The Echo is today proud to tell you we are to launch a Sunday edition.

In what will be seen by the industry as a bold, exciting and surprising move, the Sunday Echo will hit the streets on January 19 and signal a step change in our online offering across the weekend.

Work has been going on behind the scenes for some months as we explored strategies to capitalise on strong sales performance and digital audience growth.

This is believed to be the first Regional daily newspaper launch in the UK for many years and is testimony to the hunger for news, sport and information across Merseyside.

The move is also designed to strengthen the Echo’s online publishing by creating a flow of content across the weekend on desktop, mobile and social media platforms.

"We are thrilled that people are reading the Echo on so many different platforms," said editor Ali Machray. "We must repay that loyalty by ensuring what we publish at weekends is as strong and as relevant as what we publish during the week."

As a newspaper The Sunday Echo is a seventh day of publication, not an independent product. Like the weekday and Saturday Echo, it will be packed with news and sport and it will fight for its readers and its city in the true tradition of the brand.

It will be competitively priced at just 50p and we hope it will be hugely attractive to readers seeking to complement their current national paper, or as a primary purchase for people who love local news and sport.

It is fully intended to capitalise on the huge and devoted support for Liverpool and Everton football clubs that is so important to the Echo both in print and online.

There is a hugely voracious appetite for Reds and Blues’ news and views and filling in the seventh day ?‘gap’ is vital to ensuring the Echo meets that demand for minute-by-minute football information.

The strategy also allows us to put a seventh E-Edition of the Echo into the marketplace.

Steve Anderson-Dixon, Managing Director Trinity Mirror North West said: "The Liverpool Echo is a strong and respected brand. It has a connection with its audience that is unparalleled across Merseyside.

"We already have in place brilliant local journalists, an excellent local sales force and a well-established readership which we believe will welcome the Echo seven days a week. This is brave, energetic and in my view, brilliant opportunity for the Echo to further extend its publishing footprint and we see this investment as a ringing endorsement of the Echo, the city of Liverpool, and its people.

"It is a wonderful feeling to be launching a print product in the knowledge that doing so will provide more momentum to our websites and our determination to be a world-class digital publisher."

Echo editor Ali Machray added: "We can’t wait for January 19. The fact that we can do this is testimony to what an amazing city Liverpool is.

"Its news and sports potential are astounding and we’re determined to give its people a Sunday Echo they can savour.’’