Ex Machina (2015)


Ex MachinaStarring Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac, Alicia Vikander

Directed by Alex Garland

As it’s explained early on in the film Ex Machina , the Turing Test was designed to gauge intelligence in a computer, requiring that a human being should be unable to distinguish the machine from another human being by using the replies to questions put to both. If there were a Turing Test to determine whether you as a viewer were simply watching a movie, or becoming immersed in another world entirely, Ex Machina not only passes, it surpasses.

It’s the directorial debut of Alex Garland, whose work as a screenwriter in the horror sci-fi subgenre has been nothing less than stellar ( 28 Days Later, Sunshine , and Dredd to name a few). Even though it’s a “first”, it feels as accomplished as anything by legendary directors such as Kubrick or Soderbergh. It’s got a highly intellectual, cold reality to it, but Ex Machina is equally imbued with soul, wit, and incredible suspense.

Best-known for his starring turn in Unbroken , Domhnall Gleeson plays Caleb, a programmer who toils as a worker bee for the world’s biggest and best search engine, owned by the reclusive, brilliant, and a bit mad Nathan (Oscar Isaac, who played the title role in Inside Llewyn Davis ). When Caleb is selected to spend a week at the eccentric gazillionaire’s isolated retreat with the man himself, Caleb is honored and delighted. After a long helicopter ride and a hike to get to the futuristic, architectural masterpiece Nathan calls home, Caleb quickly learns that it’s also a research facility and this is no paid vacation: Caleb has been selected to try the Turing Test on Ava ( A Royal Affair ’s Alicia Vikander), an uncanny android created by Nathan. Ava is beautiful and intelligent, but she’s not real… or is she?

Ex Machina is what I call an existential horror movie. It feels as visceral as anything created by the Crichtons, Spielbergs, and Scotts of an era gone by, but it’s got a very contemporary, current, and forward-thinking propulsion to it. There’s no soapy, saga-style crap (like Gravity or Interstellar ), no needless action (a la Automata ), no moony romance (think: Her ) ? it’s a lean, mean machine.

Thankfully, there was a good budget in place to make everything look as flawless as the story itself (which isn’t to say it’s a complete mystery; I was able to anticipate all the twists, but the movie is so well-made, that didn’t matter). The cinematography, score, effects, locations, costumes, sets: all impeccable.

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