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afrol News - Indian Ocean


Comoros | Madagascar | Mauritius | R?union and Mayotte | Seychelles
R�union and Mayotte

"Uncontrolled locust plague" hitting Madagascar

afrol News - In Madagascar, "a largely uncontrolled locust plague" is in development, which by September is expected to infest two-thirds of the large island. If not checked, the locusts will finish off the entire crops of more than half of the population.
Mauritius | R?union and Mayotte
"New continent" found beneath Mauritius, R?union

afrol News - "Mauritia" is the name scientists have given the newly discovered micro-continent in the Indian Ocean, which detached about 60 million years ago while Madagascar and India drifted apart. A thick layer of lava so far has kept it secret.
"No electoral violence in Seychelles"

afrol News - The main opposition leader in Seychelles says he is confident that, if President James Michel loses the upcoming elections, he will peacefully stand down.
Comoros | R?union and Mayotte
Comoran island Mayotte is now a French department

afrol News - Despite strong protests from the government of Comoros, the island of Mayotte has officially become the 101st department of France; or an integral part of the French territory.

Africa prepares for carnival season

afrol News - Africa's many carnivals are not the most internationally known, but Cape Verde, Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique carnivals have long traditions. Newcomer Seychelles this year offers a tourism-adapted carnival.
New movement in Madagascar stand-still

afrol News - As Malagasy ex-President Mar Ravalomanana prepares to go home, his followers prepare a welcome-back party while government threatens to arrest him. Meanwhile, a new mediator has been named.

Somali pirates to be returned from Seychelles

afrol News - The government of Seychelles has signed first-ever deals with justice ministers from Somalia, Somaliland and Puntland for the repatriation of convicted pirates, to serve their prison sentences at home.
Mauritius foresees strengthened growth

afrol News - The Mauritian economy has performed better than expected, with an increase of 4 percent in real growth at market prices in 2010, new statistics show. Growth in 2011 would be even stronger.

Seychelles negotiates pirate returns with Somalia, Somaliland

afrol News - The government of Seychelles has entered into negotiations with ministers from Somalia and the breakaway republics of Somaliland and Puntland to secure the repatriation of convicted Somali pirates.
Record tourist arrival numbers in Seychelles

afrol News - Seychelles set a new record for arrivals in 2010 with 174,529 visitors. This is the highest number of visitors ever recorded during a year on the tropical islands and is some 17,000 higher than in 2009.
Madagascar illegal logging continues

afrol News - Since Madagascar's 2009 coup, illegal logging of precious rosewood in the island's protected forests has exploded. A promise by coup President Andry Rajoelina to act to stop this logging has not been held, environmentalists say.
Dhoinine confirmed as Comoros' new President

afrol News - Ikililou Dhoinine today was confirmed by the Constitutional Court as the rightful winner of the Comoros presidential election in December. The court turned down a massively documented complaint from the opposition.
R?union and Mayotte | Comoros
Mayotte issue to split or join Comoros, France

afrol News - Despite heavy protests from Comoros, the Comoran island Mayotte soon will become a department and an integrated part of France. The move could further divide France and Comoros, or bring them closer together.
Piracy costs Seychelles millions

afrol News - Pirate activity in Seychelles' waters is very limited, but nevertheless it costs the small nation millions of dollars in lost revenues from fishing and tourism, and in extra transport costs.
Seychelles gets its 1st university

afrol News - Seychelles, a nation of only 85,000 inhabitants, yesterday inaugurated its first university. The small nation hopes to reverse the "brain drain" resulting from students having to travel abroad.

? Seychelles rescues piracy hostages
? Mauritius budget to secure nation's wealth
? Madagascar coup failing
? Coup attempt ongoing in Madagascar
? Madagascar referendum deemed illegal
? Comoros presidential poll results published
? Seychelles to organise "prestigious" carnival
? Seychelles, from recession to new boom
? Mauritius breeders hit back at UK campaign
? BUAV answers to Mauritius campaign reporting
? R?union Island sees strong tourism recovery
? Coral deaths reach Mayotte, Comoros
? Indian Ocean tourism cooperation limping
? Tortoise poaching boosted by Malagasy chaos
? Piracy forces Comoros into French military coop

Feature articles, Indian Ocean

Seychelles cuisine; imperfect paradise

afrol News - The market in Seychelles reveals the quality and quantity of ingredients needed for a creative Creole dish. Fish most people never have seen and tens of chilli varieties set the stage.

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Curiosities of Curieuse Island, Seychelles

afrol News - With Curieuse, one of the most popular day-trip destinations in Seychelles and the archipelago's fifth largest granitic island, the name really says it all. Noisily love-making tortoises, remnants of a leper colony and 2004 tsunami damages are among the curiosities on the uninhabited island.

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Silhouette, the Seychelles island man never managed to tame

afrol News - Since the 18th century, farmers, plantation owners, colonialists, state companies and now tourism developers have tried to tame Seychelles' third largest island, Silhouette. Nature was always stronger.

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Seychelles' silent 2nd revolution

afrol News - The small island nation of Seychelles found itself in a deep crisis in 2008, which had its roots in the 1979 socialist revolution. A new economic "revolution" in 2008 however is reinventing the nation's economy, turning old truths upside-down and removing the disputed legacy of ex-Dictator France Albert Ren?.

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