Never did I think I’d mention these names in the same breath, let alone the same sentence, but here goes. Peter Andre has gone a tad William Wordsworth on me. He’s waxing lyrical, and I don’t mean in an “Oh Oh Oh, mysterious girl, I wanna get close to you’” kind of way.

Instead, he’s describing a gentle stroll in the Somerset countryside he enjoyed the previous day with his eight-month-old daughter Amelia, taking in meadows and hedgerows blooming with “beautiful flowers”.

Peter, 41, is talking about his first full day alone with youngest child Amelia, whose mum Emily MacDonagh, 24, has now gone back to university in Bristol to complete her medical studies

Not only did they commune with nature close to Emily’s parents’ home in Taunton. They also played on the trampoline and watched Mickey Mouse in Greek.

“That’s her Greek lesson,” explains Peter, whose parents are Greek Cypriots. “I’m fluent but English is my first language. Kids can soak up so much.”

Peter with his girlfriend Emily and their daughter Amelia (

It sounds idyllic, but he says it might never have happened given the issues he was left with following his brother’s death from kidney cancer almost two years ago. For the first time, he admits that losing Andrew, 54, gave him a commitment phobia which could have destroyed his then-two-months-old relationship with Emily.

“Everything changed when I lost my brother,” he says. “ All my worst fears came out and I was a mess for so long. If you say ‘commitment issues’ it sounds like it’s from previous relationships. But my phobia came from losing him because I didn’t want to lose someone again.

“That threw me into turmoil. But the genius Emily has made me so much better. What helped is that while I’m an emotional thinker she is a logical thinker. Honestly I don’t think I could have got through it without Emily. I would have gone into my own shell.”

Peter flew Andrew from Australia to the UK for treatment at London’s Royal Marsden hospital and the family was confident he would survive. But he lost his fight on December 16, 2012.

Peter thought his brother Andrew would make it but he sadly died in 2012 (

Peter memorably allowed camera crews to film his immediate grief during his long-running ITV2 reality show, resulting in scenes almost unwatchable because he was in so much pain. He has since worked closely with Cancer Research UK, launching his own Peter Andre Foundation.

“It doesn’t change. You still feel like crap,” he says, clearly still finding it hard to talk about.. “The hole doesn’t go but time does smooth the edges. I had some counselling and it helped a lot. You get angry in therapy. You think they don’t know how it feels but my doctor was amazing.”

Two years on, Peter says he is more “chilled” than he has ever been . His life certainly seems to have settled down.

Five years ago he was still married to Katie Price, 36, mother of his other two children, Junior, nine, and Princess, seven.

Past love: Peter and Katie Price (

The couple infamously met in the I’m A Celebrity jungle in 2004 and as fly-on-the-wall cameras continued to record their daily life, reality shows captured a frenzied existence and a fair amount of bickering.

But while Katie’s life continues to lurch from one drama to another in the full glare of publicity, Peter’s appears to have mellowed.

He’s as busy as ever with an array of work commitments but after 10 series he felt his own reality show had come to a natural end and his home life is now calm and content,

It’s a mood that little Amelia seems to have picked up on.

“She is the most chilled-out baby I have ever seen,” he says. “She’s relaxed, doesn’t complain and she sleeps right through.

“The other two were good but sometimes an hour will pass and she won’t make a sound. She is always smiling.

“I do feel a different dad now. If she’s crying I know if it’s a tired cry or a food cry… all of a sudden you get it.

Loving dad: With his two children from his relationship with Katie (

“My older children are helping a lot as well. Princess grew up overnight when Amelia was born. She wants to do everything. She can change her and says, ‘Please let me do it’. You can see the nurturing side. She’ll come in and say, ‘Hello sweetheart are you OK?’?”

Peter insists his relationship with fiancee Emily is still going strong despite her recent return to her studies for three months so she can become a fully-fledged doctor. She eventually plans to work full-time.

“We have never lost the spark ? the baby has brought us closer if anything” he says. “We have a rule that won’t be away from each other more than five days. She is living with her mum and dad and I’ll go at the weekend or she will come to me in West Sussex. When you know you are going to spend the rest of your life with someone it’s ok.”

They got engaged nine months ago. Peter proposed on the day before Amelia was born in the room they had decorated as a nursery - and he says they will be married within 18 months.

The couple met four years ago through Emily’s surgeon dad Ruaraidh MacDonagh. He treated Peter for kidney stones and the pop star then invited the family to a live show in Plymouth.

Peter and Emily (

His feelings for Emily as more than a friend began to grow during a trip to Africa in 2012 to raise funds for Dr MacDonagh’s charity, Health Improvement Project Zanzibar. After asking her dad’s permission, he asked her out.

If eyebrows were raised at the 17-year age difference there were even more when Emily got pregnant during her final year at university.

But they seem to be proving the doubters wrong.

Peter, whose family left London when he was nine for Australia’s Gold Coast, still seems besotted. Emily, he says, is a “supermum” to Amelia and he seems happy staying at home with his daughter too.

“Yesterday it was complete role reversal, Emily was going to work and kissing me goodbye and when she came home I couldn’t wait to tell her what had happened,” he explains.

“I loved it,” he insists. “I do a bit of shopping. I’m good at cooking.”

Peter’s own work commitments include presenting ITV’s 60 Minute Makeover, a UK big-band tour and a fun role as an ambassador for a Disney on Ice tour called 100 Years of Magic.

“My kids think I’m the coolest dad in the world because I’m friends with Mickey and Minnie,” he says with a grin.

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