On This Day: March 14

Updated March 14, 2014, 11:42 am

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On March 14, 1900, Congress ratified the Gold Standard Act.
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On March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist and one of the great thinkers of the ages, was born. Following his death on April 18, 1955, his obituary appeared in The Times.

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On This Date

1743 The first recorded town meeting in America was held, at Faneuil Hall in Boston.
1794 Eli Whitney received a patent for the cotton gin.
1883 Political philosopher Karl Marx died at age 64.
1900 Congress ratified the Gold Standard Act.
1939 The Republic of Czechoslovakia was dissolved, opening the way for Nazi occupation.
1951 United Nations forces recaptured Seoul during the Korean War.
1964 A jury in Dallas found Jack Ruby guilty of murdering Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President John F. Kennedy.
1967 President John F. Kennedy's body was moved from a temporary grave to a permanent memorial site at Arlington National Cemetery.
2004 Opposition Socialists scored a dramatic upset win in Spain's general election, unseating conservatives stung by charges they'd provoked the Madrid terror bombings by supporting the U.S.-led war in Iraq.
2004 Russian President Vladimir Putin captured more than 70 percent of the vote to win a second term in an election that European observers said fell short of democratic standards.
2005 A judge in San Francisco ruled that California's ban on gay marriage was unconstitutional.
2005 About 1 million people rallied in Beirut, Lebanon, demanding Syrian withdrawal and the arrest of ex-Prime Minister Rafik Hariri's killers.
2008 Protests led by Buddhist monks in Tibet turned violent, leading to an extensive crackdown by China's military.

Historic Birthdays

86 Georg Philipp Telemann 3/14/1681 - 6/25/1767
German composer of the late Baroque period
45 Johann Strauss, the Elder 3/14/1804 - 9/24/1849
Austrian composer of Viennese waltzes
57 Victor Emmanuel II 3/14/1820 - 1/9/1878
Italian king of Sardinia-Piedmont andfirst king of united Italy
75 Giovanni Schiaparelli 3/14/1835 - 7/4/1910
Italian astronomer and senator
61 Paul Ehrlich 3/14/1854 - 8/20/1915
German Nobel Prize-winning medical scientist
37 Casey Jones 3/14/1863- 4/30/1900
American railroad engineer
82 Algernon Blackwood 3/14/1869 - 12/10/1951
British mystery writer
75 Sylvia Beach 3/14/1887 - 10/5/1962
American owner of Shakespeare and Company bookshop in Paris
70 Adolph Gottlieb 3/14/1903 - 3/4/1974
American Abstract Expressionist painter
78 Raymond Aron 3/14/1905 - 10/17/1983
French sociologist, historian and political commentator
48 Diane Arbus 3/14/1923 - 7/26/1971
American photographer