• The DJ, who worked for the BBC and Capital, posted on his TikTok account?

Ex-BBC DJ Tim Westwood , who has been the subject of several sexual misconduct claims, moved to Nigeria and and briefly rebranded as a cooking influencer, it can be revealed.

The Radio 1, Radio 1Extra and Capital Xtra DJ has been interviewed by police in the UK under caution multiple times over allegations including that he initiated unwanted sex with teenage girls and young women, but has never been formally arrested.

Now, FEMAIL can reveal the 66-year-old DJ, who also had a show on Capital Xtra but stepped down from the role, rebranded as a food influencer in Lagos during a four-month stint in the Nigerian city earlier this year.

In videos posted on his TikTok account in April, Westwood showed his followers methods for cooking okra soup, a recipe which originates in Nigeria, as well as a chicken stew.

It comes after the Met Police ?has investigated 'non-recent sexual offences' in relation to the DJ, which dated between 1982 and 2016 and are all alleged to have happened in London .

Ex BBC and Capital DJ Tim Westwood has rebranded as a cooking influencer while living in Lagos

Ex BBC and Capital DJ Tim Westwood has rebranded as a cooking influencer while living in Lagos

A statement from the force in October confirmed a man had been interviewed under caution four times between March 15 and October 25 this year, adding that no arrest had been made.?

His career has gone quiet in the UK since the allegations surfaced in 2022.

However, videos on his TikTok page show the former DJ sharing his methods for cooking dishes from his kitchen in Lagos.

At the end of one clip, Westwood tucks into a chicken and egg stew on the balcony of what appears to be his place of residence in the Nigerian city, before the camera pans out to a swimming pool complete with sun loungers.

It came with other clips posted from his time in Lagos, which appeared to span from January until April.

However, following Westwood's foray into the world of food influencing, he has posted clips of club nights in the UK in the last few weeks.

In April 2022, several women came forward in a BBC and Guardian investigation, accusing Westwood of predatory behaviour, unwanted sexual advances and inappropriate touching from the 1990s until 2017.

Three women, aged 17, 19 and 20 at the time they met Westwood, described a pattern of alleged 'opportunist and predatory sexual behaviour' after agreeing to meet with him.?

The former DJ who has been the subject of multiple misconduct allegations has posted instructional videos on his channel

The former DJ who has been the subject of multiple misconduct allegations has posted instructional videos on his channel

In his heyday, Westwood took to the decks at several huge events up and down the country, touring universities and other institutions

In his heyday, Westwood took to the decks at several huge events up and down the country, touring universities and other institutions

Two of them, who had aspirations of working within the music industry, claimed they agreed to meet Westwood in London to discuss music, before he 'initiated unwanted and unexpected sex' that left them feeling 'completely powerless' and 'scared'.?

A further four women said Westwood groped them while posing for a picture with him after his nightclub performances.?

One woman was in her 20s when, she told the BBC, she met Westwood after reassuring her mother that it was work experience to help the DJ connect with a younger audience.

She claimed when Westwood picked her up in a large American-style vehicle he started touching her inappropriately before his 'erratic driving' was picked up on by a police officer.

Later, in a London flat, she claimed the DJ sat next to her and tried kissing her before they had sex. She claims the work experience he offered never materialised.

Using the alias Pamela, she said: 'I'm in London alone with this guy who is a lot older than me. Now if I try to get out of it who's to say how he is going to react. So I just submit to it.

One of the recipes demonstrated by Westwood in his cooking videos was okra soup, a traditional dish in Nigeria

One of the recipes demonstrated by Westwood in his cooking videos was okra soup, a traditional dish in Nigeria

'It was really weird and from the back he's pulling my hair and I'm thinking 'f***, motherf*****'s going to rip my hair out'. And I remember him going out to the bathroom and I was just sat there on the bed and I remember looking for my clothes so I could get dressed quickly.

'I don't want this man to see me naked even though he's just seen me naked. It's different. Traumatic. That's how I'd describe it. It was disgusting and I felt like s*** afterwards. Felt really disgusting. How have I let myself be subjected to that? That's how I felt.'

Another woman, who was 17 at the time, alleged Westwood, then aged in his mid-thirties, also subjected her to unwanted sex.

Using the alias Tamara, she claimed the encounter took place after giving Westwood a demo of her own work while she was a member of an R&B group.

'Within the recording industry and the black community, despite him being a white man, he had absolute power. He could make or break your career', she said.

Young women say DJ Tim Westwood pressured them into unwanted sex, and groped bottoms and breasts as he took advantage of his powerful position in the rap world

Young women say DJ Tim Westwood pressured them into unwanted sex, and groped bottoms and breasts as he took advantage of his powerful position in the rap world

?But once they arrived at a London flat, she claims Westwood, without saying anything, pulled down her trousers and underwear before performing oral sex on her.

'There was no talking,' she said. 'There was no kind of communication about that. It was just, before I knew it, that's what was happening. I'm slim, I'm about 5ft 3in, really small, definitely in comparison to him, he's 6ft something.

'I think I remember trying to push either his shoulder or his head but he just continued. And then I just realised that I'm in a position where it has already gone too far.

'I'm in a place, I'm already far from home, I wouldn't know how to get home from here. I was manipulated into that position. I was led to believe one thing when he had something else in mind. Then he finishes and then it's as if that hadn't happened. He just began a conversation.'

Tamara said she had sex with Westwood on a few occasions over the next couple of years until she eventually told him to stop.

She added: 'His general demeanour, in effect, completely changed. His face changed.

'It was kind of like he couldn't believe I was actually saying no.

A woman using the alias Pamela claims Westwood drove her to a flat in central London and initiated unwanted sex when she was 19 and he was 53

A woman using the alias Pamela claims Westwood drove her to a flat in central London and initiated unwanted sex when she was 19 and he was 53

A woman, using the alias Tamara, alleges Westwood, then aged in his mid-thirties, also subjected her to unwanted sex when she was 17

A woman, using the alias Tamara,?alleges Westwood, then aged in his mid-thirties, also subjected her to unwanted sex when she was 17

One woman, using the pseudonym Isabel, alleges she was 19 and the DJ was 53 when he exposed his genitals to her in a car

One woman, using the pseudonym Isabel, alleges she was 19 and the DJ was 53 when he exposed his genitals to her in a car

'I think I assumed he was 20-something but then much later I calculated it and I figured he would have been either 34 or 35 when I was 17. And that's really no age for a grown man to be moving around with teenagers.'

A third woman, using the pseudonym Isabel, alleges she was 19 and the DJ was 53 when he exposed his genitals to her in a car after she gave him a mixtape showing what she could do.

She told the BBC she felt 'completely powerless' and 'very, very scared' when he allegedly exposed his genitals to her in a car' before taking her to his flat.

Isabel told the BBC that upon entering a flat in London, a naked Westwood entered the room with a drink in hand. He was allegedly holding a condom which was in a packet with his face on and initiated sex with her while she remained 'frozen'.

She added: 'And then that was it. He was done. He got off. I think he left the room. I just remember feeling so deflated and so sad and feeling really ashamed of myself and bad.'

At the time the allegations came to light, Westwood, who was then working for Capital Xtra, stepped down from his role.

A statement from his representatives? in 2022 said: 'Tim Westwood strongly denies all allegations of inappropriate behaviour.

'In a career that has spanned 40 years, there have never been any complaints made against him officially or unofficially.

'Tim Westwood strongly rejects all allegations of wrongdoing.'

However, the allegations were not the first time Westwood had come under fire for his behaviour towards women.

In 2013, Leicester University banned the DJ from its student union after he made lewd comments to young female students in the audience during a club night.

It came after students condemned his 'vulgar and sexist' behaviour during a set, which included pointing to a girl in the audience and telling her: 'Girl in the front row with the black dress on, I will be f****** you later.'?

He then told another girl: 'Security have told me you need to wear a sports bra.'?

A spokesman for Westwood denied the sexual language was harassment.?