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The Nobel Prize Internet Archive <!--BODY bgcolor="#000060" text="#ffff00" link="#ff8888" vlink="#ff8888" alink="#B5A642"--> <body bgcolor="ffffcc" onload="FrameThis()"> <!--exec cgi="/nobel/cgi-bin/topref"--> <center> <img align="center" border="0" alt="THE NOBEL PRIZE INTERNET ARCHIVE" src="images/archive2c.gif"> </center> <p> <hr> <center> <tt><b><font size="+2" color="00ffff"><nobr>2018 NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS </nobr><br><nobr>HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?">HERE </a></nobr></font></b></tt> </center> <hr> <p> <center> Welcome to the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. You can click on any Nobel category icon below ( <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><b>literature </b></a>, <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><b>physics </b></a>, <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><b>chemistry </b></a>, <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><b>peace </b></a>, <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><b>economics </b></a>, or <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><b>physiology &amp; medicine </b></a>) to see an annotated, hyperlinked list of all Nobel laureates in that category. And while you are at it, do not forget to check out the <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><b>Ig Nobel Prizes </b></a> too! <p> <img border="0" src="literature/images/ruler.gif"> <p> <p> <img border="0" src="literature/images/ruler.gif"> <p> The Nobel Prize Archive is fully interactive. If you have an interesting and useful Internet link about a particular Nobel Laureate, you can add your link <strong><font color="ff0000">instantly </font></strong> to that laureate's home page here at the Archive. We encourage you to add links as often as you like. The educational value of this Archive depends on the contributions and resourcefulness of its users. Want to try it out? Why not roll the dice, and start with a <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?">random Nobel link </a>!?.. <p> ...or use the Quick Search box below to quickly find exactly what you want! <br> <form method="POST" action="/nobel/cgi-bin/search.cgi" target="nobelmain"> <input name="q" size="20"> </form> </center> <p><br><p> <center> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img align="bottom" alt="" src="images/literature2.gif"><br><h2>[literature] </h2></a> <p><br><p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img align="bottom" alt="" src="images/mind-small2.gif"><br><h2>[physiology &amp; medicine] </h2></a> <p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img align="bottom" alt="" src="images/economics2.gif"><br><h2>[economics] </h2></a> <p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img align="bottom" alt="" src="images/physics2.gif"><br><h2>[physics] </h2></a> <p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img align="bottom" alt="" src="images/chemistry2.gif"><br><h2>[chemistry] </h2></a> <p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img align="bottom" alt="" src="images/peace3.gif"><br><h2>[peace] </h2></a> </center> <hr> <center> <h3>And here are some more Nobel Prize-related goodies... </h3> <p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img align="bottom" alt="" src="images/ig-small3.gif"><br>The Ig Nobel Prizes </a><br>by <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?">The Annals of Improbable Research </a> <p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img align="bottom" alt="" src="images/math3.gif"><br>Why the Nobel Prize in Mathematics does not exist </a> <p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img align="bottom" alt="" src="images/random.gif"><br>Link to a randomly selected Nobel Laureate </a> <p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img src="images/nobelnews.gif" alt="[Latest Nobel News Bytes]"><br>Latest Nobel News Bytes </a> <p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img src="images/1995awards.gif" alt="[1995 Nobel Prizes and Award Ceremony]"><br>1995 Nobel Prizes </a> <p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img src="images/1996awards.gif" alt="[1996 Nobel Prizes and Award Ceremony]"><br>1996 Nobel Prizes </a> <p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img src="images/alpha.gif" alt="[Alphabetical index of all Nobel laureates]"><br> Alphabetical index of all Nobel laureates </a> <p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img src="images/quizicon.gif" alt="[Nobel Trivia Quiz]"><br>The Nobel Trivia Quiz! </a> <p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img src="images/interview.gif" alt="[Exclusive interview with a Nobel laureate]"><br>Exclusive interview with a Nobel Laureate </a> <p> </center> <p> <hr> <p> <font size="-1"> Recipients in physics and chemistry are named by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; those in economics by the Central Bank of Sweden; those in physiology and medicine by the <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?">Karolinska Institute </a>; those in literature by the <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?">Swedish Academy </a>; and those who contribute to peace by the Norwegian Nobel Committee appointed by <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?">Norway's Parliament </a>. </font> <hr> <center> <p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img src="ads/images/ad_anim_4.gif" alt="[Click here for information about sponsoring this site.]"></a><br>[ <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?">Find out what others are saying about the Nobel Prize Internet Archive </a> ] <p> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img src="images/vert4star.gif" alt="Magellan 4-star site" border="0"></a> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img src="images/5percsmt.gif" alt="Top 5% site" border="0"></a> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img src="images/pcmag_logo.gif" alt="PC Magazine's Site of the Day (Aug. 6, 1996)" border="0"></a> <p> <font size="-3"> The Nobel Prize Internet Archive is not affiliated with <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?" target="new">The Nobel Foundation </a>. <br> This site is best viewed with the <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?">Netscape Navigator </a> Web browser. <br> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?">Comments to us </a>, <br> Copyright &#169; 1996-2008 Ona Wu. All rights reserved. </font> </center> <p> <center> <a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img src="images/rsacirated.gif" border="1" hspace="7"></a><a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img src="images/ie_static.gif" border="1" hspace="7"></a><a href="/page_translater_mobile.aspx?"><img src="images/netnow3.gif" border="1" hspace="7"></a> </center> <p> <center> </center> </body>