The Adventurs o Tintin

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The Adventurs o Tintin ( French : Les Aventures de Tintin ; French pronunciation: ​ [lez?av??ty? d? t??t??] ) is a series o 24 comic albums pit thegither bi Belgian cartoonist Georges Remi, thit wrat unner the pen name Herge . The series wis ane o the maist popular European comics far the 20t yearhunner. Bi 2007, a hunner year efter Herge's birth in 1907, [1] Tintin haed been pit ower tae mair nor 70 leid wi sales o mair nor 200 mul?eon copy, [2] an haed been adaptit fur radio, telly, theatre, an fillum.

The series wis first seen in French on 10 January 1929 in Le Petit Vingtieme (The Little Twentieth), a wee weans magazine thit came wi the Belgian newspaper Le Vingtieme Siecle (The Twentieth Century). The success o the series meant thit serialised strips war pit oot wi Belgium's maist faur ben newspaper Le Soir (The Evening) an aw, and spun intae a successful Tintin magazine. In 1950, Herge foondit Studios Herge, thit pit thegither an pit oot canon versions o ten Tintin albums.

The series haes a maistly realistic [3] 20t yearhunner settin. Its hero is Tintin, a courageous young Belgian reporter an adventurer. His faithfu dug Tarrie ( Milou in the original French edition) comes alang wi Tintin in his adventurs. Ither main chairacters include the brash an cynical Captain Haddie an the barrie but pairt-deif Professor Kenspeckle ( French : Professeur Tournesol ), as weel as incompetent detectives Nisbet an Nesbit ( French : Dupont et Dupond ) an the opera diva Bianca Castafiore.

The series haes bin admirt fur its clean, expressive drawins in Herge's signatur ligne claire ("clear line") style. [4] Its well-howkit [5] plots straiadle a nummer o genres: swashbucklig adventues wi pairts o fantasy, mysteries, political thrillers, an science fiction. The stories featur slapstick humour, set aff bi bits o sophisticated satir and political or cultur commentary.

Albums pit ower intae Scots [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

The follaein albums hae been pit ower intae Scots bi Susan Rennie direct frae the French originals.

Nummer Title Furthset in Furthset bi ISBN
4 The Merk o the Pharaoh October 2014 Dalen Alba 978-1906587475
7 The Derk Isle 2013 Dalen Alba 978-1906587383
8 Auld King Ottokar's Sceptre October 2019 Dalen Scot 978-1906587147
9 The Partan wi the Gowden Taes November 2015 Dalen Alba 978-1906587512
10 The Ferlie Starn November 2021 Dalen Scot 978-1913573287
11 The Saicret o the Unicorn October 2020 Dalen Scot 978-1913573195
12 The Treisure o Rachlan the Reid October 2020 Dalen Scot 978-1913573201
20 Tintin i the Snaws o Tibet October 2017 Dalen Scot 978-1906587864

References [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

Bibliography [ eedit | eedit soorce ]


  • Bostock, Sarah; Brennan, Jon (10 Januar 2007). "Talk of the toon" . The Guardian . London. Archived frae the original on 20 December 2013 . Retrieved 14 Juin 2013 .
  • Farr, Michael (2007a). The Adventures of Herge: Creator of Tintin (Re-release ed.). San Francisco: Last Gasp (first published in 2007 by John Murray Publishers Ltd.). ISBN   978-0-86719-679-5 .
  • Gravett, Paul (2005). Graphic Novels: Stories to Change Your Life . London: Aurum Press. ISBN   978-1-84513-068-8 .
  • Junkers, Dorothee (22 Mey 2007). "Centennial of Tintin's Herge noted" . Taipei Times . Taipei. Archived frae the original on 20 December 2013 . Retrieved 22 Juin 2013 .
  • Miller, Ann (2007). Reading Bande Dessinee: Critical Approaches to French-language Comic Strip . Bristol: Intellect Books. ISBN   978-1-84150-177-2 .
  • Screech, Matthew (2005). Masters of the Ninth Art: Bandes Dessinees and Franco-Belgian Identity . Liverpool University Press . ISBN   978-0-85323-938-3 . Archived frae the original on 10 Apryle 2024 . Retrieved 23 October 2015 .
  • "Tintin creator's centenary" . The Age . Melbourne. 24 Mey 2006. Archived frae the original on 15 Mairch 2014 . Retrieved 22 December 2012 .

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