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BBC NEWS | In Pictures | In pictures: Indonesian tsunami
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Last Updated: Tuesday, 18 July 2006, 07:16 GMT 08:16 UK
In pictures: Indonesian tsunami

An aerial view of shops and hotels destroyed by the tsunami in Pangandaran

Hundreds of people are now known to have been killed in a tsunami which struck the town of Pangandaran on the Indonesian island of Java.

Residents walk through a street littered with debris in Pangandaran

The tsunami was triggered by a magnitude 7.7 undersea earthquake which shook buildings in the capital, Jakarta, some 270km (170 miles) away.

Local residents look for their belongings n the wreckage of a collapsed house

Hotels, businesses and houses were devastated by the two-metre-high wave which hit the resort town on Monday afternoon.

A cyclist rides past by a boat swept ashore by the tsunami

The wave swept boats onto the shore and littered the streets with debris.

Indonesian police help residents sort through the debris

Rescue workers have been sent to the scene and officials fear that the death toll will rise further.

A woman injured in the tsunami is treated in hospital

Hundreds of people have been injured, and thousands displaced by the tsunami.

A woman cries as she sits in the rubble of her house

Relief items such as tents and food are being sent to help the victims.

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