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T.O.P and Kim Jun-su begin military service

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T.O.P and Kim Jun-su begin military service


Big name K-pop stars T.O.P from Big Bang and Kim Jun-su of JYJ have officially begun their mandatory military service.

Thursday was a crushing day for fans as the two 29-year old singers quietly arrived at the Korea Army Training Center located in Nonsan, South Chungcheong at 2 p.m.

Coincidentally, the two stars will complete their 21-month conscription serving together in the promotional unit of the National Police Agency.

T.O.P has been increasingly active on his Instagram account leading up to his enlistment, uploading an image with a message that read “I forgot to remember to forget.”

The singer also uploaded an image of a supportive message given by fellow celebrity superstar Lee Byung-hun, who wrote “stay healthy while you’re gone, and I hope your time away doesn’t go to waste” on a gifted wine bottle.

Likewise, Kim Jun-su also uploaded a goodbye message to his Instagram dedicated to his fans along with a selfie of his freshly cut hair, saying, “Thank you for the unending love and unforgettable support for the past thirteen years.”

T.O.P is the first from his boy band to enlist while Kim is the last from JYJ. The expected discharge date for the two singers from their military service is November 8 2018.

By Chung Jin-hong
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