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BBC News - Eyewitness: 'Bodies were falling'
Page last updated at 20:34 GMT, Tuesday, 29 September 2009 21:34 UK

Eyewitness: 'Bodies were falling'

Soldiers arresting protesters, 28/09

Guinean university student Sorie Condeh witnessed troops opening fire on opposition supporters.

He told the BBC's Focus on Africa how he escaped from the stadium in Conakry and then fled to Sierra Leone.

I was at my house [on Monday] and my friends came and told me to go to the stadium for a demonstration so I went together with them.

I was running myself for my own life, so I couldn't count the bodies

First of all it was difficult to get inside the stadium - there were military people all over the place, the police and the gendarmes.

We managed to pass through all the security people and enter into the stadium - there were hundreds of military people - they had guns, tear gas and batons.

Suddenly they started sending the tear gas on the people.

Everybody was running everywhere.

Some people fell on the ground, some managed to get out of the stadium.

'It was really scary'

The military people started using ammunition and fired live on the crowd.

I saw people falling - dead bodies - it was really scary.

I was running myself for my own life, so I couldn't count the bodies but I saw more than 10 people lying dead on the ground about me.

Map of Guinea and Sierra Leone

Me and my friends we managed to get to Pamalap, on the border with Sierra Leone.

When we arrived there [at the town] we met hundreds of people who also wanted to cross into Sierra Leone.

But there were no vehicles [allowed to cross].

Me and my friends we decided to cross the border through the bush.

I used to come to Sierra Leone and I know it very well.

Once we got to Kabaia [town] it was simple to get a vehicle to come to Freetown.

We arrived in Freetown early this morning.

I am worried for my family and friends still over there in Guinea.

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