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Online sex offenders face more jail time
Online sex offenders face more jail time

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This was published 14 years ago

Online sex offenders face more jail time

Members of online child pornography rings and sex offenders who use the internet to prey on vulnerable minors face up to 25 years in jail under proposed laws.

New offences are also proposed for people who engage in overseas child sex tourism.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP), for the first time, will be allowed to permanently seize computers used to store encrypted child porn images.

They will also be given more scope to exchange information with overseas law enforcers, and co-operate with state police forces when conducting criminal checks on people wishing to work with children.

Outlining the federal government legislation, Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor said the new laws would include penalties of up to 25 years jail for sexual activity where the offender was in a position of trust, the child had a mental impairment or the abuse was persistent.

This relates to people who used the internet to find their victims.

"If we, as adults of Australia, cannot protect our children, who will," Mr O'Connor told reporters at the AFP's high-tech crime operations unit in Canberra.

AFP Commissioner Tony Negus said online-based child abuse was becoming a bigger problem as technology became more sophisticated.

"This is a growing problem, something that we're just seeing emerging in a broad range of different parts of the community, and we're working very hard to combat that," he told reporters.

Federal government legislation introduced to parliament on Thursday has new measures to toughen 1994 laws targeting Australians who sexually abuse children overseas.


"Australians who travel overseas to sexually exploit children will not escape punishment," Mr O'Connor said.

It also updates laws covering the use of the internet or a mobile phone for sexual exploitation, which have led to 500 arrests since being introduced in 2005.

Under the child sex tourism laws, new offences covering steps leading up to sexual activity will be covered.

Grooming or procuring a child for sexual activity overseas are new offences and will carry maximum jail terms of 12 and 15 years respectively.

A new aggravated offence, carrying a maximum jail term of 25 years, would cover online child porn networks where the perpetrator is in Australia.

Jail terms for using the internet to groom or procure a child will be raised from 10 to 15 years.

The same penalties will apply for possessing, producing or distributing child pornography.

Other new internet offences covering the transmission of indecent material to a child are being created.

The legislation also gives the AFP the power to permanently confiscate encrypted computer hardware used to store child pornography.

Assistant Commissioner Neil Gaughan, the national manager of the AFP's high-tech crime operations, said the legislation also would make it easier for the AFP to share information with overseas law enforcement agencies.

Most of the child pornography seized in Australia originated in Russia and North America, Mr Gaughan said.

Australian pedophiles were more likely to offend in South-East Asia, in countries such as Thailand, Cambodia and the Philippines, he added.

Child protection advocacy group Bravehearts welcomed the proposals to increase penalties for online pedophiles, but its founder and executive director Hetty Johnston said she would have preferred a 25-year jail term for people who groomed a child for sexual activity overseas.

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