Abu Dhabi: The UAE Cabinet on Saturday announced the names of dozens of extremist groups that have been put on its list of terrorist organisations.

The list, which is in line with the anti-terror law issued by President His Highness Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan in August, includes major terror groups such as Al Qaida, Daesh and the Muslim Brotherhood, and its regional and local affiliates, as well as smaller regional and international groups.

The law authorised the government to issue a list of groups designated by the UAE as terrorist organisations, which makes it a criminal offence for any individual or group that communicates with them, engage in their activities, or provide support by any means.

“Whoever seeks or communicates with a foreign state, terrorist organisation or with anyone who works for their interests, to commit any terrorist act, shall be punished with imprisonment for life while the death penalty will be imposed if the terrorist act has been carried out,” the law says.

The list includes the Muslim Brotherhood in the UAE, and its political arm, the now-banned Al Islah Association, whose members were tried and convicted last year on charges of an attempt to overthrow the government and destabilise the political system of the country.

Among the terror groups on the UAE list are Al Qaida and its affiliates in the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa, Daesh (the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant), the International Organisation of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Syrian-based Jabhat Al Nusra and its Ahrar Al Sham allies, the Nigerian-based Boko Haram, Al Houthis group in Yemen, Hezbollah’s affiliates in the Gulf, Iraqi militias such as Badr, Asaaeb Al Haq, Abul Fadhl Al Abbas, Pakistan Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations. 

The list includes:

1. Muslim Brotherhood in the UAE

2. Al Islah Society

3. Fatah Al Islam in Lebanon

4.  Islamic Association in Italy

5. UAE Jihad cells

6. Osbat Al Ansar in Lebanon

7.  Islamic Association in Finland

8. Al Karama Organisation

9. Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb

10. Islamic Association in Sweden

11. Ummah Parties in the Gulf region

12. Ansar Al Sharia (Supporters of Sharia Law) in Libya

13.  Islamic Association in Norway

14. Al Qaida Organisation 

15. Ansar Al Sharia in Tunisia

16. Islamic Relief  Organisation  in London

17. Islamic State (Daesh)

18.  Mujahideen Youth Movement in Somalia

19. Cordoba Foundation in Britain

20. Al Qaida in the Arabian

21. Boko Haram in Nigeria

22. Islamic Relief  Organisation ? an affiliate of the International Organisation of the Muslim

23. Ansar Al Sharia (Supporters of Sharia Law) in Yemen

24. Almoravids Battalion in Mali

25. Taliban Pakistan

26. Muslim Brotherhood Organisation and group

27. Ansar Al Deen (Defenders of the Faith )in Mali

28. Abu Thar Al Ghafari Brigade in Syria

29. Islamic Group in Egypt

30. Pakistan’s Haqqani network

31. Al Tawhid Brigade in Syria

32. Egyptian Ansar Jerusalem

33. Pakistani Lashkar-e-Taiba group

34. Tawhid and Faith Brigade in Syria

35. Ajnad  Misr (Egyptian Jihadist Group)

36. East Turkistan movement in Pakistan

37. Green Brigade in Syria

38. Mujahideen Shura Council

39. Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis (Defenders of Jerusalem)

40. The Army of Mohammad  in Pakistan

41. Abu Bakr Al Siddiq Brigade in Syria

42. Al Houthi Movement in Yemen

43. The Army of Mohammad  in Pakistan and India

44.  Talha Bin Obaidullah Brigade in Syria

45. Saudi Hezbollah Al Hejaz

46. Indian Mujahideen in India/Kashmir

47. Hezbollah in GCC countries

48. Al Sarim Al Battar Brigade

49. The Caucasus Emirate (Chechen Mujahideen)

50. Abdullah Ibn Mubarak Brigade

51. Al Qaida Organisation in Iran

52. Islamic Movement of

53. Syrian Martyrs Brigade

54. Badr Organisation in Iraq

55. Abu Sayyaf Group (Philippines)

56. Abu Omar Brigade

57.  Asa’ib Ahl Al Haq (League of the Righteous) in Iraq

58. Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair)

59. Ahrar Shammar Brigade in Syria

60. Hezbollah Brigades in Iraq

61. Kanvas organisation in Belgrade, Serbia

62. Sariyat Al Jabal Brigade in Syria

63. Abu Fadl Abbas Brigade Iraq

64. Muslim American Society (Mas)

65. Al Shahba Brigade in Syria

66. Al Youm Al Maoud Brigade in Iraq

67. Association of Muslim Scholars

68. Al Qa’qa’ Brigade in Syria

69. Omar Bin Yasser Brigade (Syria)

70. Union of Islamic Organisations of France

71. Sufian Al Thawri Brigade in Syria

72. Iraqi Ansar Al Islam Group

73. Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe

74. Ibad Al Rahman Brigade in Syria

75. Al Nusra Front in Syria

76. Islamic Association in Britain

77. Omar Ibn Al Khattab Brigade in Syria

78. Ahrar Al Sham Movement in Syria

79. Islamic Society of Germany

80. Al Shaima Brigade in Syria

81. Army of Islam in Palestine

82. Islamic Association in Denmark

83. Al Haq Brigade in Syria

84. Abdullah Azzam Brigades

85. Islamic Association in Belgium