Fact Sheet

SMART-1 was used to test solar electric propulsion and other deep-space technologies, while performing scientific observations of the Moon. Among the scientific investigations, mission data will help to provide answers to questions about the origin of the Moon and to search for ice in the craters at the Moon's south pole. The mission ended on 3 September 2006 when the spacecraft, in a planned manoeuvre, impacted the lunar surface in the Lacus Excellentiae region.



ESA shares SMART-1 legacy with the world
21 September 2010 The complete archive of data sets from ESA's 3-year SMART-1 mission to the Moon has been released to the scientific community.
SMART-1 images of new target site of upcoming LCROSS impact
8 October 2009 ESA's SMART-1 team has released new images of the proposed impact site of NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS), after the LCROSS team announced a new target last week
SMART-1 latest maps for Kaguya's lunar impact
11 June 2009 Japan's lunar orbiter Kaguya yesterday concluded its successful scientific mission with a controlled impact on the lunar surface. The impact occurred at 18:25 UT on the Moon's near side and the resulting flash has been observed from the Earth.