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Hellin Kay

Photo: Getty Images

Last night in New York, 27 famous faces including Amber Heard, Olivia Wilde , Vanessa Hudgens, Sam Rockwell, and Seth Green teamed up for the 12th annual, one-night-only production of The 24 Hour Plays on Broadway, presented by Montblanc. The event, which showcased six short plays written and rehearsed within a single day, benefits the Urban Arts Partnership, an organization which supports arts education for disadvantaged public school students in New York and Los Angeles.

Each of the actors was asked to bring clothing and props to inspire the six playwrights involved in the productions. Heard "brought a top hat and an old-fashioned pipe," she told, both of which ended up being worn by Rockwell during his sketch. Hudgens brought a black veil, which was used by Rachel Dratch as a zombie wedding veil, "and Amber wore my glasses," Hudgens shared.

Given that the cast only had 12 hours to rehearse before the performance, it's no surprise that the evening was a series of unexpected moments: Heard, for one, slipped and fell unintentionally as she was running across the stage. "I broke in my Broadway chops that way," she quipped. "It was the Wild West of theater. It felt like you were really shooting from the hip and trying to stay on the horse. Anyone who saw the show tonight will tell you that's exactly what I tried to do."

Hudgens, who appeared in the same play as Heard, echoed that sentiment. "There were a ton of mishaps, but I mean, you just gotta roll with the punches and do your best," she noted. Added Emmanuelle Chriqui: "I was so nervous, [but] the audience knows why they're there and what they're supporting, so they enjoy the mess-ups. They're our biggest cheerleaders, so really, it's about having fun." Mickey Sumner , meanwhile, shared: "I was so happy I didn't forget my lines."

It was an evening in which Justin Long and Billy Crudup wore cropped Hooters shirts, and Wilde offered a kiss to anyone who would donate $10,000 to the Urban Arts Partnership. "It's for the kids," she deadpanned. But by the end of the night, with the after-party under way, fatigue was setting in. "I feel my eyelids starting to droop, slowly, but that could just be the red wine," Hudgens joked.