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Snyder announces $12-million plan to fix Flint water

Snyder announces $12-million plan to fix Flint water

John Wisely
Detroit Free Press
Gov. Rick Snyder makes an announcement to switch the Flint water system back to Detroit during a news conference on Thursday, Oct. 8, 2015 at the Mott Foundation/Commerce Center Building in downtown Flint.
  • Elevated lead levels found after Flint disconnected from Detroit water system
  • Experts recommend Flint reconnect to Detroit until its new system is ready
  • Chemistry of Flint River water blamed for corrosion of lead pipes and fixtures

Gov. Rick Snyder said today that he has a plan to come up with the?$12 million needed to reconnect?Flint to the Detroit water system to address elevated lead levels.

Snyder said he will?ask the Legislature for $6 million.?The C.S. Mott Foundation, a Flint-based nonprofit founded by auto pioneer Charles Stewart Mott,?has pledged another?$4 million, and the City of Flint will provide?the additional $2 million from its water and sewer fund.

"I'm?in full support of the return to the Great Lakes Water Authority," Snyder said, referring to the new authority that was formed to manage Detroit's water system outside the city limits. "We all care about the citizens of Flint."

The announcement came following a report last week showing?that?the number of? Flint children with elevated blood-lead levels ?? 5 micrograms per deciliter or more ? jumped from 2.1% in the 20 months prior to Sept. 15, 2013, to 4.0% between Jan.?1 and Sept.?15 this year. In certain ZIP codes, the change was more drastic, jumping from 2.5% of the children tested to 6.3%.

The analysis?was by Hurley Medical Center pediatrician?Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha.

State officials said today that three schools also tested positive for elevated lead levels, including Freeman Elementary School, where a sample showed a lead level of 101 parts per billion, almost seven times the level that requires remediation.

Flint has been battling problems with its municipal drinking water system for more than a year after disconnecting from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department.?The city?has joined Genesee County in building a new pipeline from Lake Huron as part of the Karegnondi Water Authority, but that project isn't expected to come online until next year.

Meantime, it?has ?been drawing water from the?Flint River and treating it at its own plant.

Snyder said the state would review what went wrong with the switch to help?prevent future problems from occurring?in other places. He defended the city's decision?to switch to the river water last year ??a move that included?a sign-off from state-appointed emergency manager?Darnell Earley, now emergency manager for Detroit Public Schools.

The river water was tested when it left the city's treatment plant and was fine, Snyder said. The problem developed in the distribution system.

Experts believe the chemical composition of the water caused?corrosion in pipes and plumbing fixtures that contained lead, letting contaminated water come?out of faucets in homes and businesses across Flint.

City Councilman Eric Mays said residents are still angry that this has happened to the city.

"I think it's a day late and a dollar short, but I'm glad we're doing it," Mays said.

He said the city has $8 million available in its water and sewer fund to pay for its share of the deal. City Council must approve the expenditure.

At the news conference this morning, Snyder also said he is?seeking an additional $4 million to help with the current situation, including additional testing at Flint schools.

Dan Wyant, director of the Michigan Department of Environment Quality, said 37 water samples for Flint schools were tested for lead and four of the samples came back with levels above 15 parts per billion, the level at which officials are supposed to perform additional testing and remediation.

Two of the samples came from Eisenhower Elementary School, another came from?Brownell?Stem Academy, and last and most alarming was?Freeman Elementary School.

"The?data clearly demonstrates that more detail sampling needs to occur so that various sources of lead contamination contained in each school's plumbing can be identified," Wyant said.

The schools are distributing bottled water to students to avoid drinking potentially contaminated water from fountains.

Waiting for answers, action in Flint water crisis

Snyder brought Wyant with him to the news conference as well as Dr. Eden Wells, chief medical executive at the Department of Health and Human Services.?Ridgway White of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation also attended along with?Flint Mayor Dayne Walling.

"I could hardly sleep knowing that our youngest and most vulnerable children were at risk," Walling?said.

He said public confidence is an important part of public safety. He said the switch back to Detroit would be?the fastest way to provide safe water.

Avoiding tap water has become a way of life in Flint

Flint had?been using the river as a backup source whenever there?were disturbances in?service from Detroit, but problems arose when it began using river water as its primary source.?Last year, the city found E. coli in the water and later rust and other materials that discolored it.

Doctor: Lead seen in more Flint kids since water switch

On Wednesday, a technical advisory committee made up of experts in engineering, chemistry, public health and other fields recommended to the city that it reconnect to the Detroit water system until its own Lake Huron supply comes online.

“The Great Lakes Water Authority?is committed to providing that service to Flint while the city implements a new drinking water system,” interim director?Sue McCormick, said in a statement. "DWSD is dedicated to ensuring that Michigan residents who depend on our water and infrastructure have access to the best drinking water available.”?

Contact John Wisely: 313-222-6825 or