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Lee Bo-young confirms role in ‘God’s Gift’

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Lee Bo-young confirms role in ‘God’s Gift’

Actress Lee Bo-young has confirmed her role in the upcoming SBS drama “God’s Gift - 14 Days.”

This will be the first drama she will work on since getting married to actor Ji Sung of the KBS drama “Secret.”

Many industry experts were eagerly waiting to hear about her next project. Lee became a popular actress through her previous dramas “My Daughter Seo-young” and “I Hear Your Voice,” which received high viewership ratings last year.

She was even honored with the highest prize at the SBS Drama Awards for her work last year.

The drama will show a mother, played by Lee, who time travels to find ways to save her child. Her male counterpart has not been chosen, but the decision will reportedly be made this week.

The drama will go on air next month, after “One Warm Word” completes its run.

By Lee Sun-min []

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