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         Kucura is situated in a flat area, favourable for agriculture, area in the south of the Panonian Plain, between the Danube and Tisa rivers.

         The oldest data on the village of Kucura are found in records dating from 1543 and 1590. At that time Kucura was populated by Orthodox Serbs. According to the legend Kucura derives its name from an answer “Kod cura” (“To girls”) which was given by young men who used to go to see the fishermen`s daughters. The answer was eventually shortened to “Ko(d) cura” > “Kucura”.

         After defeating the Turks and expelling them from Bačka, Srem and Banat, the Austria-Hungarian authorities needed to repopulate the south of their state. That is why the Rusyns (Ruthenians) were colonized in these parts in the middle of the 18 th century. An agreement of Rusyns settling in Kucura was signed in 1763. Rusyns came from the crests of the Carpathian Mountains as Uniates. Orthodox Rusyns had been brought closer to the official   Roman Catholic state religion between 1596 and 1646. Persued by their wish for a better life the Germans and Hungarians came to Kucura at the end of the 18 th and at the beginning of the 19 th century. Rusyns, Germans and Hungarians founded schools soon after foundation of their houses and churches. In the middle of the 20 th century, after the Second World War, the Serbs settled in Kucura as well. According to the 1991 census Kucura had 4714 inhabitants - 2462 Rusyns, 1499 Serbs, 369 Hungarians and others. Although heterogenous the population is characteristic for its homogeneous national co-relations. Even today, they respect the customs, language and culture of others while nourishing their own. Kucura is a proof that differences do not separate but make people closer and more familiar to each other. Teaching in the pre-schooling institution “Bo?ko Buha” and in the primary school “Brotherhood and Unity” is carried out in Serbian and in Ru sy n. Hungarian is also taught in the Kucura primary school, as an elective subject.

         The book Kucura in the Past and in the Present contains the following chapters: 1. History of Kucura; 2. Economy of Kucura; 3. Religious Life of Kucura; 4. Education in Kucura; 5. Health Care, Public Welfare, Invalid and Retired Persons Care, Fire and Veterinary Services; 6. Culture; 7. Physical Culture and Sport ; 8. Hunting and Fishing; 9. Attachments and 10. Kucura in the Past and in the Present - in Words and Photographs. Chapters 1-8 present various facts on the given topics in an encyclopedic way of writing. Each chapter is followed by a list of sources used. Chapter 9 consists of the following attachments: a) the list of the first families living in Kucura; b) the list of farm (sala ? ) owners ; c) the guest list of the 40 th anniversary of the Colonization; d) the list of the members of the Honourary Board 250; e) the maps of Kucura in the past and in the present. Chapter 10 offers two additional insights into the past or/and into the present of Kucura. The first insight is provided by Vladimir Sabo Dajko`s narrative on life in Kucura mostly in the 19 th century, and the other by a rich photo-album. As a matter of fact the photo album consists of two albums. The first one is black and white, the other is in colour. The effort was made to do so because the previous publications ( A Rainbow Above Kucura, Brought Out of Oblivion, The Theatre Life of Kucura ) failed to include the advantages of colour photographs. These two albums present the past and the present of Kucura in a new way unexperienced by the reader so far.

         The book is mainly bilingual (Serbian-Rusyn) as the majority of Kucura`s inhabitants is. Apart from Serbian and Rusyn, Hungarian and German are included too. This was an additional attempt to show that Kucura represents an interesting mixture not only of religions, cultures and customs, but also of languages and alphabets as well.

         We hope that the first publication of this kind will give an overview of Kucura, which is its main goal. We are aware that the texts provide only basic information and a reader can by no means be provided with all the desired details in any of the chapters. We expect that Kucura in the Past and in the Present will give an impulse for the publishing of several new books on various topics. The members of the Board are prepared to fill in the gaps - with God`s help and for Kucura `s undying fame .

         The members of Editorial Board joined their creative energy in order to dedicate this unique description of Kucura to the 2000 th anniversary of Christianity.


                                                                                                                      Editorial Board