'Kate Middleton was gangly and wore a brace ? but a 100mph kind of girl'

In a corner of a tiny Welsh hamlet on the borders of the Brecon Beacons National Park, news of the Royal engagement brought both smiles and tears.

Watching Prince William and his bride-to-be make their announcement on Tuesday were Kevin and Denise Allford, who were house parents to young boarders at St Andrew’s prep school in Pangbourne, Berkshire, which Kate attended until she was 13.

The Allfords were charmed by the tall, sports-mad youngster they always called Cath­erine and believe her quiet determination will hold her in good stead for her future role.

Kate Middleton

Early days: Allfords were charmed by the tall, sports-mad youngster they always called Cath­erine and believe her quiet determination will hold her in good stead for her future role

‘She was definitely special,’ says Denise. ‘I know it’s easy to say that now, but there was always something about her.’

Kate is now widely admired as a beautiful young woman ? but she wasn’t always noted for her looks.

‘She wasn’t particularly pretty as a young girl and she wore braces on her teeth from the age of 12,’ says Denise.

‘She was thin and much taller than the other girls ? quite gangly, really. Her sister Pippa was the more beautiful of the two of them at that age.

‘But Catherine was very determined, which seemed to set her apart.’

The couple have a selection of precious photographs of their young charges, including one of Kate and her friends surrounding Kevin on their final day at school. ‘You can imagine the tears that day,’ says Kevin.

Kate was initially a day pupil but became a weekly boarder when she was 11.

Kevin was a sports, French and German teacher at first and Denise taught the junior children until they both later became house parents.

Kate Middleton

'Polite': Kate was known as Catherine in her younger days

Kevin, now 58, says: ‘Cath­erine’s group of around 16 kids was probably the best I’ve ever taught. They were industrious, conscientious and so polite.’

A system rewarding pupils points for good behaviour was in place. Good order marks, known as goms, were much-coveted. Although the Allfords have not kept Kate’s record, they suspect she was near the top of the class.

Kevin says: ‘She was a 100mph kind of girl and put full concentration into everything she did. She was a hard worker and would often take herself off to the classrooms to study when everyone else was playing.’

If she did well academically, it was on the sports field where she excelled. The Allfords say she was outstanding, captaining the netball team and breaking a series of school swimming records. In her final year at St Andrew’s, Kate was named the best all-round sportswoman.

Once matches or practice ­sessions were over, Kate would be first to help clear away the equipment. ‘At the end of a games lesson, you’d have 30 netballs spread around. You didn’t need to ask ? Catherine would get them,’ says Denise.

Kate’s sister Pippa and brother James also attended the school, so the Allfords came to know the Middleton family well. ‘As parents, Carole and Mike were so supportive and involved, but not pushy in the slightest,’ says Denise.

‘They were very proud of their children and rightly so, because they all stood out. All three of their children were very self-motivated. Mike in particular was affable and always came over to chat.’

Such was Kate’s dedication to sport that when she became a boarder, her mother became concerned about her weight.

‘Catherine had a very high metabolic rate and that was always a concern for Carole, particularly when she started boarding,’ says Denise. ‘She had a tremendous appetite but because she put so much effort into everything she needed a constant supply of calories.’

Kate left St Andrew’s at 13 to attend Downe House in Newbury, and then Marlborough College. Although the Allfords lost touch with the family once Kate’s brother James had departed, in 2004 they opened their newspaper to see photos of Kate skiing with William.

‘I just thought it was wonderful. She’ll be perfect as a queen because she’s so lovely girl,’ says Denise proudly.

Apart from the various photographs, the couple also treasure a framed Picasso print of a bouquet of flowers presented to them by Kate when she left St Andrew’s. It is on display at their house in Llanarthney, near Carmarthen.

royal plate

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Suddenly struck by a thought, Denise begins carefully peeling away the parcel tape on the back of the frame ? and there, on the top of the page, is a scrawled message in a teenage hand. It reads ‘Catherine x x’.

‘I can’t believe it,’ Denise says. ‘I sliced the rest of the message off to fit the frame. How can I have done that? It’ll probably be worth more than the original Picasso painting one day.’

Denise also worries what she will do if she ever sees Catherine again. ‘I’d just want to run up and hug her. But what about Royal protocol? Maybe she won’t even remember us. But I like to think she will.’

* The fee for this interview is being donated to the Welsh Air Ambulance and the Cardiac Research Unit at Morriston Hospital, Swansea.

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