo, 1955.

IBN KHALDON, WALL AD-DIN 'ABD-AR-RAHMAN. [History.] Kitab al-'Ibar wa-diwan al-mubtada' wa-l-khabar. Bulaq, 1284 [1867/68]. 7 vols. For partial Turkish translation, see SuBH! PASHA.

IBN KHALDON, WALL AD-DIN 'ABD-AR-RAHMAN. Histoire des Berberes et des dynasties musulmanes de l'Afrique septentrionale. Texte arabe publ. par M. de Slane. Algiers, 1847-1851. 2 vols. Corresponds to vols vi and vii of the preceding. For French translation, see SLANE (4), (5).

IBN KHALDON, WALL AD-DIN 'ABD-AR-RAHMAN  . Ta'rikh Ibn Khaldun al-musammd bi-Kitdb al-'Ibar. Ed. Emir Shakib Arslan. Cairo, 1936. 3 vols. Corresponds to vol. ii and part of vol. iii of the Bulaq edition, plus a separate vol. of Appendices.

IBN KHALDON, WALL AD-DIN ' ABD-AR-RAHMAN. [Muqaddimah.] Prolegomenes d'Ebn-Khaldoun. Texte Arabe par E. Quatremere. Notices et Extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Imperiale (Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres), vols. xvI - xviIi. Paris, 1858. For Urdu translation, see ALLAHABAD. Turkish, see PIRI ZADEH. French, see SLANE (6), (7). English, see ROSENTHAL, F. (4).

IBN KHALDON, WALL AD-DIN 'ABD-AR-RAHMAN   . [Autobiography.] at-Ta'rif bi-Ibn Khaldun wa-rihlathu gharban wa-sharqan. Ed. Muhammad b. TAwit at-Tanji. Cairo, 1370 [1951]. Complete Arabic text. For French translation, see SLANE (1), (2). English, see FISCHEL (4).

IBN KHALDON, WALL AD-DIN 'ABD-AR-RAHMAN. Kitdb al-Ibar. Bulaq, 1860. 7 vols. Cf. vii, 379­462, for fragmentary Arabic text of the Autobiography.

IBN KHALDON, WALL AD-DIN 'ABD-AR-RAHMAN. Muqaddimah. Cairo, 1904. Fragmentary Arabic text of the Autobiography on the margins.

IBN KHALDON, WALL AD-DIN 'ABD-AR-RAHMAN. [Treatise on Logic.] Lubdb al-Muhassal fi" usul ad-din (de Ibn Jaldun). Ed. and tr., Fr. Luciano Rubio. Tetuan, 1952. Arabic text only has appeared.

IBN AS-SIDDIQ, A. Ibrdx al-wahm al-maknun min kaldm Ibn Khaldun. Damascus, 1347 [1929].

IBN TAGHRI BIRD!, ABU L-MAHASIN YOSUF. an-Nujum ax-zdhirah fi muluk Misr wa-l-Qdhirah. Ed. W. Popper. University of California Publications in Semitic Philology (Berkeley), vol. vi (1915-1918). Cf. pp. 2, 122, 276.

IBRAHIM-HILMY, PRINCE. The Literature of Egypt and the Soudan from the Earliest Times to the Tear 1885. A Bibliography. Lon­don, 1886-1887. 2 vols. Cf. 1, 316-17.

IORGA, NICOLAE. Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches. Gotha, 1908­1913. 5 vols. Cf. 1, 317-38.

IQBAL, SIR MOHAMMAD. The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam. Oxford, 1934.

ISKANDARI, AHMAD AL-. "Ibn Khaldun," Revue de I'Academie Arabe (Damascus), 1x (1929), 421-32, 461-71.

ISSAWI, CHARLES, tr. An Arab Philosophy of History: Selections from the Prolegomena of Ibn Khaldun of Tunis (1332-1406). The Wisdom of the East Series. London, 1950.

ISSAWI, CHARLES. "Arab Geography and the Circumnavigation of Africa," Osiris (Bruges), x (1952), 117-28.

JABRI, SHAFIQ. "Mustalahat Ibn Khaldun," Revue de l'Acadimie Arabe (Damascus), xxvi (1951), 370-76. JOMIER, JACQUES. Le Commentaire coranique du Mandr. Paris, 1954.

JULIEN, CHARLES ANDRE. Histoire de L'Afrique du Nord. 2d ed. Paris, 1952. Cf. pp. 134-35.

KAY, HENRY CASSELS, ed. and tr. Taman: Its Early Medieval History by Najm ad-din 'Omdrah al-Hakami, also the Abridged History of its Dynasties by Ibn Khaldun.... London, 1892. Cf. pp. 138-90.

KHADDURI, MAJID. War and Peace in the Law of Islam. Baltimore, 1955.

KHADDURI, MAJID and LIEBESNY, HERBERT J., eds. Law in the Middle East. Washington, 1955. 1 vol. only has appeared: Origin and Devel­opment of Islamic Law. Cf. esp., ch. 10, "Judicial Organization" by E. TYAN (q.v.).

KHEMIRI, TAHIR. "Der 'Asablja-Begriffin der Muqaddima des Ibn Haldun," Der Islam (Berlin), xxiii (1936), 163-88.

KHUDR AT-TUNISI, MUHAMMAD. Uaydtu Ibn KhaldUn. Cairo, 1925. KHORI, RAW. "Ibn Khaldun wa-Hegel," at-Tariq (Beirut), in (1944), fasc. 3, p. 5.

KOBERT, RAIMUND. "Gedanken zum semitischen Wort- and Satz­

bau, No. 9: 'Ibar = I'tibar," Orientalia (Rome), N.S. xv (1946),151-54.

KRAMERS, JOHANNES HENDRIK. Analecta orientalia: Posthumous

Writings and Selected Minor Works. Leiden, 1954 - 1956. 2 vols. Cf. "L'Islam et la democratie," II, 168-83; "La Sociologie de l'Islam," H, 184-93; "L'Etat musulman," II, 194-201.

KREMER, ALFRED, FREIHERR VON. "Ibn Chaldun and seine Kul­turgeschichte der islamischen Reiche," Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-hist. Masse (Vienna), xClll (1879), 581-634. For English translation, see BUKHSH (2).

KURD, 'ALI MUHAMMAD. "Ibn Khaldun," Revue de I'Academie Arabe (Damascus), xxi-xxii (1946-1947), 396-404.

. "Ibn Khaldun wa-Timurlank" [According to Ibn az­Zamlakani], ibid., xxiii (1948), 159.

LANCI, MICHELE ANGELO. Dissertazionestorico-critica sugli Omireni e loro forme di scrivere trovate ne' codici Vaticano. Appresso a un Articolo di Eben Caliduno intorno all'arabesca Paleografia. Rome, 1820.

LAOUST, HENRI. Essai sur les doctrines sociales et politiques de Taki-d­Din b. Taimiya. Cairo, 1939.

LE BON, GUSTAVE. La Civilization des Arabes. Paris, 1884.

LEVI DELLA VIDA, GIORGIO. "The 'Bronze Era' in Moslem Spain," Journal of the American Oriental Society (Baltimore), LXIII (1943), no. 3, 183-91.

LEVI DELLA VIDA, GIORGIO. "La traduzione araba delle Storie di Orosio" in Miscellanea Giovanni Galbiati. Fontes ambrosiani, 25-27. Milan, 1951. 3 vols. Cf. 111, 185-203.

LEVI DELLA VIDA, GIORGIO, al-Andalus (Madrid and Granada), xix (1954), 257-93. Reprint of the preceding, corrected and augmented.

LEVI DELLA VIDA, GIORGIO. "Ibn Khaldun" in Collier's Encyclopedia. New York, 1952. 20 vols. Cf. x, 326.

LEVI-PROVENCAL, EVARISTE. "Note sur 1'exemplaire du Kitdb al­'Ibar offert par Ibn Ijaldun a la Bibliotheque d'al-Karawiyin a Fes," Journal asiatique (Paris), ccin (1923), 161-68.

LEVI-PROVENCAL, EVARISTE. Communication to the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres in Comptes rendus: Seances de l'Annee 1923. Paris, 1923. Cf. pp. 202-3.

LEVI-PROVENCAL, EVARISTE. L'Espagne musulmane au X=e siecle. Paris, 1932.

LEVI-PROVENCAL, EVARISTE . Extraits des historiens arabes du Maroc. 3d ed. Paris, 1948.

LEVI-PROVENCAL, EVARISTE. Histoire de l'Espagne musulmane. Paris and Leiden, 1950­1953. 3 vols.

LEVIN, I. "Ibn-Chaldun, arabski sociolog XIV vieka," Novyi Vostok (Moscow), xIi (1926), 241-63.

LEVY, REUBEN. An Introduction to the Sociology of Islam. London, 1931-1933. 2 vols.

LEVY, REUBEN2d ed. The Social Structure of Islam. Cambridge University Press, 1957.

LEWIS, BERNARD. The Arabs in History. London, 1950.

LICHTENSTADTER, ILSE. "Arabic and Islamic Historiography," The Moslem World (Hartford), xxxv (1945), 126-32.


LUCIANI, J. D. "La Theorie du droit musulman (Ougoul el-fiqh) d'apres Ibn Khaldoun," Revue africaine (Algiers), LXIX (1928), 49-64.

MACDONALD, DUNCAN BLACK. Ibn Khaldiln:.A Selection from the Prolegomena of Ibn Khaldttn. With Notes and an English­German Glossary. Semitic Study Series, iv. Leiden, 1905; reprinted 1948.

MACDONALD, DUNCAN BLACK . Aspects of Islam. New York, 1911. Cf. pp. 309-19.

MACDONALD, DUNCAN BLACK. The Religious Attitude and Life in Islam. 2d ed. Chicago, 1912. Cf. pp. 41-79, 95-124, 130-33, 165-74.

MACDONALD, DUNCAN BLACK. "Kalam" and "al-Mahdi" in Encyclopaedia of Islam (q.v.). Cf. 11, 673 ff.; 111, 113-15.

MACHADO, JOSE PEDRO. "A Lingua Arebica do Andaluz Segundo os'Prolegomenos' de Then Caldune," Boletim de Filologia (Lisbon), vii (1944), 401-18.

MACHADO, OSVALDO A. "La historia de los Godos seglin Ibn Jaldun," Cuadernos de Historia de Espafla (Buenos Aires), i-ii (1944), 139 - 53.

MACHADO, OSVALDO A. "Historia de los Arabes de Espafla por Ibn Jaldun," ibid. (1946-1948): iv, 136-47; vi, 146-53; vii, 138-45; vin, 148-58.

MACHUEL, Louis. Les Auteurs arabes. Pages choisies des grands ecrivains. Paris, 1912. Cf. pp. 342-48.

MAGALI-BOISNARD, MME. "La Vie singuliere d'Ibn Khaldoun, historien des Arabes et des Berberes," Bulletin de la Society de Geographie d'Alger et de l'Afrique du Nord (Algiers), 1929, no. 120, pp. 497-514.

MAGALI-BOISNARD, MME. Le Roman de Khaldoun. Paris, 1930.

MAGHRIBI, 'ABD AL-QADIR AL-. "Ibn Khaldun bi-l-madrasah al-'Adiliyah bi-Dimashq" in Muhammad wa-l-Mar'ah. Damas­cus, 1347 [1929]. Cf. pp. 38-82.

MAHDI, MUHSIN. Ibn Khaldun's Philosophy of History: A Study in the Philosophic Foundation of the Science of Culture. London, 1957.

MAHMASSANl, SOBHI. Les Idees economiques d'Ibn Khaldoun: Essai historique, analytique et critique. Lyon, 1932.

MAITROT DE LA MOTTE-CAPRON, A. "Essai sur le nomadisme," Revue internationale de Sociologie (Paris), XLVII (1939), 321-26.

Majallat al-HadIth (Aleppo), Sept., 1932. Special issue on the occasion of Ibn Khaldun's sexcentenary.

MAQQARI, AHMAD B. MUIJAMMAD AL-. Nafh at-tlb min ghusn al­Andalus ar-ratib. Bulaq, 1279 [1862/631. 4 vols. Cf. iv, 414-26.

MAQQARI, AHMAD B. MUIJAMMAD AL-. The History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain.. . Tr. Pascual de Gayangos. London, 1840-1843. 2 vols. Cf. I (Appendix B), xxvu-xui; li (Appendix D), XLIX-LXXX.

MAQQARI, AHMAD B. MUIJAMMAD AL- . Analectes sur !'histoire et la litterature des Arabes d'Espagne. Eds. R. Dozy et alii. 2 vols. Vol. I, Leiden, 1855-1860; vol. ii, 1858-1861.

MAQRIZI, TAQI AD-DIN AHMAD AL-. al-Khitat: al-Mawd'ix wa-1­i'tibdr bi-dhikr al-khitat wa-l-dthdr. Bulaq, 1270 [1853]. 2 vols. Cf. 11 , 76, 190.

MARCAIS, GEORGES. La Guerre vue par Ibn Khaldoun. Bulletin d'Information du Gouvernement General de 1'Algerie. Algiers, 1939. Cf. pp. 293-95.

MARCAIS, GEORGES. Les Idees d' Ibn Khaldoun sur l'evolution des soaetes. Bulletin d'Information du Gouvernement General de 1'Algerie. Algiers, 1940. Cf. pp. 465-68.

MARCAIS, GEORGES. "Les Idees d'Ibn Khaldoun sur !'histoire," Bulletin des etudes arabes (Algiers), no. 1 (1941), pp. 3-5.

MARCAIS, GEORGES. La Berberee musulmane et l'Orient au Moyen Age. Paris, 1946.

MARCAIS, GEORGES"Ibn Khaldoun et le livre des Prolegomenes," Revue de la Mediterranee (Paris and Algiers), Iv (1950), no. 38, pp. 406­420; no. 39, pp. 524-34.

MARCAIS, WILLIAM. Review of GAUTIER (2), Revue critique d'histoire de litterature (Paris), N.s. xcvi (1929), 255-270.

MARGOLIOUTH, DAVID SAMUEL. Lectures on Arabic Historians. Calcutta, 1930. Cf. pp. 156-58.

MARGOLIOUTH, DAVID SAMUEL. "Ibn Khaldun" in Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences. New York, 1942. 15 vols. Cf. vii, 564-65.

MARIAS AGUILAR, JULIAN. La filosofia en los textos. Barcelona, 1950. 2 vols. Cf. 1, 450-63.

MAUNIER, RENE. "Les Idees economiques d'un philosophe arabe, Ibn Khaldoun," Revue d'Histoire economique et sociale (Paris), vi (1912), 409-19.

MAUNIER, RENE. "Les Idees sociologiques d'un philosophe arabe au XIV" siecle," Revue internationale de Sociologie (Paris), xxiii (1915), 142-54; reprinted in L'Egypte contemporaine (Cairo), viii (1917), 31-43.

MAUNIER, RENE. Melanges de sociologie nord-africaine. Paris, 1930. Contains the two preceding titles; cf. pp. 1-35.

MENASCE, PIERRE JEAN DE. Arabische Philosophie. Bibliographische Einfuhrungen in das Studium der Philosophie. Bern, 1948. Cf. p. 24.

MERAD, ALI. "L'Autobiographie d'Ibn Khaldun," IBLA (Tunis), xix (1956), 53-64.

MERCIER, ERNEST. Histoire de l'etablissement des Arabes dans l'Afrique septentrionale selon les documents fournis par les auteurs arabes et notamment par !'histoire des Berberes d'Ibn Khaldoun. Constantine, 1875.

MERCIER, ERNEST. Histoire de l'Afrique septentrionale. Paris, 1888-1891. 3 vols.

MEYER, EDUARD. Geschichte des Altertums. 3d ed. Berlin and Stuttgart, 1902-1999. 5 vols in 7. Cf. 1, 83-84.

MEYERHOF, MAX. "An Early Mention of Sleeping Sickness in Arabic Chronicles," Journal of the Egyptian Medical Association (Cairo), xxiv (1941), 284-86.

MONTAGNE, ROBERT. La Civilisation du desert. Paris, 1947.

MUHASIB, JAMAL AL-. "at-Tarbiyah `ind Ibn Khaldun" [Ibn Khal­dun's Theory of Education], al-Machriq (Beirut), XLIII (1949), 365-98.

MUHTADI, SHUKRI. "'Abd-ar-Rahman Ibn Khaldun," al-Mugtataf (Cairo), 11 (1927), 167-73, 270-77.

MULLER, AUGUST. Der Islam im Morgen- and Abendland. Berlin, 1885-1887. 2 vols. Cf. li, 666-70.

NAFISI, SA'ID. "Ibn Khaldun" in Farhang-ndmah-1 Pdrsi [Persian Encyclopedia], ed. idem. Teheran, 1950. Cf 1, 528-532.

NAFISI, SA'ID. Persian translation of FISCHEL (4). Teheran, 1957.

NASHAAT, MOIJAMMAD'ALI. "Ibn Khaldoun, Pioneer Economist," L'Egypte contemporaine (Cairo), xxxv (1945), no. 220, pp. 375-490.

NASHAAT, MOIJAMMAD'ALI. The Economic Ideas in the Prolegomena of Ibn Khaldun. Cairo, 1944.

NASIRI, AHMAD B. KHALID AN-. Kitdb al-Istiqsa' li-akhbar duwal al-maghrib al-agsa. Casablanca, 1954-1955. 4 vols.

NASIRI, AHMAD B. KHALID AN-. French translation of vol. Iv of the preceding (Les Merinides), by Ismael Hamet, in Archives marocaines, xxxiii (1934). Cf. Index, p. 588, s.v. "Ibn Khal­doun."

NICHOLSON, REYNOLD ALLEYNE. Translations of Eastern Poetry and Prose. Cambridge, 1922. Cf, pp. 176-85.

NICHOLSON, REYNOLD ALLEYNE. A Literary History of the Arabs. London, 1923. Cf. pp. 437-40.

NOEL DES VERGERS, MARIE JOSEPH ADOLPHE, ed. and tr. Histoire de l'AAfique sous la dynastie des Aghlabites et de la Sicile sous la domination musulmane.. Texte arabe d'Ebn Khaldoun, accompagne d'une traduction francaise et de notes. Paris, 1841.

NYKL, ALOIS RICHARD. Hispano-Arabic Poetry and Its Relations with the Old Provenfal Troubadours. Baltimore, 1946.

OPPENHEIMER, FRANZ. System der Soziologie. Jena, 1922-1935. 4 vols. Cf. II, 173 ff.; IV, 251 ff.

ORTEGA Y GASSET, JOSE. "Abenjaldun nos revels el secreto. (Pensamientos sobre Africa Menor)" in El Espectador. Madrid, 1916-1934. 8 vols. Cf. vul, 9-53.

PELLAT, CHARLES. Langue et litterature arabes. Paris, 1952. Cf. pp. 177-80.

PERES, HENRI. La Poe'sie andalouse en Arabe classique au XI'siicle. Paris, 1937; 2d ed., 1953.

PERES, HENRI. Ibn Khaldoun (1832-1406): Extraits choisis de la "Muqaddima" et du "Kitab al-'Ibar." Algiers, 1947.

PERES, HENRI. "Essai de bibliographie d'Ibn ijaldun" in Studi orien­talistici in onore di Giorgio Levi Della Vida. Rome, 1956. 2 vols. Cf. H, 304-29.

PERES, HENRIand BRUNSCHVIG, ROBERT. "Ibn Khaldoun: sa vie et son oeuvre (Bibliographie)," Bulletin des etudes arabes (Algiers), 1943, pp. 55-60, 145-46.

PIQUET, VICTOR. Les Civilisations de l'Afrique du Nord. Paris, 1909.

PIRI ZADEH, MEHMED SAIJIB, and AHMED JEVDET. ' Unwan as-siyar: Tarjumen muqaddamat Ibn Khalduni. Constantinople, 1863. 3 vols. For original, see IBN KHALDUN [Muqaddimah].

PIZZI, ITALO. Letteratura Araba. Milan, 1903. Cf. pp. 333-37.

PLESSNER, MARTIN.. "Beltrage zur islamischen Literaturge­schichte," Islamica (Leipzig), IV (1931), 538-42.

PONCET, J. "L'Evolution des 'genres de vie' en Tunisie: autour d'une phrase d'Ibn Khaldoun," Cahiers de Tunisie, H (1954), 315-23.

PONS BOIGUES, FRANCISCO. Ensayo bio-bibliografico sobre los historiadores y geografos .Arabigo-Espanoles. Madrid, 1898. Cf. pp. 350-62.

PRAKASH, BUDDHA. "Ibn Khaldun's Philosophy of History," Islamic Culture (Hyderabad), xxvlli (1954), 492-508; xxlx (1955), 104-19, 184-90, 225-36.

QADIR, 'ABD AL-. "The Social and Political Ideas of Ibn Khaldun," The Indian Journal of Political Science (Allahabad), iii (1941), 117-26.

QADIR, 'ABD AL- . "The Economic Ideas of Ibn Khaldun," ibid., xxII (1942), 898-907.

QALQASHANDI, AHMAD AL-. SUM al-A'shd. Cairo, 1913-1919. 14 vols. Cf. vols. Iv-VII; XIII.

QAMIR, YUIUANNA. Muqaddimat Ibn Khaldun : dirasah, mukhtdrdt. Beirut, 1947. Cf. pp. 1-47.


RAPPOPORT, CHARLES. Zur Characteristik der Methode and Hauptrichtungen der Philosophie der Geschichte. Berner Studien zur Philosophie and ihrer Geschichte, III. Bern, 1896. Cf. pp. 75­79.

RAPPOPORT, CHARLES. La Philosophie de 1'histoire comme science de l'evolution. Paris, 1903; 2d ed., 1925. Cf. pp. 78-88.

REINAUD, JOSEPH TOUSSAINT. " Ibn-Khaldoun" in Nouvelle Biographie Generale, ed. Didot. Paris, 1877. 46 vols. Cf. xxv, 740-47.

RENAUD, HENRI PAUL JOSEPH. " Divination et histoire nord-af­ricaine aux temps d'Ibn Khaldoun," Hesperis (Paris), (1943),213-91.

RENAUD, HENRI PAUL JOSEPH. "Sur un passage d'Ibn Khaldoun relatif a 1'histoire de Mathematique," ibid., xxii (1944), 35-47.

RIBERA Y TARRAGG, JULIAN. La ensenafiza entre los Musulmanes espafloles. Saragossa, 1893.

RICHTER, GUSTAV. Das Geschichtsbild der arabischen Historiker des Mittelalters. Tubingen, 1933. Cf. pp. 24-25.

RITTER, HELLMUT. " Irrational Solidarity Groups: A Socio-Psy­ chological Study in Connection with Ibn Khaldun," Oriens (Leiden), I (1948), 1-44.

RITTER, HELLMUT . "Autographs in Turkish Libraries," ibid., vi (1953), 83.

RIZA, HAMID. " Ibn Khaldun, the Philosopher of History," Islamic Review (Woking), xxv, (1938), 267-71.

ROSENTHAL, ERWIN ISAK JAKOB. Ibn Khalduns Gedanken fiber den Staat: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Staats­lehre. Munich and Berlin, 1932.

ROSENTHAL, ERWIN ISAK JAKOB. "Ibn Khaldun: A North African Muslim Thinker of the 14th Century," Bulletin of the John Rylands Library (Man­chester), xxIv (1940), 307-20.

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ROSENTHAL, ERWIN ISAK JAKOB. "Ibn Jaldun's Attitude to the Falasifa," al-Andalus (Ma­drid and Granada), xx (1955), 75-85.

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ROSSI , GIOVANNI BERNARDO DE. Dizionario storico degli autori arabi. Parma, 1807. Cf. p. 56.

RUBIO, FR. LUCIANO. "En torno a los 'Prolegomenos' de Aben­jaldun: Muqaddima o Muqaddama?" La Ciudad de Dios (Madrid), CLXII (1950), 171-78.

RUBIO, FR. LUCIANO. ed. See IBN KHALDUN [Treatise on Logic].

SAKHAWI, MUHAMMAD B. 'ABD AR-RAI3MAN AS-. al-flan bi-t­tawbikh li-man dhamma ahl at-ta'rikh. Damascus, 1349 [1930].

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SAMI AL-KAYALI. " Ibn Khaldun wa 1-'Arab" in al-Filer al-'Arabiyah. Cairo, 1943. Cf. pp. 13-26.

SANCHEZ-ALBORNOZ Y MEDUIRA, CLAUDIO. "Ben Jaldun ante Pedro El Cruel" in idem (ed.), La Espaiia musulmana segun los autores islamitas y cristianos medievales. Buenos Aires, 1946. 2 vols. Cf. 11, 422-23.

SANDERS, JOHN HERNE. Tamerlane or Timur the Great Amir. From the Arabic Life by Ahmed Ibn Arabshah. London, 1936. For original, see IBN 'ARABSHAH ( I ).

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SARKIS, JOSEPH ELIAN. Dictionnaire encyclopedique de bibliographie arabe. Cairo, 1928-1931. In 11 pts. Cf. cols. 95-97.

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SIMON, MARCEL. " Le Judaisme berbere dans l'Afrique ancienne," Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie religieuses (Strasbourg), xxvi (1946), 1-31, 105-45.

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SLANE, WILLIAM MACGUCKIN, BARON DE, in his Introduction to idem (tr.), Prolegomenes historiques d'Ibn Khaldoun, q.v. (infra). Cf. xix (1862), pp. VI-LxxxIII. Corrected version of the preceding.


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WIET, GASTON. "Les Biographies du Manhal Safi," Memoires presentes a l'Institut d'Egypte (Cairo), xIx (1932). Cf. p. 199.

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sienne (Tunis), xviii (1911), 532-36.


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BATSIEVA, S. M. Istoriko-Philosophskiy traktat Ibn Khalduna "0 prirode obchshestvennoy zhizni lyudey" (Historical-philosophical treatise of Ibn Khaldun on the origin of the social life of the people). (Dissertation resume, Leningrad University.) Leningrad, 1958.

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FiKr, al-. Special Ibn Khaldun issue on the occasion of the 555th anniversary of his death. (Tunis), vi (1961), no. 6.

FINDIKOGLU, ZIYAEDDIN FAHRI. " L ' Ecole ibn-Khaldounienne en Turquie" in Proceedings of the Twenty-second International Congress of Orientalists, Istanbul, 1951. Leiden, 1957. 2 vols. Cf. 11, 269-73.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. " Selected Bibliography of Ibn Khaldun" in Ibn Khaldun: The Muqaddimah, an Introduction to History. Tr. Franz Rosenthal. New York, 1958. 3 vols. Cf. III, 485­512.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. "Ascensus Barcoch": A Latin Biography of the Mamluk Sultan Barquq of Egypt (d. 1399) by B. de Mignanelli in 1416," translated and annotated, Arabica (Leiden), vi (1959), 57-74,162-72.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. "Ibn Khaldun on Pre-Islamic Iran" in Proceedings of the 26th International Congress of Orientalists, New Delhi (to ap­pear in 1967).

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. "Nasat Ibn Khaldun ft Misr al-Mamlikiya (1382­1406)," (in Arabic) in Dirasdt Islamiya, Anthology of writings by Americans on Islam. Ed. N. Ziyida. Beirut, 1960. Cf. pp. 177-212.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. "Ibn Khaldun's Use of Historical Sources," Studia Islamica (Paris), xiv (1961), 109-119.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. Preliminary report of the above, in Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Congress of Orientalists, Moscow, 1960. Moscow, 1962-3. 5 vols. Cf. II, 71.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. "Ibn Khaldun and al-Mas`udi," in al-Mas`udi Millenary Commemoration Volume. Indian Society for the History of Science. Aligarh, 1961. Cf. pp. 51-9.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. Ibn Khaldun and Tamerlane: Their Historic Meeting in Damascus, A. D. 1401 (803 A. H.). See orig. bibl. Fischel (4). For Arabic translation, see JAWAD.

FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH. Urdu translation of the above. Sind Academy. Lahore (to appear in 1967).

.FISCHEL, WALTER JOSEPH Ibn Khaldun in Egypt (1382-1406). His public functions and his historical research: An essay in Islamic historiography. Berkeley, 1967.

GIBB, HAMILTON ALEXANDER ROSSKEEN. Reprint of "The Islamic Background of Ibn Khaldun's Political Theory" in Studies on the Civilization of Islam. Eds. Stanford Jay Shaw and William R. Polk. Boston, London, 1962. Cf. pp. 166-75. Cf. also orig. bibl., Gibb (2).


GUERNIER, EUGENE LEONARD. La Berberie, l'Islam et la France; le destin de l'Afrique du Nord. Paris, 1950.2 vols. Cf. 1, 226-31; 396-402.


HARAKAT, IBRAHIM. " Ibn Khaldun's `Kitab al-'Ibar' as a Historical Source," Afdq (Rabat), 1 (1963),123-32. HODGSON, MARSHALL G. S., ed. See NICHOLSON.

HOOKHAM, HILDA. Tamburlaine the Conqueror. London, 1962. HOURANI, ALBERT HABIB. Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 1798­1939. New York, London, Toronto, 1962.

HUSARI, ABU KHALDUN SATI' AL-. Dirasdt 'an Muqaddimat Ibn Khaldun [edition augmentee]. Cairo, Baghdad, 1961.

IBN KHALDUN, WALL AD-DIN 'ABD AR-RAHMAN. Ta'rikh al-'Allama Ibn Khaldun. Ed. YQsuf As`ad Dighir. Beirut, 1956-1960. 7 vols.

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IBN KHALDUN, WALL AD-DIN 'ABD AR-RAHMAN. Muqaddimah. For Hindi translation, see Rizvi. Persian, see PARVIN-E GONABAD. Portuguese, see KHOURY. Turkish, see UGAN. For other translations, see orig. bibl. IBN KHALDuN (4).

IBN KHALDUN, WALL AD-DIN 'ABD AR-RAHMAN. For French translation of the economic texts, see BoUSQUET.

IBN KHALDUN, WALL AD-DIN 'ABD AR-RAHMAN. Sifa'-us-sd'il litahzib-il-masd'il. (Apaisement a qui cherche comment clar jer les problemes.) Edition, introduction et voca­bulaire technique par le pere Ignace Abdo Khalife, S. J. Institut de Lettres orientates de Beyrouth, xi. Beirut, 1959.

IBN KHALDUN, WALL AD-DIN 'ABD AR-RAHMAN. SIfa'u's-sd'il litehzibi'l-mesd'il. Ed. Muhammed b. Tawit at-Tanji. Istanbul, 1958. Ankara Universitesi Ilahiyat Fakultesi Yaymlari, xxii.

IBRASHI, MUHAMMAD 'ATIYAH AL- and TAWANISI, ABO AL FUTON MUHAMMAD AL-. Silsilat Tarajim. Cairo, 1957. Cf. u, 80-142.

Index Iranicus. See Fehrest maqalat-e Farsi.

Index Islamicus, 1906-1955. A catalogue of articles on Islamic subjects in periodicals and other collective publications. Ed. J. D. Pearson, with assistance of Julia F. Ashton. Cambridge, 1958. Cf. pp. 340-1.

Index Islamicus, . Supplement, 1956-1960. Ed. J. D. Pearson. Cambridge, 1962. Cf. pp. 106-7.

IRVING, T. B. "The World of Ibn Khaldun," The Islamic Literature (Lahore), Ix (1957), 547-51, 473-77.

IRVING, T. B. "Peter the Cruel and Ibn Khaldun," op. cit., xi (1959), 5-17.

IRVING, T. B.. "A Fourteenth Century View of Language" in The World of Islam, Studies in Honour of Philip K. Hitti. Eds. J. Kritzeck and R. Bayly Winder. London, New York, 1959. Cf. pp. 185­92.

'ISSA, 'ALi AHMAD. The Arabic Society: Experimental Sociological Studies. Cairo, 1961. Cf. pp. 179-91.

IVANOV, N. A. "'Kitab al-'Ibar' Ibn Khalduna kak istochnik po istorii stran Severnoy Afriki ve XIV veke" (Ibn Khaldun's "Kitab al-'Ibar" as a Source for the History of the North African Lands in the 14th Century), Arabskii Sbornik (Mos­cow), xix (1959), 8-45.

`IZZAT, 'ABD AL-'AZIZ. The Philosophy of History and Sociology. Cairo, 1960. Cf. pp. 94-61.

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