Member WalterScottLibrary

Miscellanies including books on witchcraft demonology apparitions astrology and the occult sciences; books of drollery and humour; lives of malefactors impostors &c. real and fictitious; with a few works on history and antiquities (618), English and Scottish Poetry (518), English drama &c (448), Miscellanies (386), old plays (271), Foreign literature (234), Modern Poetry and Belles-Lettres (233), antiquities (155), Æ (155), English and Scotch Miscellanies (153), topography (149), British history (149), Principal (148), novels and light literature (145), Theological works (145), manual entry (141), English history and topography (134), Tracts on the Covenanters (132), French literature etc (126), principal v x (118), principal v vii (106), English History &c (103), principal l iv (92), Collection of 78 old plays arranged alphabetically by author (78), principal m vii (76), French Works on Napoleon (74), Theology (71), principal m iii (68), principal p xi (68), principal o v (68) , English and foreign miscellanies (64), principal l iii (61), principal v vi (60), principal r ii (59), principal p ii (55), wrong edition (54), principal o xix (53), principal m iv (51), vii (51), principal v ix (50), principal c ii (49), principal s iv (45), principal r vi (44), principal p xii (44), Scottish history (43), Works written or edited by Scott (43), principal k iii (43), study H ii (43), ii (42), principal o iii-iv (42), Defoe's minor works (42), Law (42), principal p x (41), Agriculture and Planting (38), principal o vi (38), principal o x (37), principal o xv (37), Scottish Miscellanies (37), American history and literature & works on America and the colonies (37), principal d i (37), Collection of miscellaneous poems with some prose tracts (36), German and Northern history and literature (36), principal s v (35), principal i ii (34), principal o xi (34), study s ii (34), French works on modern history (32), rebound collections (32), principal o xviii (32), principal o vii (32), Chivalry and Romance (32), principal o xvii (31), principal p viii (31), principal r ix (31), principal q vii (31), principal v v (30), principal p i (30), principal p xx (30), principal o viii (29), principal m vi (29), principal s ii (29), principal c i (27), principal s vi (27), principal r viii (26), principal m v (26), principal m viii (26), v (25), principal k vi (25), Study (25), H (25), principal f iii (25), principal k vii (25), principal o xx (24), principal k v (24), principal p xv (24), principal a iii (24), principal p xiv (24), principal p vii (23), principal f viii (23), Miscellany satirical poems (23), vi (23), Criminal Trials &c (22), principal o xvi (22), principal o ii (22), principal i v (22), principal m ii (22), principal s x (22), principal s vii (22), principal z iv (22), principal s iii (22), principal r vii (21), principal o xiii (21), principal o xiv (21), principal v ii (21), principal v i (21), study H v (21), principal p xiii (21), principal p xix (21), principal q ix (20), manuscript (20), principal p ix (20), principal c viii (20), study i ii (20), principal v viii (20), Arts and Sciences (19), study H iii (19), principal e i (19), collection of poems and pamphlets (19), principal o ix (19), English and French fiction (18), principal p xviii (18), study H i (18), principal z vi (18), Modern poetry (18), principal r v (17), principal o xii (17), principal q v (17), principal q viii (17), principal p iii (17), principal n i (17), principal o iv (17), principal s i (16), study n i (16), principal e iv (16), Parlour G v (16), study I v (16), principal c iii (15), principal h i (15), principal n ii (15), principal q iv (15), principal r iii (15), principal y i (14), principal o i (14), principal m i (14), study I iv (14), principal o xxi (14), study r vii (14), study i iii (14), principal g ii (14), principal r x (14), principal p xvii (13), principal r i (13), principal q vi (13), study I vi (13), principal v iii (13), viii (13), principal p vi (13), Historical works in English (12), principal q iii (12), principal z viii (12), Parlour G iii (12), study s i (12), Parlour H iv (11), principal z i (11), principal f vii (11), iv (11), Parlour G vi (11), principal a ii (11), Parlour G viii (10), collection of 10 plays (10), principal c iv (10), principal g viii (10), Parlour H v (10), principal i i (10), principal z iii (10), study s v (10), study I iii (10), study s iii (10), study H iv (10), study m viii (10), principal q ii (9), principal i iii (9), i (9), principal v iv (9), Parlour H iii (9), principal z v (9), principal t i (9), Philosophy (9), Parlour H vii (9), principal s viii (9), principal p xvi (9), manuscript copy (9), principal e ix (8), Tracts in vindication of the revolution of 1688 (8), principal z vii (8), Pamphlets by Dean Swift and others (8), principal a i (8), Parlour H vi (8), principal g vii (8), principal p v (8), study I vii (8), State Trials &c (8), principal f ix (8), Parlour H viii (8), study H vi (8), principal k x (8), Parlour G ii (8), study m i (8), manual input (7), principal z ii (7), Tags: Principal (7), Parlour H i (7), collection of 7 plays and pamphlets (7), study r v (7), Parlour G vii (7), principal e vi (7), Parlour H ii (7), Dictionaries (6), principal z ix (6), &c (6), principal c v (6), iii (6), principal e v (6), principal f ii (6), Parlour G iv (6), principal g ix (6), English poetry drama fiction (6), collection of 6 plays &c (6), principal g iii (6), Parlour G i (6), refwoorden: principal l iii (6), principal s ix (6), study m ii (6), study r ii (6), study s iv (6), principal g x (6), principal f x (5), magic witchcraft demonology (5), Graham's Tracts on Ireland (5), principal k ix (5), principal q x (5), manuscripts (5), principal e viii (5), principal r iv (5), principal l i (4), plays & pamphlets (4), principal p xxi (4), Edward Ward's miscellaneous works (4), Tracts by L'Estrange and Heath (4), principal c vii (4), principal i iv (4), principal p iv (4), principal g i (3), principal l ii (3), principal h iii (3), principal i vi to x (3), principal l v (3), principal e vii (3), study r vi (3), principal h ii (3), principal y iii (2), study s vi (2), principal l vii-viii (2), study u i-iii (2), principal y ii (2), wrong? (2), principal g vi (2), principal g v (2), principal t ii (2), principal g iv (2), posthumous (2), principal q i (2), principal c vi (2), History of Scotland (1), doubtful (1), study m iii-vii (1), principal f v (1), principal l ix-x (1), study t i-vii (1), principal k xi (1), principal k viii (1), principal l vi (1), principal d ii (1), principal f i (1), principal d iii (1), principal k i to ii (1), principal f iv (1), duplicate to check (1), principal f vi (1), Miscellanies including books on witchcraft demonology apparitions astrology and the occult sciences; books of drollery and humour; lives of malefactors impostors &c. real and fictitious; with a few works on history (1)
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Feb 8, 2008
Real Name
Sir Walter Scott
About My Library
"The men who wrote these books," said Lambourne, looking round him, "little thought whose keeping they were to fall into."
"Nor what yeoman service they were to to do me," quoth Anthony Foster: "the cook hath used them for scouring his pewter, and the groom hath had nought else to clean my boots with this many a month past."
"And yet," said Lambourne, "I have been in cities where such commodities would have been deemed too good for such offices."

-- Kenilworth, ch. iv

If you would like to help with cataloguing my library in LT, please leave a comment below.

My private library ? the library at Abbotsford ? was catalogued by John George Cochrane and published in 1838, some years after my death. It is organized first by the rooms in which my books were kept, and then by individual shelves as well as general subject:

Cochrane catalogue on Google Books


a - Scottish history - sadoatcakes - in progress
b - Scottish history - sadoatcakes - in progress
c - English history ? thorold ? Done
d - English history/American history and Literature ? thorold ? Done
e - English and Foreign Miscellanies ? thorold ? Done
f - French, German, and Italian Literature ? thorold ? Done
g - French, German, and Italian Literature ? thorold ? Done
h - English and French works of Fiction ? thorold ? Done
i - Foreign Literature: French, Spanish, German, Italian, Danish ? thorold ? Done
k - Foreign Literature: French, Spanish, German, Italian, Danish ? thorold ? Done
l - Foreign Literature: French, Spanish, German, Italian, Danish ? thorold ? Done
-- English and Scotch Miscellanies ? thorold ? Done
m - Northern History ? thorold ? In Progress
-- Tracts on Covenanters &c.
-- Revolution of 1688
-- Rebellions of 1715 and 1745
n - Chivalry and Romance - animemiz - In Progress
-- Old English Poetry
-- Magic, Alchemy, Heraldry, &c.
o - Witchcraft, Demonology, &c. ? thorold ? Done
p - English and Scottish Poetry ? thorold ? Done
q - Miscellaneous? thorold ? Done
r - English Polygraphers? thorold ? Done
-- Old English and Scottish Poetry ? thorold ? Done
-- Historical and Antiquarian Tracts ? thorold ? Done
s - Modern Poetry and Belles Lettres ? thorold ? Done
t - English Works on General History? thorold ? Done
v - English Drama, Theatrical history? thorold ? Done
w - Greek and Latin Classics
x - Classical and Historical Miscellanies
y - Sir Walter Scott's works ? thorold ? Done
z - English and Foreign History, Voyages, and Travels, &c.- becca562 - In Progress
Æ - English and Foreign History, Voyages, and Travels, &c. ? antisyzygy ? In Progress
-- Atlases, Prints, and Embellished Works
-- Maps and Plans


a - The Moniteur
b - Books of Prints
-- History, Poetry
-- Scots Law (also in d & h)
c - Dictionaries
-- Bibliography
-- Irish History
-- Italian History
-- Foreign Novels &c.
d - Irish and Scottish History
-- Sir W. Scott's Poems
-- Italian Literature
Cabinet - Roxburgh Club Books
-- Bannatyne Club Books
-- Maitland Club Books
g - Theological and Political Tracts
h - Theology, Philosophy, Law ? antisyzygy ? Done
i - Arts and Sciences; Scottish History ? antisyzygy ? Done
k - Irish and English History
-- Collections of Tracts
l - Miscellanies
-- Modern History; Voyages & Travels
m - Sir W. Scott's works ? thorold ? Done
n - Modern Poetry ? thorold ? Done
o - Modern French History & Memoirs ? thorold ? Done
p - French Works on Napoleon ? thorold ? Done
t - Periodical Literature ? thorold ? Done
u - Periodical Literature ? thorold ? Done
w - Periodical Literature
x - Periodical Literature
y - Periodical Literature
z - Periodical Literature


- Novels and Light Literature ? thorold ? Done
- Additional Books & Tracts

The library is still in existence, and is being looked after by the Advocates Library in Edinburgh.

See my WikiThing page for additional notes on this library.
About Me
I was a Scottish lawyer, magistrate, landowner, publisher, antiquary, literary scholar, translator, poet and novelist, who lived from 1771-1832.

I gave up narrative verse after Byron cornered the market, and I am now chiefly remembered for my historical novels, the first of which was Waverley , published in 1814. The "Waverley novels" (so called because they were published anonymously "by the Author of Waverley") are generally regarded as the first historical novels in the modern sense of the term. Waverley was the first international best-seller of the industrial age, and is often regarded as the work that established the novel as the dominant literary form of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Abbotsford, Scotland

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