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BBC NEWS | In Pictures | In pictures: Ivorian toxic waste [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Last Updated: Thursday, 7 September 2006, 08:48 GMT 09:48 UK
In pictures: Ivorian toxic waste

Young men in Ivory Coast protect themselves from the smell

At least three people have died and 1,500 been treated after toxic waste was dumped in Ivory Coast's main city of Abidjan. The government has resigned over the scandal.

Close up of scum produced by toxic mixture floating in an Abidjan lake

The foreign company that owns the vessel said an Ivorian firm had been put in charge of the waste after it was discharged several weeks ago. Local papers are alleging corruption.

A group of Ivorian patients wait in an emergency ward at the university medical hospital in Abidjan

Clinics have been overwhelmed by people complaining of stomach problems, nosebleeds, headaches and respiratory illnesses after inhaling fumes from the waste.

An Ivorian man at a roadblock in Abidjan protest at the dumping of toxic waste

Hundreds of young men have set up roadblocks in protest at the dumping of waste in seven sites around the city.

An Ivorian man pours toxic waste into a tank

Trafigura Beheer BV, the company that chartered the ship Probo Koala, said the waste was a mixture of gasoline, water and caustic washings.


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