• Italy seizes Libya following two centuries of Ottoman rule. 

  • Italy united the Libyan provinces and increases Italian migration in an attempt to incorporate Libya into a Greater Italy. 

  • France and Britain oust the Italians and divide the country. 

  • Libya becomes independent. 

  • A 104-mile pipeline, which links major oil fields, opens. This allows Libya to export its oil for the first time. 

  • After two Libyan jets fire on a US aircraft, the US cuts all diplomatic ties with Libya and prohibits imports of Libyan crude oil. 

  • Libya, Algeria , Morocco , Mauritania and Tunisia form an economic and political union called the Arab Maghreb Union. 

  • For the first time in more than 20 years, the US energy companies return to Libya for the first auction of oil and gas exploration licenses. 

  • Violent protests break out in Libya, which eventually lead to the death of the Prime Minister of Libya. This marks the beginning of the destabilization of the country that persists to present day. 

  • US ambassador and three other Americans are killed when Islamist militants, including Ansar al-Sharia, storm the consulate in Benghazi.

  • UN staff pull out, embassies shut, foreigners evacuated as security situation deteriorates. Tripoli international airport is largely destroyed by fighting.

  • UN announces new, Tunisia-based interim government, but neither Tobruk nor Tripoli parliaments agree to recognize its authority.

  • Islamic State group ejected from Benghazi after three years of fighting.

  • Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh takes over as prime minister of the UN-backed Government of National Accord in Tripoli.


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