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Doctor Who News

Regeneration - 50 Years On Bookmark and Share

Saturday, 29 October 2016 - Reported by Marcus
Moments in Time
It was fifty years ago today, on Saturday 29th October 1966 , that we bid farewell to the First Doctor.

At exactly 50 minutes and 47 seconds past five, 7.5 million viewers tuned into BBC 1 to hear the theme music ring out and the last William Hartnell episode begin. 24 minutes later it was all over. We had a new Doctor.

William Hartnell had appeared in 127 episodes of Doctor Who, appearing in 29 stories. He would return to the series in 1972, in four episodes of The Three Doctors. To date only one actor, Tom Baker, has appeared in more Doctor Who episodes than Hartnell, whose episodes, if played sequentially, would last for 2 days. 8 hours and 1 minute.

Fifty years on, William Hartnell's influence is still felt in the series, and in the character he created. His final episode has been lost, but one sequence survives. It is perhaps the most important sequence in the series history. The regeneration. With that one scene, the programme's future was guaranteed. The series could outlive its creators. Its immortality was assured.

FILTER: - First Doctor - Moments in Time

The Power of the Daleks - Extra Material Bookmark and Share

Friday, 28 October 2016 - Reported by Marcus
The Power of the Daleks (Credit: BBC Worldwide)BBC Worldwide has confirmed the additional material that will be included on the release of the animated version of The Power of the Daleks .

This highly anticipated adventure will be released on BBC Store on Saturday 5th November , exactly 50 years to the minute after it was first transmitted on BBC One at 5.50pm. The UK release of the DVD will follow on Monday 21st November. A wealth of extra material will be available with both the BBC Store and DVD releases.

Extra treats fans can look forward to include commentaries and surviving footage, together with a documentary feature which stars the original cast and crew. Other bonus features include a gallery of artwork from the animation, and original shooting script. There’s even a rare chance to hear the original Dalek recordings from the show.

Power of the Daleks is one of the Doctor’s most celebrated adventures and yet no complete film recordings of The Power of the Daleks are known to have survived. The master negatives were destroyed in an archive purge in 1974.

The six 25 minute episodes feature the regeneration, or as it was then called ‘renewal’, of First Doctor William Hartnell into Second Doctor Patrick Troughton , as the Time Lord and his companions Polly ( Anneke Wills ) and Ben ( Michael Craze ) do battle with the Daleks on the planet Vulcan.

Animator Charles Norton says:
It’s been wonderful to have been able to track down so much rare and previously unreleased material and I hope that fans enjoy the excellent package we’ve been able to assemble.
Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks will be priced at £9.99 SD and £12.99 HD from from 5th November where each episode will air on consecutive days.

The DVD will be released in the UK on 21st November priced at £20.42

A full list of extras is here, and will be available on BBC Store from 14th November and on the DVD on the 21st;
  • Alternate soundtracks ? DVD only
  • The option to listen to the story with a series of completely new digital re-masters of the original soundtrack ? a stereo mix; a 5.1 surround sound mix and version of the original 1966 mono sound mix.
  • Animation Test Footage
  • A compilation of animation tests, created during the production of the new animated series.
  • Audio Commentaries on all 6 episodes ? DVD only
  • Members of the original cast and crew are joined by members of the new animation unit to discuss the production of the story and its new animated reconstruction. Moderated by Toby Hadoke. Includes archive audio.
  • Booklet with Production Notes ? DVD only
  • An extensively researched set of production notes, written by the noted television historian Andrew Pixley, covering the behind the scenes story of how the original production was made.
  • Original Camera Scripts ? DVD only
  • Selected items of original production paperwork and a complete set of original camera scripts
  • Original Title Sequence - new restoration
  • An unedited presentation of the full original 'Doctor Who' title sequence, prepared using an all new HD re-master of the original film elements.
  • The Power of the Daleks Animation and Photo Gallery
  • An extended gallery of images, featuring production photographs from the original 1966 series and artwork from the latest animated production, accompanied by incidental music from the story, which has been digitally re-mastered from the original music production tapes.
  • The Power of the Daleks Surviving Footage & Original Trailer ? BBC Store/EST only
  • A compilation of short film fragments and clips from the original 1966 BBC television production - the only surviving footage to remain of the show's original BBC1 run.
  • Original Dalek Voice Session Recording (1966) DVD only
  • Rare and previously unreleased sections from the studio recordings that were made at Maida Vale Studios in 1966 for the Dalek voices.
  • Servants and Masters - The Making of The Power of the Daleks
  • A specially prepared documentary directed by John Kelly and featuring interviews with members of the original 1966 cast and crew.
  • Telesnap reconstruction .
  • Around 400 individual still frames of film exist from the original 1966 television production of The Power of the Daleks. These images were kept in the programme's production files by the BBC Written Archive Centre. These images are here combined with the programme's soundtrack to present a photographic reconstruction of the original programme.
The Power of the Daleks (Credit: BBC Worldwide)The Power of the Daleks (Credit: BBC Worldwide)The Power of the Daleks (Credit: BBC Worldwide)

FILTER: - Blu-ray/DVD - Second Doctor

Original hardback novelisations to be re-published Bookmark and Share

Thursday, 27 October 2016 - Reported by Chuck Foster
BBC Books are to re-publish the three original Doctor Who novelisations from the 1960s on 3rd November 2016 , reproducing the hardback books with their original covers and content:

Doctor Who in an exciting adventure with the Daleks (Credit: BBC Books)Doctor Who in an exciting adventure with the Daleks
Written by David Whitaker , originally published in 1964
Published by BBC Books 3rd November 2016 [order from Amazon UK ]
Based on the Doctor Who story The Daleks by Terry Nation

A thick fog and a girl in distress are just the things that Ian Chesterton needs to escape from a life of dull routine. He has no idea that this is merely a prelude to an adventure quite beyond any normal conception of the word. Or that Barnes Common on a foggy autumn night is the last view of Earth he may ever have.

Both he and the girl he tries to help, Barbara Wright, are transported to a distant planet named Skaro by a mysterious old man known to them as the Doctor. With his grand-daughter Susan, the Doctor sets them down in a world all but destroyed by atomic warfare, the only survivors being a peace-loving and cultured people called the Thals and their bitter enemies the Daleks, horribly mutated both in body and mind.

Thrust into constant danger, his courage and determination tested almost beyond endurance, Ian is forced to struggle against alien creatures and superior enemies with no other weapons than surprise and ingenuity.

The rewards of victory are life for Ian and his new friends...but life where? Can the Doctor return him and Barbara to Earth again?
Doctor Who and the Zarbi (Credit: BBC Books)Doctor Who and the Zarbi
Written by Bill Strutton , originally published in 1965
Published by BBC Books 3rd November 2016 [order from Amazon UK ]
Based on the Doctor Who story The Web Planet

The Zarbi, huge ant-like creatures with metallic bodies and pincer claws, are waiting for Tardis when it’s police-box shape materialises on the cold and craggy planet Vortis. They capture Doctor Who, Ian and Vicki and take them to their weird headquarters, a city of web-like organic matter.

But the Zarbi are not the only being in Vortis. Barbara has fallen into the hands of the butterfly-creatures with soft voices and iridescent wings, whose civilisation has been destroyed by the Zarbi. She learns that her captors are only the advance party of Menoptera in exile who plan to win back their planet by and invasion form outerspace. For the Zarbi “have brought the dark age to Vortis”.

In the final thrilling chapters, Doctor Who and the crew of tardis encounter the power which controls both the Zarbi and the living Web City. How can they defeat this strange bladder of dazzling light which draws in and absorbs all who come into its presence?
Doctor Who and the Crusaders (Credit: BBC Books)Doctor Who and the Crusaders
Written by David Whitaker , originally published in 1965
Published by BBC Books 3rd November 2016 [order from Amazon UK ]
Based on the Doctor Who story The Crusade

From unknown Space the Tardis returns to Earth, but not to the world Ian and Barbara know. The little blue telephone box has wheeled sharply in the cosmos and cut back through the pattern of history to the struggle between Richard the Lionheart and Saladin, Crusader v. Saracen.

When Barbara is captured by the Saracens and later kidnapped by the monstrous El Akir, Ian appeals to Richard for help, but despite having achieved a splendid victory over Saladin at Arsuf the English King has his own troubles and cannot assist him. So Ian sets out to rescue Barbara alone while the Doctor becomes involved in court intrigues. In a dramatic climax, Ian finds himself fighting for his life in the harsh, cruel world of the twelfth century, where only the cleverest and strongest survive.

Readers of Doctor Who’s adventure with the Daleks and Doctor Who and the Zarbi will find here all the excitement that made those books firm favourites with youngsters of all age groups.


To be in with a chance to win a set of the novelisations courtesy of BBC Books, simply answer the following question:
Susan is referred to by a different surname for the novelisation - what was that name?
Please send your answers along with your name, address and where you heard about the competition (news site, news app, other website, etc.) to with the subject "The originals, you might say" . The competition is open to UK readers only , closing date 13th November 2016 . Only one entry per household will be accepted.

FILTER: - BBC Books - Books - First Doctor - Merchandise

The Doctor Who Humble Comics Bundle Bookmark and Share

Thursday, 27 October 2016 - Reported by Marcus

Titan Comics and Humble Bundle have announced the launch of the Doctor Who Humble Comics Bundle .

Humble Bundle offers collections of videogames, books, and comics at a price determined by the customer. Content is divided into three tiers: pay $1 or more to purchase the first tier; pay $8 or more to purchase tier one and two; and pay $15 or more for content from all three tiers. A portion of each Humble Bundle sale goes to charity. Over $75 million has been donated to charities around the world since the company’s launch in 2010.

When purchasing the Doctor Who Humble Comics Bundle, in addition to furnishing your chosen digital device with an Doctor Who comics library, you’ll also be able to choose to donate any percentage of the Bundle’s retail price to BBC Children In Need , which currently supports over 2,400 projects to help disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.

The Doctor Who Humble Comics Bundle contains 70 Doctor Who comics, with appearances from the Third, Fourth, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors, and stories from an array of comic writers, including Eisner Award-winning Nick Abadzis (Laika), Paul Cornell (The Severed Streets, Wolverine, Warcraft), Al Ewing (2000AD, The Ultimates), George Mann (Dark Souls, Warhammer 40,000), Robbie Morrison (Drowntown, Nikolai Dante), Cavan Scott (Star Wars: Adventures in Wild Space, Vikings), Gordon Rennie(2000AD, Dishonored), and Rob Williams (Suicide Squad, Unfollow); and artists, such as Elena Casagrande (The X-Files, Vigilante), Boo Cook (Elephantmen, 2000AD), Simon Fraser (Judge Dredd, Nikolai Dante), Daniel Indro (Green Hornet, Vikings), Christopher Jones (Avengers, Young Justice), Rachael Stott (Star Trek), Emma Vieceli (Jem and the Holograms, Young Avengers), and Brian Williamson (Spider-Man, The New Avengers).

To find out more and purchase visit the Humble Bumble Website .

The Doctor Who Humble Comic Bundle will be available for purchase from October 26, 2016 to November 9, 2016 at 11:00AM PST. Doctor Who is under license from BBC Worldwide North America.

FILTER: - Comics

Christmas Special - Sneak Peek Bookmark and Share

Wednesday, 26 October 2016 - Reported by Marcus
BBC America has released a short video previewing this year's Christmas Special, The Return of Doctor Mysterio .

FILTER: - Peter Capaldi - Series Specials - Steven Moffat

BBC Audio: Current Competitions Bookmark and Share

Tuesday, 25 October 2016 - Reported by Chuck Foster
We have the following audiobooks available for readers to win, courtesy of BBC Audio ; in order to be in with a chance to win simply email us with the answer to the question along with your name, country and where you heard about the competition. All competitions are open worldwide, with a closing date of 13th November 2016 . Only one entry per household can be accepted.

Doctor Who and The Invasion Of Time (Credit: BBC Audio)
[order from Amazon UK ]
The Invasion of Time , written by Terrance Dicks and read by John Leeson
A traitor to the Time Lords! Can the Doctor really be in league with the evil Vardans, spearheading a treacherous invasion of his home planet Gallifrey? Or is he playing a deadly double game, saving the Time Lords by appearing to betray them? Not even his closest friends can tell. Whilst the Doctor's companion Leela is cast into the wilderness of Outer Gallifrey, the Vardans themselves are mere pawns in a deadly tactical game. Soon the Doctor will face an old enemy as he battles to foil the invasion of Time.

Question: These days, which actor is more usually associated with embodying the Sontaran menace?
Send your answer to with the subject line "Send in the clones" .
Doctor Who: The Time Meddler (Credit: BBC Audio)
[order from Amazon UK ]
The Time Meddler , written by Nigel Robinson and read by Peter Purves
When the TARDIS materialises on an apparently deserted Nothumbrian beach, Steven disputes the Doctor’s claim that they have travelled back to the eleventh century. The disovery of a modern wristwatch in a nearby forest merely reinforces his opinion. But it is 1066, the most important date in English history, and the Doctor’s arrival has not gone unnoticed. Observing the appearance of the TARDIS is a mysterious monk, who recognises the time-machine for what it is. He also knows that the Doctor poses a serious threat to his master plan ? a plan which, if successful, could alter the future of the entire world...

Question: What was the difference between the Doctor's and the Monk's TARDIS?
Send your answer to with the subject line "The Vikings are Coming!" .
Torchwood Tales (Credit: BBC Audio)
[order from Amazon UK ]
Torchwood Tales
Eve Myles, Gareth David-Lloyd, Kai Owen and others read ten stories based on the hit BBC TV series. Written specially for audio, with additional sound design, the stories feature the original Torchwood line-up including Captain Jack, Gwen, Ianto, Owen and Toshiko, plus Rhys and PC Andy.

Question: One of the readers is 'alien' to the Torchwood universe - but which one?
Send your answer to with the subject line "Talking Hub-Bub" .
Eleventh Doctor Tales (Credit: BBC Audio)
[order from Amazon UK ]
Eleventh Doctor Tales
Matt Smith, Arthur Darvill and Meera Syal are among the readers of this exclusive collection of original audio adventures. Join the Eleventh Doctor on journeys in Time and Space.

Question: What is Meera Syal's connection to Doctor Who?
Send your answer to with the subject line "Still not ginger!" .

FILTER: - Audio - BBC Audio - Competitions

New Eleventh Doctor Comic Bookmark and Share

Tuesday, 25 October 2016 - Reported by Marcus
This week sees Titan Comics release the latest Doctor Who comic featuring the Eleventh Doctor


Writer: Si Spurrier, Artist: Simon Fraser
Cover A: Alex Ronald, Cover B: Will Brooks Photo, Cover C: Simon Myers ? Watercolor Variant

The year-long chase is reaching its final straight! Armed with revelations from the Time War, but challenged by resistance within his own ranks, the Doctor faces his most difficult hour yet as he battles to clear his name! Having plunged into the depths of darkness in his quest for the truth, can he re-emerge triumphant?
Doctor Who: ELEVENTH DOCTOR #2.14 (Titan)Doctor Who: ELEVENTH DOCTOR #2.14 (Titan)Doctor Who: ELEVENTH DOCTOR #2.14 (Titan)Doctor Who: ELEVENTH DOCTOR #2.14 (Titan)Doctor Who: ELEVENTH DOCTOR #2.14 (Titan)Doctor Who: ELEVENTH DOCTOR #2.14 (Titan)

FILTER: - Comics - Eleventh Doctor

Class novels: full details released Bookmark and Share

Tuesday, 25 October 2016 - Reported by Chuck Foster
BBC Books have now released full details on the three novels published on Thursday that tie into new series Class :

Class: Joyride (Credit: BBC Books)Class: Joyride
Written by Guy Adams
Published by BBC Books on 27th October 2016 [order from Amazon UK ]

‘So, you can just leap into other people’s bodies? Take them over? And while you’re in control, you can do whatever you want? Brilliant.’

Poppy is a quiet girl, right up until she steals a car and drives it through a shop window.

Max is a nice guy, but then he kills his whole family. Just for fun.

Amar always seems so happy, so why is he trying to jump to his death from the school roof?

Some of the students of Coal Hill School are not themselves. Some of them are dying. Ram has just woken up in a body he doesn't recognise, and if he doesn't figure out why he may well be next.
Class: The Stone House (Credit: BBC Books)Class: The Stone House
Written by A.K. Benedict
Published by BBC Books on 27th October 2016 [order from Amazon UK ]

If you get out, you’d think you’d be one of the lucky ones. But you’re not.
The house infects you.

There’s an old stone house near Coal Hill School. Most people hurry past it. They’ve heard the stories. But, if you stop, and look up, you’ll see the face of a girl, pressed up against a window. Screaming.

Tanya finds herself drawn to the stone house. There’s a mystery there, and she’s going to solve it. But the more she investigates, the more she realises that there’s a presence in the house. One that wants her.

Something is waiting for Tanya in the stone house. Something that has been trapping others in its web over the years. Something that is far worse than any ghost.
Class: What She Does Next Will Astound You (Credit: BBC Books)Class: What She Does Next Will Astound You
Written by James Goss
Published by BBC Books on 27th October 2016 [order from Amazon UK ]

‘We want your stunts, your dares, your whatevs. There is only one rule. There is no such thing as oversharing.’

At Coal Hill School, things have started to get public. Kids have become obsessed with a website that demands you perform risky stunts, or tell it your most painful secrets. And Seraphin, everyone’s favourite vlogger, wants you to get involved. All in the name of charity.

At first people just get hurt. Then their lives are ruined. Finally, they disappear.

As April’s fragile group of friends starts to fracture, she decides she’s going to uncover the truth behind this site herself. Whatever it takes, whoever she hurts, April’s going to win. But then, to her horror, she wakes up and finds her whole world’s changed.

What she does next will astound you.


To be in with a chance to win a set of the novels courtesy of BBC Books, simply answer the following question:
What is the name the classmates have christened the rift in Coal Hill Academy?
Please send your answers along with your name, address and where you heard about the competition (news site, news app, other website, etc.) to with the subject "A touch of Class" . The competition is open to UK readers only , closing date 13th November 2016 . Only one entry per household will be accepted.

FILTER: - BBC Books - Books - Class - Competitions

The Power of the Daleks to get Australia Cinema Showing Bookmark and Share

Tuesday, 25 October 2016 - Reported by Marcus
The Power of the Daleks (animated) - The Daleks (Credit: BBC Worldwide)BBC Worldwide ANZ and Sharmill Films have today announced a limited-run theatrical screening of the new animation of The Power of the Daleks from Saturday 12 November for one week only, ahead of its release on DVD. The cinema event will also feature exclusive bonus content including interviews with members of the original cast.

Screenings of the story have already been announced in cinemas in the US and at the BFI in London . The lost story has been animated to mark the 50th Anniversary of the original transmission of the story, the first full adventure for the Second Doctor.

Tickets for Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks can be purchased by visiting for information on participating cinemas, or at the cinema box offices.

The Power of the Daleks is one of the most celebrated Doctor Who adventures, and yet no complete film recordings are known to have survived. The master negatives were destroyed in an archive purge in 1974. This brand new animation, being released 50 years after its only UK broadcast, is based on the programme’s original audio recordings, surviving photographs, and film clips. The six-part adventure features the regeneration - or as it was then called “renewal” - of First Doctor, William Hartnell, into Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton, and follows the Time Lord and his companions Polly (Anneke Wills) and Ben (Michael Craze) as they do battle with the Daleks on the planet Vulcan.

Louise Hill , Live Entertainment Executive for BBC Worldwide ANZ said
“This is a great opportunity for Doctor Who fans to see all six-parts of Power of the Daleks brought to life using modern animation techniques, and to experience this as a shared event.
Natalie Miller AO, Sharmill Films Executive Director, added:
The state-of-the-art presentation of these iconic lost episodes will be a landmark event in the world of Doctor Who, and we are hugely excited for Australian fans to discover them on the big screen.
Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks is produced and directed by Charles Norton, with character designs from acclaimed comic book artists Martin Geraghty and Adrian Salmon. It will be released on DVD in Australia by Roadshow Entertainment on 14 December 2016.

FILTER: - Australia - Cinema - Second Doctor

Class- Episode 3 - Nightvisiting Bookmark and Share

Tuesday, 25 October 2016 - Reported by Marcus
The BBC have released a new set of pictures from the third episode of Class, Nightvisiting .

The episode is released on BBC Three next Saturday, after which it will be released around the world. Full Details
Class Episode Three; Nightvisiting

London is infiltrated by an eerie alien with the ability to morph into the shape of lost loved ones.
Tanya has an unexpected visitor come to her window in the dead of night - and she's not the only one, as Ram and Miss Quill face their own startling visitors.
Confronted with these emotional encounters, the team must overcome the persuasion of this strange new threat, and battle through the streets to stop Tanya from being lost forever.
Ram (FADY ELSAYED) (Credit: BBC/Simon Ridgeway)Orla'ath (ANASTASIA HILLE), Miss Quill (KATHERINE KELLY)  (Credit: BBC/Simon Ridgeway)Jasper (KOBNA HOLDBROOK SMITH) (Credit: BBC/Simon Ridgeway)Tanya (VIVIAN OPARAH) (Credit: BBC/Simon Ridgeway)Tanya (VIVIAN OPARAH) (Credit: BBC/Simon Ridgeway)Tanya (VIVIAN OPARAH) (Credit: BBC/Simon Ridgeway)Jasper (KOBNA HOLDBROOK SMITH) (Credit: BBC/Simon Ridgeway)Tanya (VIVIAN OPARAH), Ram (FADY ELSAYED) (Credit: BBC/Simon Ridgeway)Tanya (VIVIAN OPARAH) (Credit: BBC/Simon Ridgeway)April (SOPHIE HOPKINS) (Credit: BBC/Simon Ridgeway)April (SOPHIE HOPKINS) (Credit: BBC/Simon Ridgeway)

FILTER: - Class - Publicity