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Our Sources | Infoplease

Our Sources

Sources text from wooden cubes

With all of the information on the internet, it can be hard to separate the truth from the fiction. Infoplease knows the value of having sources you can trust and?the importance of providing educational and professional content for a niche learning audience. Infoplease readers are interested in a variety of topics, and so we strive to provide the best content possible to meet their needs.

To ensure that our website is semantically relevant and up-to-date, we use verified sources and strict editorial processes for all content published on Infoplease.?We always try and be transparent about where we get our data and are working hard every day to improve our citations across the site so you can have confidence in the resources we provide.

Infoplease: Our Sources for Expert and Educational Content

Infoplease is an online reference and learning platform that provides reliable and accurate information on various topics such as history, science, geography, and more. These sources are carefully curated and regularly updated to ensure that the information is current, factual, and free.

In addition to our carefully curated publishing on the website, Infoplease has longstanding partnerships with leading publishers like? Who2 ?to broaden the scope of our information. We've also incorporated useful sources like the? Columbia Encyclopedia ?and? Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable , and selected literary texts from " Alice's Adventures in Wonderland "?to the " Daodejng ".

We also extensively fact-check our content to validate its veracity, using internationally respected sources and institutions including the following sources.

The CIA World Factbook

The World Fact Book is an annual publication by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States government. This CIA resource contains detailed information on 267 countries and territories, including maps, flags, and national anthems.

The publication also covers a wide range of important topics, including geography, population, government, economy, communication, transportation, military, and transnational issues. The CIA updates the data in the World Fact Book regularly to ensure that it remains current and accurate at this website: .

The United Nations

The UN website ( ) is a valuable academic source and provides access to a wealth of information on a range of topics, including human rights, sustainable development, and global health. The information provided is often written by experts in the field and is based on extensive research and analysis.

The website provides access to a wide range of legal documents, including the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It also creates a platform for ongoing discussions and debates on global issues. The website features news and updates on the work of the UN, as well as blogs and opinion pieces from experts in various fields.

Other United Nations agency sources are listed below:

Learn more about the functions of these different agencies on the official UN website or by perusing the UN’s FAQ section: .

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The United States Census Bureau

The United States Census Bureau ( ) is a reputable and reliable source of information for academic research. The bureau is a principal agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System and is responsible for collecting and disseminating data about the American population and economy.

One of the advantages of using the Census Bureau as an academic source is the comprehensiveness of the data. The bureau collects information from all regions and demographic groups in the United States, which allows researchers to conduct detailed analyses of population trends and patterns.

Other U.S. Departments

When conducting research, we always ensure to use reliable sources to support our content. The United States government has numerous departments that can serve as credible academic sources, which are listed below. These departments conduct research and provide data on a wide range of topics, from education and healthcare to energy policy and national security. By citing sources from reputable government departments, Infoplease presents credible research and accurate information, subject to governmental updates.

State Government Websites

State government websites can serve as valuable academic sources for research projects or papers. These websites provide a wealth of information on state-specific policies, laws, regulations, and statistics that can be useful for various academic disciplines such as political science, sociology, economics, and education. You can discover these sources by searching “[State Name] [Department Name]”.

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The Library of Congress

The Library of Congress offers educational resources and materials on a variety of topics, including history, literature, and social studies. It includes primary source materials like photographs, documents, and maps, which you can find here: .

The Columbia Encyclopedia

The Columbia Encyclopedia is a highly regarded academic source that has been providing in-depth information on a wide range of subjects for over 80 years.?It is a comprehensive and reliable reference work that is frequently used by scholars, researchers, and students in various academic fields. It covers a vast range of topics and provides detailed and well-researched information on each subject. The entries are written by subject matter experts, ensuring that the content is accurate, reliable, and up-to-date.

The Columbia Encyclopedia is Infoplease’s go-to source for information, and you can find these entries under our Tools menu ( ) or by using the website's search bar for your query topic and clicking on the “Encyclopedia” result.

The American Medical Association

The American Medical Association (AMA) is a well-respected organization in the medical community. It provides academic resources, including journals, articles, and books, on various topics such as medical ethics and clinical research.?

The AMA follows strict standards for the research and publication of medical information and also offers continuing education courses and certification programs to keep medical professionals updated. The AMA is a highly respected and reliable source of academic information in the field of medicine that you can explore here: .

The Red Cross

The Red Cross is a credible source of information, publishing research, reports, and case studies on various subjects related to its mission. Its publications are reviewed and written by experts, and widely recognized and cited in academic research. The organization collaborates with academic institutions and researchers to address critical issues, which you can view at this link: .

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is a digital library that provides free access to over 60,000 eBooks in various formats. The collection includes works of literature, historical documents, and academic texts that can be downloaded and read on different devices. Check out their resources at this link: .

JSTOR Journals and Articles

JSTOR is a digital library that provides access to thousands of academic journals, books, and primary sources. It is a widely recognized and respected source of scholarly information, particularly in the fields of humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Discover more information on their website: .

Perseus Digital Library

Perseus Digital Library ( ) is a comprehensive digital library of resources for studying the ancient world hosted by Tufts University. It includes a vast collection of primary and secondary sources related to classics, including texts in original and translated languages, commentaries, maps, and images.

The Cambridge and Oxford Histories

The Cambridge and Oxford Histories are reliable academic sources written by leading scholars in their fields, covering various subjects in history.?The Cambridge Histories cover a wide range of topics, while the Oxford Histories focus more on specific areas. Both are published by renowned academic presses and are subject to rigorous peer review. They are essential resources for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of history and are widely used in academic research.

Find the Cambridge Histories here: .

And locate the Oxford Histories here:

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Educational Courses & Sources

Other sources for educational information include this content that provides courses, materials, and notes for a variety of topics and disciplines:

  • MIT OpenCourseWare: MIT OpenCourseWare provides free online courses and materials from MIT, covering subjects like computer science, engineering, and humanities. It includes lecture notes, assignments, and exams ( ).
  • OpenStax: OpenStax provides free textbooks and resources for learners and educators. Its textbooks cover subjects like science, math, and social studies, and are peer-reviewed and openly licensed ( ).
  • Smithsonian Education: Smithsonian Education offers a range of resources for educators and learners, including lesson plans, videos, and interactive activities. It covers a wide range of subjects, including history, science, and art ( ).
  • TED-Ed: TED-Ed offers educational videos and resources on a wide range of topics, including science, history, and literature. Its videos are designed to be engaging and informative for learners of all ages ( ).

You can also enjoy content published on Infoplease's sister sites, which are also under the Sandbox Learning umbrella, providing a variety of educational, informative, and interactive material:

  • Fact Monster: Fact Monster is an online academic educational resource that provides trusted information for students, educators, and parents. This website covers a wide range of topics including science, math, history, and geography ( ).
  • Family Education: You can find articles, expert advice, and medical information for parents?( ).
  • TeacherVision:? You can find printable lesson plans, activities, and worksheets for K-12 teachers in the U.S. covering math, science, social studies, language arts, and more. The platform also offers professional development resources, teaching strategies, and classroom management tips ( ).
  • Teachit: You can find printable lesson plans, activities, and worksheets for primary and secondary teachers in the U.K., along with CPD articles and wellbeing support for students and educators?( ).

Other Sources

  • Foreign Tourism Boards:? Foreign tourism boards are typically government or privately run organizations that are responsible for promoting tourism in their respective countries. They provide a wealth of information on various aspects of tourism, including travel trends, cultural heritage, attractions, accommodations, and transportation.
  • Historical Societies:? Historical societies are organizations that focus on the study and preservation of the history of a particular region, group, or topic. These societies are generally non-profit organizations that are dedicated to collecting, preserving, and sharing historical information with the public. For example, when writing about the American Revolution, we regularly source helpful information from?local historical associations like Historic New England .
  • Official Award Results: Official award results are considered primary sources of information as they provide firsthand accounts of the achievements and contributions of individuals, organizations, or institutions, such as the Pulitzer Prize winners.
  • Primary Sources in the Public Domain: Primary sources in the public domain are essential academic sources that provide firsthand information about a particular event, person, or topic. These sources are original documents or artifacts, created at the time of the event or by someone who witnessed or participated in it.

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What Is Infoplease, and What Makes It Different From Other Websites?

Infoplease is a website that provides educational and professional content related to history, timelines, world facts, history, maps, quizzes, science, current events, timelines, arts & entertainment, maps, world geography, and much more. It is run under Sandbox Learning , which has been a trusted information, teaching, and learning company for many years.

What sets us apart from other websites is our commitment to accuracy and reliability. Our content is curated and regularly updated to ensure that our learning audience has access to the most trustworthy and informative resources. We also have a team of experts with qualifications and experience in the fields of history, geography, and education, which helps establish our authority and expertise in the eyes of our audience.

What is Sandbox Learning?

Sandbox Learning is an innovative learning platform designed to provide learners with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today's fast-paced world. The platform is owned and operated by Sandbox & Co , a leading global investment firm that focuses on the education sector, among others. Sandbox Learning believes that education should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or location, which is why Infoplease is at the forefront of the online learning revolution and is dedicated to helping people around the world unlock their full potential.

Is Infoplease Reliable?

At Infoplease, we pride ourselves on being a reliable and trusted source of information. We use a rigorous fact-checking process, including consulting multiple sources and conducting thorough research, to ensure that our content is accurate and trustworthy. We also regularly update our content to reflect new information and changes in the fields of history, geography, politics, and education.?

Additionally, Infoplease has a user feedback system in place that allows our audience to report errors or inaccuracies, which we promptly investigate and correct. Overall, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of accuracy and reliability in all our content.

What Kind of Content Does Infoplease Provide?

Infoplease provides a wide range of content on geography and maps, including:

  • World maps.
  • Country profiles.
  • State profiles.
  • City profiles.
  • Political.
  • Geography guides.
  • Historical timelines.
  • Animal terminology.
  • Astronomical explorations.
  • Educational quizzes.
  • Current events and news.
  • Diplomacy deep-dives.
  • Math and science information.

And much, much more!

How Can Infoplease Help With Your Education or Profession?

Infoplease can help with your education or profession by providing accurate and reliable information on a wide range of topics. Thanks to expert writers and reviewing processes, Infoplease content is a valuable resource for students, teachers, and professionals alike.

At Infoplease, we are committed to providing our audience base with the best content possible. We hope that our website will be a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about the wide world around us!

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