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January Current Events 2024: U.S. News | Infoplease

January Current Events 2024: U.S. News

Updated January 26, 2024 | Infoplease Staff

World News | Disaster News | Science & Technology News | Current Events This Week

The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the U.S. news events you need to know so far for January 2024.

  1. Man Dies In Hawaii As A Result Of Shark Attack
  2. Appeals Court Allows California Ban On Gun In Public Places To Take Effect
  3. President Of Havard, Claudine Gay, Resigns From Her Position
  4. House Committee Set To Begin Impeachment Proceedings Against Homeland Secretary
  5. Newly Unseal Epstein Files Raise Scrutiny Into Previously Hidden Names
  6. United States Supreme Court Confirm That It Will Rule If Donald Trump Can Run For President
  7. Michigan Republican Party Leader, Karamo Ousted By Party Member
  8. Republicans In Florida Replaces Party Chairman Under Rape Investigation
  9. At Least 21 People Injured Due To Explosion In Texas
  10. United States Judge Rules That Ban On Guns In Post Offices Is Unconstitutional
  11. Agreement Reached By Congress To Avert Government Shutdown By March
  12. Four People Dead And One Critically Injured After Hot Air Balloon Crash In Arizona
  13. Senate Votes Against Sander Resolution Concerning Aid To Israel
  14. Additional $5 Billion Student Loans Canceled By President Biden
  15. Governor Of Florida, Ron DeSantis Ends Presidential Campaign
  16. Professors In California Ends Strike After One Day?
  17. Ohio Lawmakers Vote To Override Governor’s Ban On Gender-Affirming Care For Minors


Man Dies In Hawaii As A Result Of Shark Attack

Current Events

Photo Source: Getty Images

Monday, January 1, 2024 ? Local police confirmed that a man was killed during a shark attack at a spot popular with swimmers and surfers in Hawaii. The Police said in a statement that the man had died after he was brought back to shore by rescuers.

Police said “Life-saving measures were carried out by first responder personnel until medic personnel arrived to transport the victim to the Maui Memorial Medical Center for further treatment. The 39-year-old man later died from the injuries he suffered during the attack.”

Shark attacks happen, but they are very rare. In 2022, there were close to 57 shark bites across the world, with Florida state in the United States being the most common site of such incidents. 16 shark bites were reported in Florida, while the others were reported in other areas in the U.S. and Australia.

Source: The Guardian  

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Appeals Court Allows California Ban On Gun In Public Places To Take Effect

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli

Tuesday, January 2, 2024 ? A federal appeals court has paved the way for California law that bans people from carrying guns in most public places to take effect from the beginning of 2024. An injunction that was issued on Dec. 20 was suspended by the 9th United States Circuit Court of Appeals. The judge who issued the injunction concluded that the state’s law violated the right of citizens to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment of the Constitution.

The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom said in a statement that “the ruling will allow California’s common-sense gun laws to remain in place while the district court’s ruling is appealed.”

Under the common-sense law in California, people are not allowed to carry concealed guns in 26 categories of sensitive places, which include playgrounds, hospitals, stadiums, places of worship, and zoos, whether they have a permit to carry the gun or not.

Source: Reuters

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President Of Havard, Claudine Gay, Resigns From Her Position

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Steven Senne

Wednesday, January 3, 2024 ? The President of Havard, Claudine Gay, has announced that she would resign from her position. Her decision marks the end of her six-month tenure marred by allegations of plagiarism and backlash concerning her congressional testimony about antisemitism on campus. In her letter, Ms. Gay said: “After consultation with Havard Corporation, it is in the best interest of Harvard for her to resign.”

The Jewish community in Havard and some members of Congress have been putting a lot of pressure on Gay to resign due to her congressional hearing on Dec. 5. She is also facing several allegations of plagiarism concerning her academic works.

The university’s 11-member governing body, known as the Havard Corporation, has confirmed that its members have accepted Gay’s resignation. They also confirmed that the school’s provost, Alan Garber would take over as the interim president.

Source: Reuters  

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House Committee Set To Begin Impeachment Proceedings Against Homeland Secretary

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Jess Rapfogel

Wednesday, January 3, 2024 ? Republicans in the House have confirmed that they will go ahead with the steps to impeach the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, due to his handling of the border crisis. A spokesperson of the committee confirmed that the House committee has conducted comprehensive research into Mayorka's handling of the border crisis.

According to the spokesperson, the hearing will begin next week. The spokesperson also promised that “the Committee will make sure that the public is aware of the scope of Secretary Mayorkas misconduct and refusal to enforce the law.”

According to the response that was issued by the Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday, they said: “The House Republicans are pursuing a baseless political exercise that has been rejected by both parties and already failed on a bipartisan vote.”

Source: CNN

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Newly Unseal Epstein Files Raise Scrutiny Into Previously Hidden Names

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Photo Source: AP Photo/New York State Sex Offender Registry

Friday, January 5, 2023 ? A new batch of documents relating to the sexual abuse of infamous tycoon Jeffery Epstein were made public. An?additional 19 documents, comprising roughly 300 pages, are in addition to the more than 900 pages of records that were unveiled on Wednesday evening, causing an internet frenzy that crashed a website holding the documents.

High-profile names in the court documents have included Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson, and David Copperfield, though many of the persons identified are not accused of any sexual wrongdoing. So far, the documents have been riddled with the names of celebrities and politicians who met or worked with Epstein in the years before he was publicly accused of sexually exploiting teenage females.

The documents were acquired for Giuffre's 2015 defamation action against Epstein's former lover Ghislaine Maxwell, who is serving a 20-year sentence in a US prison for colluding with Epstein to sexually assault youngsters.

Source: The Guardian  

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United States Supreme Court Confirm That It Will Rule If Donald Trump Can Run For President

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Brennan Linsley

Friday, January 5, 2024 ? The Supreme Court of the United States has confirmed that it will hear a historic case to determine whether former President Donald Trump can run for president. The Supreme Court justices agreed to take up the appeal of Mr. Trump against a decision that was made in Colorado to remove him from the 2024 ballot in the state. The case will be heard in February and the ruling will apply nationwide.

The decision of the Supreme Court to take up the case came after attorneys General from 27 states filed a brief asking that the court should reject the ruling in Colorado.

The 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution bans any individual who has engaged me in insurrection or rebellion from holding federal office. However, Mr. Trump's lawyers argue that the law does not apply to the president.

Source: BBC  

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Michigan Republican Party Leader, Karamo Ousted By Party Member

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Joey Cappelletti

Saturday, January 6, 2024 ? Some members of the Republican Party in Michigan have voted to remove Kristina Karamo as the state party chairperson after months of infighting and slow fundraising, which raised concern about her leadership. Karamo however said that she would not respect the vote on Saturday, which would set the stage for a potential court battle over party leadership.

A committee member who was involved in organizing the meeting said that they have voted to remove Karamo, and they must look to collaborate and grow forward.

After an unsuccessful run for the position of Michigan Secretary of State in 2022, Karamo contested for the party’s top position, promising to break free from the big donors. She has however failed to deliver on her promise, while she has also angered many of her supporters with what they called a lack of transparency from her administration.

Source: Reuters

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Republicans In Florida Replaces Party Chairman Under Rape Investigation

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Abbie Parr

Monday, January 8, 2024 ? The Republicans in Florida have replaced their chairman, as he is under investigation by the police concerning a rape accusation against him. The change in leadership comes a week before Governor Ron DeSantis faces his first test in his bid for the GOP presidential nomination.

The GOP in Florida confirmed on X that they have elected Evan Power, who had served as vice chairman as their new chairman. Power is expected to replace Christian Ziegler, who was accused in October of raping a woman that he and his wife had previously had a sexual encounter with.

Governor Ron DeSantis had called in Ziegler to resign in November, saying it is not right for the party to be led by a chair under that type of scrutiny. In December, Republicans in Florida suspended Ziegler during a meeting, but they were unsuccessful in calling for his resignation.?

Source: Reuters  

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At Least 21 People Injured Due To Explosion In Texas

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Glen E. Ellman/Fort Worth Fire Department

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 ? Close to two dozen people have been injured due to an explosion in Fort Worth, Texas. According to the spokesperson of MedStar, at least 21 people were injured in the blast at the Sandman Signature Fort Worth Downtown Hotel. One of the victims suffered critical injuries, four were in serious condition and others had minor injuries.

According to the spokesperson of Fort Worth Fire Department, he said they believe the explosion was caused by some type of gas explosion. However, the investigation is still ongoing to find out exactly the cause of the explosion.

The hotel confirmed in a statement that they were working with first responders and hoping to help those injured. They also added that they are working with those who were injured to fully support them.

Source: CNN

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United States Judge Rules That Ban On Guns In Post Offices Is Unconstitutional

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Photo Source: AP Photo/U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York

Saturday, January 13, 2024 ? A federal judge in Florida has ruled that the United States law that bars people from possessing firearms in post offices is unconstitutional, citing a landmark ruling by the United States Supreme Court in 2022 that expanded gun rights.

Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle concluded and dismissed part of an indictment charging a postal worker with illegally possessing a gun in a federal facility. However, she refused to dismiss a separate charge for forcibly resisting arrest.

Ayala, who works in a United States Postal Service as a truck driver, had a concealed weapons permit and kept a Smith and Wesson 9mm handgun in a fanny pack for self-defense, his lawyers said. Prosecutors indicted him and said he brought the gun onto Postal Service property in 2012 and fled federal agents who tried to detain him.

Source: Reuters  

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Agreement Reached By Congress To Avert Government Shutdown By March

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Photo Source: AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Sunday, January 14, 2024 ? Leaders in the United States Congress have agreed on a two-tranche stopgap spending bill to keep the federal government funded into March. The bill will avert a partial government shutdown starting late next week.

The agreement was reached just before the January 19 funding deadline for some federal agencies, such as the Department of Transportation. Other agencies, such as the Defense Department have until February 2. Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schummer, and House Speaker, Mike Johnson announced that Congress had agreed to a $1.59tn spending deal.

Mike Johnson had private meetings with some hardline Republicans who have been pushing for deeper cuts. When asked if he would renegotiate his agreement with Schumer, he said “he has made no commitment and asks people to disregard any information stating otherwise.”

Source: The Guardian

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Four People Dead And One Critically Injured After Hot Air Balloon Crash In Arizona

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Peoria Fire Department

Monday, January 15, 2024 ? Some skydivers jumped from a hot air balloon that was floating over the Arizona desert just a moment before it crash-landed. Police announced that one of the remaining passengers was confirmed dead and another person was critically injured.

The balloon was carrying 13 adults, a balloon operator, four passengers, and eight skydivers. Shortly after the skydivers jumped from the aircraft, something catastrophic happened with the balloon which caused it to crash to the ground in a desert area, east of Sunshine Boulevard. The National Transportation Safety Board confirmed they were still investigating the cause of the crash.

One of the victims died on the spot, while the remaining three died after they had been taken to the hospital. According to NTSB, the aircraft was an A-160 passenger balloon, which was manufactured by Cameron Balloons.

Source: CNN  

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Senate Votes Against Sander Resolution Concerning Aid To Israel

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

Wednesday, January 17, 2024 ? Senators in the United States have defeated a measure that was introduced by Bernie Sanders. The bill would have made military aid to Israel conditional on whether the government of Israel is violating human rights and international accords. The proposal was struck down by the Senators, with 72 voting to kill the measure and 11 people supporting it.

Sanders wrote on X that his resolution directed the State Department to report any human rights violations that may have happened using United States equipment in Israel's military campaign in Gaza.

The White House announced that it is not in support of the resolution that was written by Senator Sanders. The United States Provides Israel with $3.8bn in security assistance each year, which ranges from fighter jets to powerful bombs that could destroy Hamsa’s tunnels easily.

Source: The Guardian

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Additional $5 Billion Student Loans Canceled By President Biden

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Saturday, January 20, 2024 ? President of the United States, Joe Biden, confirmed that he has canceled close to $5 billion for an additional 74,000 borrowers, which include more than half who earned forgiveness after 10 years of public service as teachers, nurses, and firefighters. With the announcement, the total loan forgiveness by the Biden-Harris administration amounts to $136.6 billion for over 3.7 million Americans.

President Joe Biden promised to continue working to deliver student debt relief to as many borrowers as possible, following a Supreme Court ruling on June 30, which blocked his plan to cancel hundreds of billions of dollars in debt.

According to the education secretary, Miguel Cardona, the department was moving with full speed to deliver even greater debt relief for more borrowers and to assist them get on a faster track to loan forgiveness.

Source: Reuters  

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Governor Of Florida, Ron DeSantis Ends Presidential Campaign

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall

Sunday, January 21, 2024 ? The Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, a major contender in the Republican presidential primary has announced that he is ending his White House bid and declared support for former president, Donald Trump. His announcement comes after a disappointing second-place finish in the Iowa Republican caucuses last week.

According to DeSantis, he said he would have continued if there was anything he could do to produce a favorable outcome. But he cannot ask his supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources if there is no clear path to victory. He also added that he signed to support the Republican nominee and he intends to honor the pledge.

With DeSantis' decision, the only person left contending with Trump is the former governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, but without much time to consolidate support and catch up to the front-runner.

Source: CNN

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Professors In California Ends Strike After One Day?

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 ? A union, which represents 29,000 professors and staff at California State University (CSU), has reached a tentative agreement to end a five-day strike after just one day. The strike began because of stalled contract negotiations that started in May.

The agreed deal includes a 5% general salary increase for all faculty backdating to July 2023 and another 5% increase in July 2024. Additionally, the agreement raises the salary floor for the lowest-paid faculty and extends paid parental leave from six to 10 weeks. With the strike called off, staff are expected to return to work, and voting on the contract ratification will take place in the coming weeks.

Chancellor Mildred Garcia said in a statement that the agreement helps to fairly compensate faculty while ensuring the long-term financial sustainability of the university system.

Source: Reuters  

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Ohio Lawmakers Vote To Override Governor’s Ban On Gender-Affirming Care For Minors

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Photo Source: AP Photo/Patrick Orsagos

Wednesday, January 24, 2024 ? The Ohio Senate, which is controlled by Republicans, has voted 23-9 to override GOP Governor Mike DeWine's veto of a bill that bans gender-affirming care for minors. This follows a similar move by the state's GOP-majority House of Representatives.

The bill, House Bill 68, prohibits various forms of gender-affirming care for transgender and nonbinary youth, which includes hormone blockers, hormone replacement therapy, medical or surgical procedures, and mental health services. It also restricts transgender athletes from participating in girls’ and women’s sports.

The ban is set to take effect in 90 days. Ohio now joins North Carolina and Louisiana in enacting restrictions on transgender youth by overriding the governor’s veto. Governor DeWine had previously vetoed the bill, emphasizing that medical decisions for children should be made by parents, but the legislature has argued that the ban is necessary.

Source: CNN

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About the author

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Taoheed Ademola

Copywriter and News Editor

Taoheed is a freelance copywriter and journalist who has been involved in generating content… read more about this author
