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Derek Prince Ministries USA | Ultimate Bible Teaching Collection
Welcome to Derek Prince Ministries USA

Nothing Will Hurt You

Are you secure in the Lord’s protection? Do you wonder whether Jesus will always protect you from physical harm or injury? Is this an area of uncertainty in your life? There are many great and precious promises in the Bible. One of those is what Jesus said to His disciples in Luke 10:19: “Nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Do benefits from such truths come automatically to us? Or are there conditions to receive them?

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Teaching Legacy Of Derek Prince

Winning The Battle Of The Ages

Jesus is coming again?but Satan has always had schemes to disrupt God’s purposes. To resist him, we must understand his goals for the end of the age. That is the focus of Part 3 of our series, The Battle of the Ages.

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Reaching the unreached, teaching the untaught.

Helping Church Leaders In China

The Derek Prince Ministries-China team, who are themselves mainland Chinese, have a strong burden to help their brothers and sisters in China. They want to make a difference, but they cannot do it without your help. Will you empower us to provide Derek’s teaching to these hungry Chinese believers?

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Reach the unreached. Teach the untaught.

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At Derek Prince Ministries USA, our passion is to teach the Bible and disciple believers to live life to the fullest through Jesus and a sound understanding of God’s Word. Equip your faith and transform your world with our ultimate collection of Bible resources featuring the timeless teachings of Derek Prince.

Derek Prince

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