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Tuesday, January 09, 2007   19:12 GMT    
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Readers Opinions

CHALLENGES 2006-2007: Lebanon Destroyed, Destabilised, Desperate for Change
By Dahr Jamail*
BEIRUT - The 34-day war between Israel and Hezbollah has left Lebanon heavily damaged and politically destabilised, with hopes for a better future only dimming as the New Year approaches.


CHALLENGES 2006-2007: Brave New Plans for Middle East Fall Apart
By Peter Hirschberg
JERUSALEM - Israelis had been captivated by the idea. They could withdraw from Palestinian areas, which they realised they could no longer control, without having to negotiate with the Palestinians, whom they did not trust.


CHALLENGES 2006-2007: The Year of Living Dangerously in the Middle East
By Adam Morrow
CAIRO - Following the execution of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, almost four years after the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq, the Middle East stands at a crossroads.


CHALLENGES 2006-2007: Emboldened Opposition, but Few Real Reforms in Egypt
By Adam Morrow
CAIRO - Domestically, the past year was a watershed for Egypt. It witnessed the emergence an empowered Muslim Brotherhood controlling roughly one-fifth of the parliament; a rebellion by reformist elements of the judiciary; and an embattled president vowing -- but not yet delivering -- a new era of political reform.


MIDEAST: Abbas Gambles with Another Election
Analysis by Peter Hirschberg
JERUSALEM - Frustrated with the impasse in unity talks with Hamas, the usually unadventurous, risk-averse Mahmoud Abbas is embarking on what can only be described as the biggest political gamble of his long career -- his decision to call early Palestinian elections.


EGYPT: Fearing Civil Wars, Cairo Counsels Restraint
By Adam Morrow
CAIRO - While the situation in U.S.-occupied Iraq has slid further into chaos and sectarian strife, Egypt has watched anxiously as two areas closer to home -- the occupied Palestinian territories and Lebanon -- have also been roiled by the specter of civil war.


MIDEAST: Syrian Offer Appears Too Good to Be True
By Peter Hirschberg
JERUSALEM - It would seem Israel is being offered exactly what it has been demanding for so many years from Syria: negotiations without preconditions. No insistence now by Damascus on Israeli readiness to make territorial concessions even before talks have begun.


POLITICS-IRAQ: Crisis Group Seeks 'Clean Break' in US Strategy
By Jim Lobe
WASHINGTON - Warning that Iraq faces ''complete disintegration into failed-state chaos,'' the International Crisis Group (ICG) is calling on the United States to make a ''clean break'' in its strategy for both Iraq and the wider Middle East region.


POLITICS: A Bridge Over Troubled Waters
By Haider Rizvi
UNITED NATIONS - Key political figures from the West and the Muslim world, as well as the outgoing U.N. chief Kofi Annan, urged the international community Monday to seriously examine ways to promote greater dialogue among civilisations and cultures.


POLITICS-US: Holy Warriors Set Sights on Iran
By Bill Berkowitz*
OAKLAND, California - Over the past 20 years, the U.S. Christian right has evolved into one of the most powerful grassroots organising forces within the Republican Party, and a host of Christian Zionists have taken a well-earned seat at the foreign policy table.


POLITICS-US: Neo-Cons Wanted Israel to Attack Syria
By Jim Lobe
WASHINGTON - Neo-conservative hawks in and outside the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush had hoped that Israel would attack Syria during last summer's Lebanon war, according to a newly published interview with a prominent neo-conservative whose spouse is a top Middle East adviser in Vice President Dick Cheney's office.




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News in RSS The roadmap to peace in the Middle East has opened up into new fields of war. The West Bank and Gaza have found no peace, war has resulted instead in Lebanon. Now Syria has joined the war of words. Iran is not giving up nuclear options, and Iraq could be headed for civil war. The troubled region is in new turmoil.
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POLITICS-US: Goode Grief Over Koran Jibe
BRAZIL: Cell Phones - Democratising Communications
POLITICS-US: More Subpoenas Come Down in Watada Case
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U.N. - Question of Palestine
Palestinian National Authority
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The Palestinian Chronicle - Online Independent Newspaper
Jewish Peace Fellowship
NGO Monitor - Arab/Israeli Conflict
Bitter Lemons: Palestinian-Israeli Crossfire
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