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Tuesday, January 09, 2007   19:05 GMT    
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Readers Opinions

RUSSIA: Privatisation to Preserve the Past
By Kester Kenn Klomegah
MOSCOW - Russian authorities are considering a proposal for privatisation of monuments so they could be preserved better to attract tourists.


BURMA: Defiant Public Blitzes Junta with Letters
By Marwaan Macan-Markar
BANGKOK - A handwritten letter to a military dictator may sound like an ineffective and risky way of conveying defiance especially in this Internet age, where e-mails, blogs and websites have combined to threaten political authority in a number of countries.


POLITICS-THAILAND: Junta Slips on Coup Promises
By Marwaan Macan-Markar
BANGKOK - The political temperature in Thailand is poised to rise in the new year as the country's military leaders scramble to retain their fast eroding legitimacy following the mid-September coup.


CHALLENGES 2006-2007: One Hand Launders the Other
By Lucy Komisar
NEW YORK - This month, Siemens, the Germany-based global engineering and electronics company, informed the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that prosecutors investigating the company for corruption have seized bank accounts in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, two leading "offshore" banking centres.


YEMEN: Economy Gets Help, But Has a Long Way To Go
By Nabil Sultan
SANA'A - Concerns have risen about the economic progress of Yemen in the New Year despite the aid pledged by donors at a conference in London last month.


DEVELOPMENT-NIGERIA: Burnt Alive, as History Repeats Itself
By Sam Olukoya
LAGOS - "The location, the timing all made a perfect situation for this kind of tragedy," said Bode Olufemi of Environmental Rights Action, the Nigerian affiliate of non-governmental group Friends of the Earth ? this after walking through the distressing aftermath of an oil pipeline fire that broke out in Nigeria?s financial hub of Lagos, Tuesday.


ASIA: Tsunami Recovery Hit by Corruption, Apathy
By Marwaan Macan-Markar
BANGKOK - Questions that have dogged the tsunami recovery effort through 2006 coalesced in a crop of media stories and critical reports as affected countries remembered in prayer and reflection the over 220,000 people killed in that December 2004 natural disaster.


CHALLENGES 2006-2007: Corruption Allegations and Score-Settling in Chile
Analysis by Gustavo Gonz?lez
SANTIAGO - The rightwing opposition in Chile has been reveling in the allegations of corruption in the financing of election campaigns by the centre-left governing coalition, but it may now find itself in the dock as accused, rather than accuser.


CHALLENGES 2006-2007: Angola's Oil Not Flowing for Safer Water
By Stephanie Nieuwoudt
NAIROBI - The cholera epidemic which has been plaguing Angola for nearly a year has placed the spotlight on the continuing lack of safe drinking water in that country.


CHALLENGES 2006-2007: Drug Money Impact Heavy but not Decisive in Mexico
By Diego Cevallos
MEXICO CITY - Estimates on how much drug money circulates in Mexico's financial system vary widely, but experts say it is not a central factor in the health of the economy. Nevertheless, they say its power to corrupt is immense, and that it is impossible to uproot.


BRAZIL: Popular Indignation Blocks Congressional Mega-Raise
By Mario Osava
RIO DE JANEIRO - The venality of legislators in Brazil, who awarded themselves a 90.7 percent pay raise, resulted in the reemergence of participative democracy in the form of mass demonstrations which prevented them from getting away with the measure.




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ICTs  in RSS C orruption depletes national wealth. Transparency International says corruption is often to blame for already limited public resources being diverted to uneconomic high-profile projects, at the expense of less spectacular but more necessary infrastructure projects. "Corruption remains one of the greatest obstacles to economic and social development," says Helen Sutch, of the World Bank. Read IPS special coverage.

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POLITICS: Burmese Junta Gets Mixed Review from U.N. Chief
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POLITICS-US: Goode Grief Over Koran Jibe
BRAZIL: Cell Phones - Democratising Communications
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 Related Web Sites

  Internet Center for Corruption Research
  Transparency International
  OECD Anti-Corruption Division
  Transnational Crime and Corruption Center - American University
  United Nations - Global Programme against Corruption
  Nathanson Centre - Organized Crime and Corruption Bibliographic Database Search
  Bribery and economic crime
  Periodistas Frente a la Corrupci?n
  Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering

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