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BBC NEWS | Africa | Obote buried in Ugandan home town [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Last Updated: Monday, 24 October 2005, 16:20 GMT 17:20 UK
Obote buried in Ugandan home town
Milton Obote's grave
Milton Obote's grave was decorated in his party's colours of red, black and blue
At least 20,000 people have turned out to pay their respects to Uganda's former President Milton Obote, as he was buried in his home in the north.

A BBC correspondent in the town of Akokoro says most people walked long distances, while others arrived by bicycle or on the back of lorries.

His supporters say his basic house showed that Mr Obote was not corrupt.

Mr Obote was Uganda's first leader but was twice removed from power by coups. He died aged 80, after a 20-year exile.

His burial was preceded by prayers and traditional dancing.

His grave is tiled in the red, black and blue colours of his Ugandan People's Congress party.

Our correspondent Will Ross says that while many view Mr Obote as the father of the nation, his time in power also gained him many enemies, especially in southern Uganda.

His army overthrew a southern king and thousands of civilians died during a civil war in the 1980s.

Since Mr Obote's death, the Ugandan government has been calling for greater reconciliation among Ugandans and even granted the former president a state funeral in the capital, Kampala on Friday.

The government was represented by several ministers at the burial, but Mr Obote's long-time enemy, President Yoweri Museveni, did not attend the burial.

Our correspondent says the mourners at Mr Obote's home added their voices to the calls for reconciliation.

In pictures: Uganda's former ruler
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Country profile: Uganda
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