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January Current Events 2024: World News | Infoplease

January Current Events 2024: World News

Updated January 26, 2024 | Infoplease Staff

U.S. News | Disaster News | Science & Technology News | Current Events This Week

The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the World news events you need to know so far for January 2024.

  1. The Supreme Court Of Israel Strikes Down Judicial Reform
  2. A Total Of 90 Drones Were Launched By Russia On Ukraine In The Early Hours Of New Year
  3. South Korean Opposition Leader Survives Knife Attack
  4. Saleh Al-Arouri, A Senior Official In Hamas, Killed In Lebanon
  5. Bomb Blasts In Iran Kills Dozens, With Several Other People Injured
  6. New Law Signed By Belarusian President Grants Him Lifelong Immunity From Prosecution
  7. Four People Confirmed Dead As A Result Of Train Collision In Indonesia
  8. Russian Airstrike On Ukrainian Town Kills 11 People, Including Five Children
  9. Prime Minister Of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina Re-Elected For Fifth Term
  10. Prime Minister Of France, Elisabeth Borne Resigns Ahead Of Reshuffle
  11. MPs Arrested In Presidential Palace In Poland
  12. Riots Rock Papua New Guinea, As Police Strikes Over Pay
  13. Rishi Sunak Visit Kyiv, Pledges £2.5bn In Military Aid
  14. William Lai Elected As The President Of Taiwan
  15. King Frederik Becomes King Of Denmark After His Mother’s Abdication
  16. One Of Taiwan’s Ally, Nauru Cuts Diplomatic Tie With The Island
  17. Qatar Confirms that A Deal Has Been Reached Between Israel And Gaza For Medicines
  18. King Of England To Be Treated In The Hospital For Enlarged Prostrate
  19. Ukrainian Drone Hit Russian Oil Depot
  20. Tshisekedi Takes Oath Of Office For His Second Five-Year Term As President Of DRC
  21. Kidnaped Victims In Abuja, Nigeria Have Been Rescued By The Police
  22. Australia Terminates Its Golden Visa Scheme For Wealthy Investors
  23. Sweden’s NATO Membership Bid Has Been Approved By Turkish Parliament
  24. Several People Killed As Gold Mine Collapses In Mali

The Supreme Court Of Israel Strikes Down Judicial Reform

Current Events

Photo Source: AP Photo/Ronen Zvulun

Monday, January 1, 2024 ? The Supreme Court of Israel has struck down a judicial reform that triggered nationwide protests last year. The change would have put a limit on the power of the Supreme Court regarding overturning laws that were deemed unconstitutional.

In July 2023, the Israeli government passed a bill known as the “reasonableness bill” into law. The bill removed the power of the Supreme Court and other lower courts in Israel to cancel decisions that were made by the government that it deemed to be extremely unreasonable.

8 out of the 15 judges in the Supreme Court ruled against the law. Minister for Justice in Israel, Yariv Levin, who is the architect of the law criticized the judges and accused them of taking all the powers into their hands, and said their decision was undemocratic.

Source: BBC  

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A Total Of 90 Drones Were Launched By Russia On Ukraine In The Early Hours Of New Year

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Ukrainian Emergency Service

Monday, January 1, 2024 ? The Ukrainian Air Force confirmed on Monday that Russia launched a total of 90 Shahed-type drones over Ukraine in the early hours of the new year. Due to the attacks, a 15-year-old boy was killed, and seven others were injured after a residential building was hit by falling debris from one of the 87 downed drones.

The aerial strikes come after a series of heavy aerial bombardments that started on Friday when Russia unleashed an 18-hour attack on Ukraine. Not less than 49 people were killed due to the bombardment. Ukraine also launched an attack on Saturday in the center of Belgorod, which killed 21 people.

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, described the attack on Belgorod as a terrorist attack and promised to launch more strikes on Ukrainian Targets.?

Source: The Guardian  

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South Korean Opposition Leader Survives Knife Attack

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Lee Jin-man

Tuesday, January 2, 2024 ? The main opposition party leader in South Korea, Lee Jae-Myung was stabbed in the neck during a visit to the southern city of Busan on Tuesday. Lee was attacked while touring the construction site of the Gadeokdo New Airport. The attacker was wrestled to the ground by several people.

The spokesperson of the Democratic Party Kwon Chil-Seung said that he would quickly undergo surgery at the Seoul National University Hospital after he was transferred there from Busan. The spokesperson described the attack as an act of terrorism and said it posed a serious threat to democracy.

The President of South Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol expressed his deep concern concerning the attack on Lee. He said such attacks should not be tolerated under any circumstance and ordered the police to carry out their investigation swiftly.

Source: CNN

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Saleh Al-Arouri, A Senior Official In Hamas, Killed In Lebanon

Current Events

Photo Source: AP Photo/Hussein Malla

Wednesday, January 3, 2024 ? Saleh al-Arouri, one of the most senior officials of Hamas has been killed in an Israeli drone strike in Beirut. The strike threatens a dangerous escalation of Israel’s war against Hamas and its related conflict with the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.?

The Prime Minister of Lebanon, Najib Mikati described the assassination as a new crime committed by the Israeli government, intending to spur a new phase of the conflict. Hezbollah said in a statement that the assassination by the Israelis was a serious assault on Lebanon.

A spokesperson of the Israeli military, R Adm Daniel Hagari said that the Israeli forces are ultimately prepared for any scenario after the killing of Arouri. An adviser to the Prime Minister of Israel said that Israel is yet to take responsibility for the attack.

Source: The Guardian  

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Bomb Blasts In Iran Kills Dozens, With Several Other People Injured

Current Events

Photo Source: AP Photo/Vahid Salemi

Wednesday, January 3, 2024 ? Not less than 95 people were killed by two bomb explosions near the tomb of Iranian general, Qasem Soleimani. The explosion comes as the people gathered there for the fourth anniversary of his assassination by the United States. Several others were also wounded when the blast hit a procession close to a mosque in the city of Kerman.

No groups have taken responsibility for the attack, which is believed to have been the deadliest in Iran in 42 years. The supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has vowed that the attack would be met with harsh response.

The first bomb detonated around 15:00 local time on the outskirts of Kerman. The second bomb went off about 15 minutes after the first, targeting the people who had fled the first.

Source: BBC  

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New Law Signed By Belarusian President Grants Him Lifelong Immunity From Prosecution

Current Events

Photo Source: AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko

Thursday, January 4, 2024 ? The president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, has signed into law, an order that gives him lifelong immunity from criminal prosecution. The law also prevents opposition leaders who are living in exile from running in future presidential elections.

Theoretically, the law applies to any former president and members of his or her family. However, the law only applies to Lukashenko, a 69-year-old opposition leader who ruled the country with an iron fist for cost to 30 years. The new law eliminates any potential challenger in the country’s next presidential election in 2025.

With the new law, the president and members of his family will be provided with lifelong state protection, medical care, and life and health insurance. The president, after his resignation, will also become a permanent lifelong member of the upper house of parliament.

Source: The Guardian

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Four People Confirmed Dead As A Result Of Train Collision In Indonesia

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Photo Source: Getty Images

Friday, January 5, 2024 ? Police have confirmed that the train collision in the west province of Indonesia killed four people and left 42 others injured. Video images that were shown by the broadcaster showed passengers being rescued from train carriages.

A spokesperson for West Java province police, Ibrahim Stomping confirmed that the four people that died from the accident were crew members. The spokesperson also added that there was a total of 478 passengers aboard the train. Several ambulances gathered at the site of the incident to take the injured to hospital.

In Indonesia, land accidents are common. The country recorded its deadliest accident in recent years when a train crash killed 36 people in 2010. In December last year, a car near Bandung was hit by a commuter line, which killed five people. 11 people were also killed in November due to a collision between a train and a minibus in East Java province.

Source: Reuters  

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Russian Airstrike On Ukrainian Town Kills 11 People, Including Five Children

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski

Saturday, January 6, 2024 ? The military administration in Ukraine confirmed that 11 people were killed when a Russia S-300 missile strike struck Ukraine’s Donetsk region. Five out of the 11 people that were killed were children.

The head of the Donetsk region military administration, Vadym Filashkin said in a telegram post that the main hit was on Pokrovsk and Rivne of the Myrnohrad community. He accused Russia of cynically hiring civilians and trying to bring as much grief to Ukraine as possible.

Ukraine’s State Emergency Service said that they have begun search and rescue efforts at the scene of the strike, where three private houses were destroyed completely. The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, during his nightly address, offered his condolences to the families that their loved ones were killed in the airstrike.

Source: CNN

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Prime Minister Of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina Re-Elected For Fifth Term

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Thibault Camus

Sunday, January 7, 2024 ? Officials confirmed that the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina has been re-elected for a fifth term. The spokesperson of the Election Commission told AFP that Hasina’s ruling Awami League has won the election.

The party of the Prime Minister did not face any effective rivals in the seats it contested. The opposition, Bangladesh National Party who have had a decrease in their numbers due to mass arrests has called for a general strike, along with several others who refused to participate in the election.

The election result will be announced later in a ceremony on Monday, however, the election commission said that Hasina’s party has won close to three-quarters of the seats, which amounts to at least 220 out of 300. Hasina has urged the citizens to show faith in the democratic process.

Source: The Guardian

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Prime Minister Of France, Elisabeth Borne Resigns Ahead Of Reshuffle

Current Events

Photo Source: AP Photo/Altaf Qadri

Monday, January 8, 2024 ? The Prime Minister of France, Elisabeth Borne has resigned, after less than two years in office. Her resignation comes as the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, is widely expected to reshuffle his top team ahead of the election in the European Parliament later this year.

According to a statement from the Elysee Palace, Ms. Borne will remain in post until a new Prime Minister is appointed. She was the second female Prime Minister in France, and longest serving, outlasting Edith Cresson who served from 1991-1992.

The minister for education, Gabriel Attal, is the frontrunner for the job. If appointed, he would be the youngest Prime Minister ever appointed in France. In 2022, the party of Mr. Macron lost its parliamentary majority, which means the new prime minister will face opposition to turning the President’s policies into law.

Source: BBC  

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MPs Arrested In Presidential Palace In Poland

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 ? The Police in Poland have arrested the former interior minister and deputy interior minister inside the presidential palace in Warsaw. Last month, Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wasik were both sentenced to two years in jail for abuse of power when they led an anti-corruption office in 2007.

The court issued a warrant on Monday evening for police to detain the men. Despite the warrant, Mr. Duda invited both men to Warsaw’s Presidential Palace on Tuesday morning to attend a ceremony to swear in two of their former colleagues as presidential advisers.

The Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, while speaking at a news conference described the situation as “unbelievable”. He insists that the ruling of the court must be respected and that President Duda is trying to help the men evade justice.

Source: BBC  

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Riots Rock Papua New Guinea, As Police Strikes Over Pay

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim

Wednesday, January 10, 2024 ? According to the local governor in Papua New Guinea, people have been killed and shops and businesses were set on fire in the capital of the country after the police went on strike. The governor said in a radio broadcast that opportunists had looted the property in Port Moresby when things went out of control.

The commissioner of police, David Manning, said that extra police were being deployed into Port Moresby from regional areas. Defense forces are also being relocated to the city to reinforce officers on the ground.

Police embarked on a strike on Wednesday morning after they discovered a reduction in their pay packets. The government then circulated messages across social media, denying that they had imposed a new tax on the police. The Prime Minister, James Marape, promised to fix any administrative error that led to the pay shortfall.

Source: The Guardian

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Rishi Sunak Visit Kyiv, Pledges £2.5bn In Military Aid

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky

Friday, January 12, 2024 ? The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak, during a visit to Kyiv on Friday made a £2.5bn commitment to the defense of Ukraine. He also pledged that the United Kingdom would not stop its support at a time when military aid from the United States has stalled.

Rishi Sunak met with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, and addressed the parliament. After talks were held between the two leaders, a new UK-Ukrainian security treaty was signed. The treaty guarantees that the United Kingdom will provide “swift and sustained” help in case Russia attacks Ukraine again.

The latest U.K. military pledge to Ukraine is worth £2.5bn in 2024-2025, which sees an increment of £200m in the previous two years. The package features thousands of shells, long-range missiles, and training for the Ukrainian military.

Source: The Guardian  

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William Lai Elected As The President Of Taiwan

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying

Saturday, January 13, 2024 ? Voters in Taiwan have chosen William Lai as their president. His victory cements a path that is increasingly divergent from China. The result of the election did not sit well with China, which issued a statement shortly after, saying that “Taiwan is part of China”.

Mr. Lai broke new ground by winning an unprecedented third consecutive presidential term for his party. In his first remark after his opponent conceded, he said “The country will continue to walk on the right path forward and pledged that they would not turn around or look backward”.

While giving his speech, he also called for peace and stability with Beijing. He added that he would maintain the cross-strait quo, neither seeking independence nor unification with China. He also promised to protect Taiwan from Chinese threats.

Source: BBC  

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King Frederik Becomes King Of Denmark After His Mother’s Abdication

Current Events

Photo Source: AP Photo/Martin Meissner

Sunday, January 14, 2024 ? The King of Denmark, Frederik X has taken the throne after the abdication of his mother, Queen Margrethe II. Queen Margrethe's abdication after more than five decades on the throne was a shock for everybody. Her decision paved the way for her son, former Crown Prince Frederik, to succeed her.

The handover took place at a cabinet meeting at Christiansburg Palace in the capital Copenhagen. Queen Margrethe signed a declaration of her abdication, which officially transferred the crown to Frederik.

Afterwards, the Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen publicly proclaimed the King’s accession from the balcony of the palace. After the proclamation, Frederik gave a short speech before he was joined by his wife, Queen Mary, and their four children. The King of the United Kingdom, King Charles III congratulated the new king and queen.

Source: CNN

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One Of Taiwan’s Ally, Nauru Cuts Diplomatic Tie With The Island

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Andrea Verdelli

Monday, January 15, 2024 ? Days after Taiwan elected a new president, one of the country’s last diplomatic allies has cut ties with the island in favor of Beijing. Taiwan suggests that the decision of Nauru was because of the weekend’s election result. China which sees Taiwan as a breakaway province welcomes the decision of Nauru to become its ally.?

After Nauru confirmed that it would no longer recognize Taiwan as a separate country, Taiwanese officials said, “The timing is not only China’s retaliation against their democratic election but also a direct challenge to the international order.” In 2002, Nauru made a similar decision to cut ties with Taiwan but later restored it in May 2005.

Nauru is one of the 12 countries that kept diplomatic ties with Taiwan. Each of Taiwan’s remaining allies becomes more important as they claim their sovereignty.?

Source: BBC  

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Qatar Confirms that A Deal Has Been Reached Between Israel And Gaza For Medicines

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Fatima Shbair

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 ? Qatar has confirmed that it has brokered a deal between Israel and Hamas. The deal will see medicines delivered to Israeli hostages in Gaza in exchange for delivery of medicine and humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians.

The foreign ministry of Qatar said in a statement posted on X that “medicine alongside other humanitarian aid is to be delivered to civilians in Gaza strip, in the most affected and vulnerable areas, in exchange for delivering medication needed for Israeli captives in Gaza.”

Israel has stepped up its military operations in Gaza since the end of a week-long truce in November. The Ministry of Health in Gaza, which is run by Hamas confirmed that since the beginning of the war, 24,285 Palestinians have been killed. Part of those who were killed included 10,600 children.

Source: CNN  

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King Of England To Be Treated In The Hospital For Enlarged Prostrate

Current Events

Photo Source: AP Photo/Aaron Chown/Pool Photo

Wednesday, January 17, 2024 ? Buckingham Palace has confirmed that King Charles will attend hospital for treatment of an enlarged prostate. According to the report from the palace, the condition of the king is benign, and he will attend the hospital next week for a corrective procedure. All the King’s public engagements will be postponed for a short period of recuperation.

The news came on the same day it was announced that the King’s daughter-in-law, the Princess of Wales, was recovering in the hospital after she underwent a successful planned abdominal surgery. All her public engagements have been canceled till Easter, and she is expected to remain in the hospital for 10-14 days.

The King was keen to make the details of his diagnosis public, to encourage other men who may be experiencing symptoms to get checked, according to public health service.?

Source: The Guardian

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Ukrainian Drone Hit Russian Oil Depot

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Telegram Channel of Odesa Region Governor Oleh Kiper

Friday, January 19, 2024 ? Officials have confirmed that the fire that broke out over a large area of an oil storage depot in southern Russia was due to a hit by a Ukrainian drone. According to Russian media, four oil tanks caught alight and the fire then spread over an area of 10,763 sq. feet.

The governor of Bryansk confirmed that they intercepted the drone near the town of Klintsy, but its explosives fell on the oil depot. A major oil loading terminal in Russia, in St. Petersburg, was also attacked on Thursday. The recent attack makes it the second attack on Russian oil facilities in two days.

Intelligence in Ukraine confirmed that there would be further attacks on military targets inside Russia as most of their air defense and electronic warfare systems had been concentrated in Ukraine.

Source: BBC  

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Tshisekedi Takes Oath Of Office For His Second Five-Year Term As President Of DRC

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Guylain Kipoke

Saturday, January 20, 2024 ? The President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Felix Tshisekedi has been sworn in for a second five-year term, following a landslide victory at the country’s presidential election in December.

Authorities have confirmed that there were problems during the election, but they dismissed the allegation that the vote was stolen. Tshisekedi took the oath of office in the capital, Kinshasa, at a stadium where supporters, government officials, African heads of state, and foreign envoys from the United States, China, and France were all present.

While giving his speech, he acknowledged the country’s hope for better living conditions and economic opportunities. He said he was aware of the citizens’ expectations and said the goal of his second term in office is to create more jobs. He also promised restructuring of the security and defense apparatus.

Source: The Guardian  

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Kidnaped Victims In Abuja, Nigeria Have Been Rescued By The Police

Current Events

Photo Source: AP Photo/Sunday Alamba

Sunday, January 21, 2024 ? The Nigeria police have confirmed that they have rescued five sisters who were held hostage after they were kidnapped in the country’s capital. The girls were freed after a joint police-army operation in a forest in northern Nigeria.

The girls were abducted from their home in Abuja earlier this month, alongside another sister who has been killed. According to the Nigerian police, the girls have been reunited with their families,

The six sisters were taken from their home, alongside their father, Mansoor Al-Kadriyar. The kidnappers released their father on the condition that he raise a large amount of money. However, his 21-year-old daughter, who was a final-year university student was killed as a warning. The ransom for returning the girls was set at ?65m? ($68,000), which led to donations from several Nigerians.

Source: BBC

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Australia Terminates Its Golden Visa Scheme For Wealthy Investors

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Darko Bandic

Monday, January 22, 2024 ? Australia has abolished its "golden visa" program, which allowed wealthy foreign investors to live in the country, due to poor economic outcomes. The program, which was Launched in 2012 to attract foreign business, has attracted significant investors, with over 85% of successful applicants coming from China.

The government, after multiple reviews, aims to replace it with skilled-worker visas. The government said that the program has failed to meet its core objectives. The minister for Home Affairs, Clare O’Neil, said that for years, it has been evident that the visa is not delivering what the economy of the country needs.

According to the government inquiry, it was discovered that the visas were bringing people into Australia with less business acumen than would have otherwise arrived while offering tax concessions that were costing the public.

Source: BBC  

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Sweden’s NATO Membership Bid Has Been Approved By Turkish Parliament

Current Events

Photo Source: AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 ? The Turkish parliament has approved Sweden's membership in NATO, which brings the Nordic country closer to joining the Western military alliance. Three months after the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdo?an submitted the bill, 287 of 346 MPs voted in favor, 35 against, and the rest abstained.

The Prime Minister of Sweden, Ulf Kristersson, was very quick to react to the news, saying, "Today we are one step closer to becoming a full member of NATO." Turkey's approval leaves Hungary as the only remaining country to ratify Swedish membership. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed the vote, emphasizing that Sweden's membership strengthens NATO and enhances global security.

Sweden applied to join NATO in May 2022, prompted by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, has hinted at progress, inviting Kristersson for negotiations.

Source: The Guardian  

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Several People Killed As Gold Mine Collapses In Mali

Current Events

Photo Source: Getty Images

Wednesday, January 24, 2024 ? Officials confirm that at least 40 people have been reported dead following a tunnel collapse in a gold mine in Mali's southwestern Koulikoro region. According to the official, it started with a noise, then the earth began to shake.

The number of casualties from the incident has not been reported yet, with initial reports stating over 70 casualties, and local official, Oumar Sidibe, confirming the discovery of 73 bodies among the more than 200 gold miners at the site.

The spokesperson of Mali's mining ministry, Baye Coulibaly, suggests a provisional death toll exceeding 40. The government expressed condolences to the families and the Malian people at large. Mining accidents are frequent in Mali due to unsafe practices by unregulated miners seeking gold. Mali is one of the largest exporters of gold in the world.

Source: BBC

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Taoheed Ademola

Copywriter and News Editor

Taoheed is a freelance copywriter and journalist who has been involved in generating content… read more about this author
