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Policy Support Unit

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In September 2007, APEC Ministers agreed to establish the APEC Policy Support Unit (PSU) - a research and analysis arm for APEC. To be attached to the APEC Secretariat, the unit will be funded by voluntary contributions and overseen by a governance board.

The PSU commenced operations in 2008 under a set of governance arrangements. It is granted an ongoing mandate with effect from 1 January 2018.

Vision, Mission and Objectives

Supporting APEC Members and Fora

The PSU is always looking for opportunities to assist APEC members and fora. It can:

  • undertake detailed research on various topics and synthesize key points into short, digestible policy papers and presentations to support fora discussions
  • provide members and fora with access to greater levels of data and commentary about economic issues within APEC
  • support members and fora in designing robust, effective initiatives with measurable outcomes
  • carry out initiatives on behalf of APEC fora, marshalling internal and external expertise as necessary

Formal proposals for work or requests for assistance can come from APEC members and fora. The PSU can provide assistance in the design of proposals and is happy to discuss proposals prior to being presented formally. The PSU also proposes work to help APEC implement its priorities.

Before the PSU undertakes a project it must be approved by the PSU Board. Decisions take into account APEC's agenda and priorities and the resource implications for the PSU. The PSU prides itself on rigorous and objective analysis with evidence-based conclusions.

While the Board sets the work program and the PSU complies with APEC publication policies, the responsibility for research conclusions rests with the unit.

A list of PSU’s products and publications is available on the  PSU Products & Publications page.

The PSU project development and approval process can be viewed here .