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‘Medical Top Team’ stars get ready for season premier

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‘Medical Top Team’ stars get ready for season premier


Cast members of the new MBC drama “Medical Top Team” gathered at a press conference yesterday at Severance Hospital in Shinchon, northwestern Seoul.

Actress Jung Ryeo-won of the SBS drama “The King of Dramas” will work with other big-name stars, including actor Kwon Sang-woo of the SBS drama “King of Ambition.”

Producer Kim Do-hoon of the hit MBC drama “The Moon Embracing the Sun” will once again grab the megaphone to direct the production.

The new drama garnered much attention from K-pop fans as Minho from the popular boy group SHINee is taking up the challenge of acting.

The drama, which started filming back in August, will air its first episode on Oct. 2, after the end of the currently ongoing “Two Weeks.”

By Lee Sun-min []
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