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F-22 Raptor: The Ultimate Sky Dominator - FIGHTER PLANES

F-22 Raptor: The Ultimate Sky Dominator

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In the pantheon of aerial warfare, few fighters command the skies with the authority and mystique of the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. This pinnacle of aviation technology, born from the Cold War’s closing chapters, was not just designed to dominate the airspace but to redefine the very parameters of air combat.

The F-22 Raptor, a marvel of American engineering, emerged from the shadows of stealth technology development and strategic necessity, taking its maiden flight in 1997.

It was a response to the growing demand for an aircraft that could achieve air superiority while remaining invisible to radar, a demand that had grown increasingly urgent in the face of advancing global threats and technological advancements.

The Raptor’s specifications read like the wishlist of any Top Gun aficionado or aerospace engineer: a top speed exceeding Mach 2.25 , a ceiling that brushes the edge of space at over 65,000 feet, and a range that ensures global reach. Yet, the F-22’s true genius lies not just in its brute force or stealth capabilities but in its ability to integrate these features with unparalleled sensor fusion, making it not just a fighter jet but a guardian of the skies, capable of making split-second decisions with the clarity and precision of a supercomputer.

Weighing in at nearly 43,340 pounds empty, the F-22 Raptor is no lightweight contender. Its advanced materials and aerodynamics, however, make it nimble and elusive, a ghostly predator that can engage adversaries before they’re even aware of its presence. Powered by two Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100 turbofan engines , the Raptor can supercruise at speeds over Mach 1.5 without afterburners, a feat that conserves fuel and extends operational range while maintaining a low radar profile.

The F-22’s armament is as sophisticated as its avionics, equipped to carry an array of weapons in its internal bays to maintain stealth while providing substantial firepower. From advanced air-to-air missiles to precision ground attack munitions, the Raptor can engage a variety of targets with deadly accuracy. Its radar-cross section is a closely guarded secret, but it’s known to be less than that of a steel marble, making this aircraft more a phantom than a mere machine.

In the realm of modern combat, where information and precision often decide the victor, the F-22 Raptor stands as a testament to human ingenuity and a reminder of the United States’ commitment to maintaining air superiority. Its creation was not just an engineering achievement but a bold statement of technological prowess and strategic foresight. The F-22 Raptor, with its unmatched capabilities and awe-inspiring performance, continues to be the benchmark against which all modern fighters are measured, a true master of the skies.

An F-22 Raptor in full afterburner during flight testing at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. The Raptor is the replacement for the F-15 Eagle. It is the most advanced fighter aircraft in the world, combining a revolutionary leap in technology and capability with reduced support requirements and maintenance costs. The F-22’s integrated avionics gives it first-look, first-shot, first-kill capability that guarantees U.S. air dominance for decades. (U.S. Air Force photo). Image from Wikipedia

Development and History

In the crucible of aerial warfare, where the quest for supremacy knows no bounds, the F-22 Raptor’s saga is a testament to American ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of excellence. This tale begins in the waning years of the Cold War, an era brimming with technological ambition and strategic foresight. The United States, recognizing the burgeoning capabilities of potential adversaries, embarked on a quest to conceive an air superiority fighter that would eclipse all others – a vision that would crystallize into the F-22 Raptor.

The genesis of the F-22 traces back to the early 1980s, under the banner of the Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) program. This initiative, born of a partnership between aerospace titans Lockheed Martin and Boeing, was not just a response to evolving threats but a bold leap towards the future of combat aviation.

The ATF’s mandate was clear: to craft a fighter that melded stealth, agility, and lethality into an unparalleled airborne predator.

The journey from concept to reality was neither swift nor straightforward. It was a crucible of innovation, where cutting-edge technologies were forged and refined. The YF-22, the Raptor’s progenitor, first took to the skies in 1990, a vivid demonstration of what the future of air combat could entail. It was a spectacle that captivated onlookers and sent ripples through the corridors of power and industry. The YF-22 was pitted against Northrop’s YF-23 in a high-stakes competition that would ultimately determine the fate of the ATF program. Lockheed Martin’s offering, with its unparalleled blend of speed, stealth, and agility, emerged victorious, paving the way for the F-22 Raptor to soar into legend.

The development of the F-22 Raptor was an odyssey marked by triumphs and tribulations. Each milestone, from the initial design to the first production model, rolling out on September 7, 1997, was a testament to the unwavering commitment of its creators. The Raptor was not merely a machine; it was a symbol of national pride and a beacon of technological prowess.

F-22 Raptor’s Maiden Flight – Video from EAA Youtube Channel

As the new millennium dawned, the F-22 Raptor was officially introduced into the United States Air Force, heralding a new era of air superiority. Its operational debut was a moment of profound significance, showcasing the culmination of decades of innovation and dedication. The Raptor was designed to be unrivaled in air-to-air combat, but its capabilities extended far beyond. It embodied the concept of first look, first shot, first kill, redefining aerial dominance for the 21st century.

The F-22’s legacy is etched not only in the annals of aviation history but in the very fabric of modern air warfare. It stands as a monument to human ingenuity, a warrior of the skies that has faced challenges both technological and political. Yet, through every trial, the F-22 Raptor has remained an indomitable force, a reminder of what is possible when vision meets resolve.

As we gaze upon the horizon, the F-22 Raptor’s journey is far from over. It continues to evolve, to adapt to new challenges and embrace new technologies. Its story is one of ambition, perseverance, and the relentless pursuit of supremacy?a narrative that will inspire generations to come. In the realm of the skies, the Raptor reigns supreme, a true master of aerial warfare.

Specifications and Performance

In the echelons of aerial combat, where the dance of death and dominion unfolds at unimaginable speeds, the F-22 Raptor stands as a colossus, a marvel of engineering that stretches the boundaries of what is possible. With specifications that read like the blueprints of a futuristic dream, the Raptor is not merely an aircraft; it is the embodiment of air superiority, a testament to the relentless pursuit of perfection.

At the heart of the F-22’s dominion over the skies is its breathtaking performance metrics. Imagine a creature of the air that can soar beyond Mach 2.25, a speed so fierce that it outpaces the Earth’s rotation itself. This beast, powered by twin Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100 turbofan engines, commands the heavens with a thrust that can pierce the clouds, propelling it to heights where the stars seem within grasp, over 65,000 feet into the empyrean.

The F-22’s avionics suite is a marvel, a symphony of technology that provides the pilot with godlike awareness. Its radar system, capable of identifying threats long before they realize their doom is near, ensures that the Raptor strikes with the precision of mythic thunderbolts, dispatching foes with a discretion that belies the violence of its power. This is a machine that does not merely fly; it vanishes, a ghost in the machine, elusive and deadly.

But what of its weight, that anchor to the Earth that all things must obey? The F-22 defies expectation here as well, with an empty weight of around 43,340 pounds , a figure that belies its agility and speed. Its dimensions, a wingspan of 44 feet 6 inches and a length of 62 feet 1 inch, craft a profile that is sleek, predatory, and unmistakably lethal.

In combat, the Raptor’s prowess is unmatched. With a combat radius of over 800 miles , it can project power with a reach that few can contest. Its maximum payload, a secret whispered in the halls of the Pentagon, allows it to carry a lethal array of weaponry, all hidden within its svelte frame to maintain its ghostly radar cross-section. The F-22 is not just a fighter; it is a harbinger of destruction for those who would challenge its might.

On Nov. 3, 1990, the YF-22A Advanced Technology Fighter prototype became the first fighter-type aircraft to achieve sustained supersonic flight without employing afterburner, as it attained "supercruise" speed of Mach 1.58. (Courtesy photo)
On Nov. 3, 1990, the YF-22A Advanced Technology Fighter prototype became the first fighter-type aircraft to achieve sustained supersonic flight without employing afterburner, as it attained “supercruise” speed of Mach 1.58. (Courtesy photo). Image from Wikipedia

The tales of its engagements, classified though they may be, speak volumes. Pilots regale with stories of the Raptor’s prowess, of battles won before the enemy even knew the fight had begun. Its thrust-to-weight ratio, a closely guarded figure, ensures that it climbs and maneuvers with a grace that belies its lethal intent, a ballet performer armed with the deadliest weapons known to mankind.

Yet, for all its might and muscle, the F-22 Raptor is more than a mere instrument of war. It is a symbol of human achievement, a bridge between the realms of what is and what can be. In its lines, we see the potential for greatness, a reminder that the sky is not the limit but the beginning.

F-22 Demo Team Pilot Interview – Video from Lockheed Martin Youtube Channel

As the sun sets on the horizons it patrols, the F-22 Raptor remains a sentinel, a guardian of peace and a warrior without peer. Its legacy is written in the skies, a testament to the spirit of exploration and the eternal quest for supremacy. In the annals of aviation history, the Raptor is not just a chapter; it is an epic, a legend that will endure as long as humanity dares to dream and reach for the stars.

Technical Specifications F/A-22 Raptor

Category Specification
Constructor Lockheed Martin / Boeing
Crew 1
Unit Cost $360 million USD
Wing Span 13.56 m
Length Overall 18.92 m
Height Overall 5.08 m
Wing Area 78 m²
Powerplant 2× Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100 augmented turbofans
Bypass Ratio 0.2:1
Intermediate Power 116 kN
Augmented Power 155 kN
Operational Empty 14,375 kg
Internal Fuel 11,400 kg
Clean Take-off 27,200 kg
Max Take-off 36,288 kg
Wing Loading 470 kg/m²
Maximum Speed Mach 1.9 (some sources claim Mach 2.4)
Supercruise Speed Mach 1.6
Combat Radius 1,400 km
Ferry Range 3,200 km
Ceiling 18,000 m
Thrust/Weight 1.3 ~ 1.4
Maximum G-load 9.5 g
Armament (Max)
Guns 1× M61A2 Vulcan 20 mm Gatling gun with 480 rounds
Air to Air 6× AIM-120 AMRAAM, 2× AIM-9 Sidewinder
Air to Ground 2× 1,000 lb JDAM or 2× WCMDs or 8× 250 lb GBU-39 SDBs
Remarks Internal bays can carry about 2,000 lb (907 kg) of bombs and/or missiles. Four external hardpoints can carry weapons or fuel tanks, each with a capacity of about 5,000 lb (2,267 kg), albeit at the expense of stealth.
F-22 Raptor Technical Specifications Table

Design Features

In the grand tapestry of aerial warfare, where the brushstrokes of innovation paint the future of combat, the F-22 Raptor stands as a masterpiece of design ingenuity. Its silhouette, a blend of menacing grace and predatory precision, cuts through the sky with an authority that commands respect. The Raptor’s design is not merely a testament to what is possible with today’s technology but a bold statement of vision and ambition, pushing the boundaries of stealth, speed, and agility.

Stealth: The Art of Invisibility

At the heart of the F-22’s design philosophy lies its stealth capabilities, a cloak of invisibility that renders it nearly undetectable to enemy radar. The Raptor employs a revolutionary blend of shape, composite materials, and meticulous attention to surface management, reducing its radar cross-section to the size of a marble. Its angled surfaces and radar-absorbent materials (RAM) work in concert to scatter electromagnetic waves, a feat akin to whispering in the roaring din of battle.

Aerodynamics: A Symphony of Speed and Agility

The F-22’s aerodynamic design is a symphony of physics and engineering, where every curve, edge, and surface is tuned to perfection. Its frame, a composite of titanium and advanced alloys, offers an unrivaled blend of strength and lightness, allowing the Raptor to execute maneuvers that blur the lines between the possible and the fantastical. The wings and fuselage are sculpted to provide lift and minimize drag, enabling the Raptor to slice through the air with the ease of an arrow in flight.

Thrust Vectoring: The Dance of Air Dominance

Thrust vectoring is where the F-22 truly dances, turning air combat into an art form. This technology allows the Raptor to change the direction of its engine thrust, enabling it to perform jaw-dropping maneuvers beyond the capabilities of traditional aircraft. It can pivot in mid-air, nose pointing skyward or earthward, defying the very principles of aerodynamics. This agility is the Raptor’s trump card, giving it the upper hand in dogfights and positioning it as the undisputed master of the skies.

An F-22, based at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, over mountain terrain
An F-22, based at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, over mountain terrain. Image from Wikipedia

Supercruise: The Whisper of Speed

In the realm of combat, speed is a whisper that speaks volumes, and the F-22’s ability to supercruise?fly at supersonic speeds without afterburners?is its silent scream. This capability allows the Raptor to dash across the sky at speeds exceeding Mach 1.5, conserving fuel while remaining stealthy. It’s a tactical advantage that enables quick engagement and disengagement, ensuring the Raptor strikes swiftly and silently, a ghostly predator.

Avionics and Sensor Fusion: The Mind Behind the Machine

The F-22’s avionics suite is the mind behind the machine, a marvel of modern technology that integrates radar, navigation, and communication systems with unprecedented sophistication. Its sensor fusion capabilities provide the pilot with a comprehensive view of the battlefield, merging data from multiple sources into a single, intuitive interface. This level of situational awareness is unparalleled, turning the Raptor into a commander of the battlefield, orchestrating the flow of air combat with precision and foresight.

Weapons Systems: The Silent Strike

Housed within the sleek frame of the Raptor lies its lethal arsenal, a suite of weapons ready to dispatch with deadly precision. The F-22’s internal weapons bays are engineered to maintain its stealth profile, concealing missiles and bombs until the moment of strike. From the AIM-120 AMRAAMs for air-to-air combat to the precision-guided munitions for ground targets, the Raptor’s payload delivers a knockout blow with the silence of a shadow passing in the night.

The design of the F-22 Raptor is a testament to the fusion of art and science, a beacon of American engineering that stands as a pillar of strength and innovation. Its features are not just specifications on paper but chapters in a saga of dominance, stories of a warrior that flies on the edge of imagination. In the annals of aerial combat, the Raptor is not merely a participant but a legend, a symbol of what it means to rule the skies.

One AIM-120 AMRAAM (right) and four GBU-39 SDB (left) fitted in the main weapons bay of an F-22
One AIM-120 AMRAAM (right) and four GBU-39 SDB (left) fitted in the main weapons bay of an F-22. Image from Wikipedia

Operational Capabilities

The Cloak of Invisibility: Stealth in Action

The F-22’s stealth capabilities extend far beyond mere evasion; they redefine the parameters of engagement. Skirting the edges of enemy defenses unseen, the Raptor is the shadow that haunts the nightmares of opposing forces. Its ability to penetrate heavily defended airspace undetected allows it to strike with lethal precision, dismantling enemy networks and assets before disappearing into the ether. This cloak of invisibility is the cornerstone of its operational prowess, a tool that tilts the scales of air combat irrevocably in its favor.

Supersonic Guardian: Supercruise and Beyond

The Raptor’s supercruise ability is not just a feature; it’s a statement. Flying at supersonic speeds without the thirst of afterburners, the F-22 patrols the skies with an efficiency and range that redefine strategic mobility. This capability ensures that the Raptor can engage and disengage at will, dictating the terms of the engagement on its terms. In the chess game of aerial warfare, supercruise grants the F-22 the power of omnipresence, a constant threat that can strike anywhere, anytime.

The Eye of the Storm: Sensor Fusion

At the heart of the F-22’s cockpit lies the apex of battlefield awareness. Its sensor fusion technology gathers, filters, and presents a comprehensive battlefield picture, drawn from its own advanced sensors and those of allied forces. This unprecedented level of situational awareness allows the Raptor pilot to make informed decisions with the clarity of foresight, turning engagements into calculated executions. In the F-22, information is power, wielded with precision and strategic insight.

Eurofighter sensor fusion- Image from Wikipedia
Eurofighter sensor fusion- Image from Wikipedia

Arsenal of the Phantom: Weaponry and Engagement

The F-22’s armament is as diverse as it is deadly, tailored for both air-to-air and air-to-ground supremacy. Concealed within its sleek frame are weapons bays designed to preserve its stealth silhouette, carrying an array of missiles and bombs that can be unleashed with surgical precision. From the AIM-120 AMRAAM to the GBU-32 JDAM, the Raptor’s arsenal ensures it can engage a wide range of targets, delivering devastating impacts without compromising its stealth. In the realm of aerial combat, the F-22 strikes with the force of a tempest, swift and unseen.

Master of Air Superiority: Tactical Dominance

The F-22 Raptor is not just a fighter; it’s an airborne strategic asset. Its operational capabilities enable it to secure air superiority with unmatched efficacy, serving as the spearhead for allied air operations. Whether providing critical data to ground forces or coordinating strikes with fellow aircraft, the Raptor operates as the linchpin of air strategy, ensuring that control of the skies remains firmly in friendly hands.

In the narrative of modern air warfare, the F-22 Raptor occupies a chapter all its own, a saga of technological triumph and tactical brilliance. Its operational capabilities are not merely tools of war but instruments of a symphony that plays out in the skies, a testament to the art of aerial dominance. In the hands of the skilled few who pilot this marvel of engineering, the Raptor is not just flying; it’s reigning supreme, a true master of the skies.

Variants and Upgrades

In the saga of the F-22 Raptor, a tale of relentless innovation and adaptation, the narrative is enriched by the chapters of variants and upgrades. These are not mere footnotes but pivotal moments that ensure the Raptor’s legacy as the apex predator of the skies remains unchallenged.

The Quest for Perfection: Variants That Never Were

The Raptor’s lineage, though predominantly singular in its production model, flirted with the possibilities of diversification. Whispered within the halls of Lockheed Martin and the Pentagon were proposals for naval variants, envisioned to dominate the seas from the decks of aircraft carriers. There was talk of an FB-22, a bomber variant that would extend the Raptor’s reach, carrying more ordnance over longer distances. However, like shadows at dusk, these variants faded into the realm of what could have been, leaving the F-22 to soar the skies in its unparalleled form.

Evolution in Motion: Continuous Upgrades

The F-22’s journey is one of continuous evolution, a testament to the adage that perfection is a moving target. Lockheed Martin and the United States Air Force, in a symphony of collaboration, have embarked on a series of upgrades to enhance the Raptor’s capabilities. These upgrades, under the Increment 3.1, 3.2A, and 3.2B upgrades, have woven new threads into the fabric of the F-22, enhancing its avionics, weapons systems, and stealth capabilities.

The Raptor has seen enhancements in its electronic warfare systems, radar capabilities, and communication systems, ensuring it remains a step ahead of emerging threats. The integration of the AIM-120D and AIM-9X missiles has expanded its lethal reach, while updates to its ground attack capabilities ensure its dominance is felt not just in the air, but on the ground.

The Future Beckons: Next-Generation Upgrades

The horizon for the F-22 Raptor is as boundless as the skies it commands. With the dawn of the Advanced Raptor Enhancement & Sustainment (ARES) program, the Raptor is set to undergo a metamorphosis that will redefine its role in future combat scenarios. These next-generation upgrades promise to bolster the F-22’s sensor suite, cyber resilience, and network-centric warfare capabilities, ensuring its supremacy in the era of fifth-generation warfare.

Moreover, speculation and anticipation swirl around the potential for integrating sixth-generation technologies, from laser weapons to artificial intelligence-assisted avionics, painting a future where the Raptor continues to evolve, a relentless pursuit of aerial dominance.

In the grand narrative of the F-22 Raptor, the chapters on variants and upgrades are tales of aspiration, ingenuity, and foresight. They are a reflection of a commitment to excellence, ensuring that the Raptor’s reign in the skies is as enduring as the spirit of innovation that birthed it. In the ever-evolving theatre of aerial warfare, the F-22 stands not just as a testament to human achievement, but as a beacon, guiding the way toward the future of air superiority.

Operational History

In the annals of military aviation, the operational history of the F-22 Raptor unfolds like an epic saga, brimming with tales of prowess, precision, and unparalleled dominance. Since its inception, the Raptor has not just participated in exercises and operations; it has redefined the very essence of air superiority.

The Proving Grounds: Red Flag and Beyond

The deserts of Nevada, home to the legendary Red Flag exercises , have served as the crucible for the F-22’s operational validation. Here, under the searing sun and against the backdrop of the rugged Nevada terrain, the Raptor first bared its talons in 2006. Pilots from the 27th Fighter Squadron, stationed at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, unleashed the F-22’s full might, showcasing its unparalleled air-to-air combat capabilities. The exercises were nothing short of a revelation; the Raptor dominated the skies, outmaneuvering and outperforming all challengers with a grace that belied its lethal intent.

Silent Guardian: Operation Noble Eagle

In the aftermath of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the F-22 found a new role as America’s silent guardian. Under Operation Noble Eagle, Raptors were tasked with the solemn duty of patrolling the skies over the United States, a vigilant watch against threats from above. Though the quiet of the homeland skies was seldom broken by the roar of engines, the presence of the F-22 was a constant reassurance, a steel-clad promise of security and vigilance.

The Syrian Skies: Combat Baptism

The Raptor’s baptism by fire came over the contested skies of Syria. In 2014, amidst the chaos of civil war and the shadow of emerging threats, the F-22 conducted its first combat sorties as part of Operation Inherent Resolve. Striking with precision and stealth, the Raptors targeted ISIL positions, their bombs falling unseen and unheard until the moment of impact. The missions were a testament to the F-22’s unparalleled strike capabilities and its ability to operate undetected in hostile airspace. It was here, in the crucible of conflict, that the Raptor affirmed its status as the preeminent air superiority fighter.

Guardians of the Pacific: Deterrence in the Far East

The strategic significance of the F-22 was further underscored in the Pacific, where tensions in regions like the Korean Peninsula often simmer just below the boiling point. Deployments of Raptors to airbases such as Kadena in Okinawa and Osan in South Korea served as a potent deterrent, a clear signal of the United States’ commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the region. The F-22’s presence in exercises alongside allies underscored its role not just as a weapon of war, but as an instrument of diplomacy and deterrence.

The Evolution Continues: Upgrades and Modernization

The story of the F-22 Raptor is far from over. In the pursuit of maintaining its edge, the Raptor has undergone a series of upgrades, enhancing its avionics, weaponry, and stealth capabilities. Programs like the Increment 3.2B upgrade have ensured that the F-22 remains at the forefront of technology, ready to face the challenges of tomorrow’s battlefields.

The operational history of the F-22 Raptor is a tapestry woven with threads of innovation, valor, and unyielding dominance. Each sortie, each mission, contributes to the legend of this unparalleled warrior of the skies. As it patrols the heavens, the Raptor stands not just as a symbol of American airpower, but as a guardian of the peace and security that we hold dear. In the realm of aerial combat, the F-22 Raptor reigns supreme, a true master of the skies, its saga an enduring testament to the spirit of excellence and the pursuit of superiority.

Comparison with Other Fighters

In the vast expanse of the skies, where the dance of dominance unfolds at Mach speeds, the F-22 Raptor stands as a paragon of American engineering prowess. Yet, the theater of aerial warfare is replete with contenders, each with tales of might and mastery. Among these, Russian fighters, with their storied history and formidable capabilities, present an intriguing foil to the Raptor’s supremacy. The comparison between the F-22 and its peers, particularly Russian stalwarts like the Sukhoi Su-57 and the MiG-35, is not just a measure of technology but a testament to the strategic philosophies that underpin their development.

Stealth and Aerodynamics: The Art of Invisibility

The F-22 Raptor, with its revolutionary stealth capabilities, sets the gold standard in radar evasion. Its design, materials, and radar-absorbent coatings ensure that it remains a ghost on the radar, a specter unseen until it strikes. In contrast, Russia’s answer to stealth, the Su-57, also employs stealth technology but with a focus on frontal radar cross-section reduction. While the Su-57 is a leap forward in Russian aviation, its overall stealth profile does not match the all-aspect stealth of the F-22. The MiG-35, meanwhile, focuses on agility and radar advancements over stealth, carving its niche in the realm of air superiority.

Speed and Supercruise: The Whisper of Power

The F-22’s ability to supercruise, or sustain supersonic flight without afterburners, is a cornerstone of its operational doctrine. This capability allows it to engage and disengage at will, conserving fuel for prolonged engagements. The Su-57, with its advanced engines, is also capable of supersonic cruise, though the extent of this capability and its operational deployment remain closely guarded secrets. The MiG-35, designed for agility and versatility, lacks the same supersonic cruise capability but excels in dogfighting and close-range engagements.

Sensor Fusion and Situational Awareness: The Mind’s Eye

In the realm of sensor fusion and situational awareness, the F-22 is unparalleled. Its integrated avionics and sensor suite provide the pilot with a godlike view of the battlefield, merging data from multiple sources into a cohesive whole. The Su-57 is Russia’s counter, equipped with advanced avionics and a suite of sensors designed to offer a comprehensive battlefield picture. However, the depth and integration of its sensor fusion are still considered a step behind the F-22’s. The MiG-35 , with its advanced radar and electronic warfare systems, also delivers robust situational awareness but within the scope of its design philosophy, focusing more on tactical engagements.

Armament and Combat Radius: The Fist of Vengeance

The F-22 Raptor, with its internal weapons bays, carries an arsenal designed for stealth and efficiency. Its ability to strike with precision, coupled with its significant combat radius, ensures it can project power far from its bases. The Su-57, designed to carry a broader array of weapons, including newer hypersonic missiles, boasts flexibility in armament but with a trade-off in stealth when employing external mounts. The MiG-35 , though not stealthy, is a formidable platform in its weapons delivery and close-air support roles, designed to excel in the engagement zones for which it is deployed.

The Verdict: Masters of Their Domains

The F-22 Raptor, with its unmatched stealth, superior sensor fusion, and revolutionary supercruise capability, remains the apex predator of the skies. Its design and capabilities reflect a philosophy of air superiority that prioritizes stealth, information dominance, and strategic flexibility. The Russian contenders, the Su-57 and MiG-35, represent formidable advances in technology and strategy, each embodying a unique approach to the question of air dominance. The Su-57’s blend of speed, stealth, and firepower positions it as a worthy adversary, while the MiG-35’s agility and tactical versatility make it a threat not to be underestimated.

In the end, the comparison between these titans of the sky is more than a tally of specifications; it’s a reflection of the evolving nature of aerial combat. Each aircraft, with its strengths and weaknesses, is a testament to the ingenuity and resolve of those who designed and fly them. In the quest for air superiority, the F-22 Raptor stands as a beacon of American aerospace achievement, while its Russian counterparts mark the relentless pursuit of excellence in aviation. Together, they weave a narrative of rivalry and respect, a continuing saga of the masters of the skies.

Difference between the YF-22 prototype and the F-22 Raptor

19,700 kg (43,430 lbs) – The F-22 Raptor’s empty weight stands at approximately 19,700 kilograms or 43,430 pounds, making it a heavyweight in modern air combat.

Mach 2.25 (1,500 mph, 2,414 km/h) – The F-22 Raptor can reach a maximum speed of Mach 2.25, equating to about 1,500 mph or 2,414 km/h, showcasing its exceptional performance capabilities.

3,000 km (1,840 miles) – The F-22 Raptor boasts an impressive range of approximately 3,000 kilometers or 1,840 miles, enabling long-distance operations without the need for immediate refueling.

+9 G – The F-22 Raptor is designed to handle maximum g-forces of up to +9 Gs, highlighting its agility and capability in high-intensity maneuvers.

800 km (500 miles) – The F-22 Raptor has a combat radius of about 800 kilometers or 500 miles, providing substantial reach for various mission profiles.

10,000 lbs (4,536 kg) – The F-22 Raptor can carry payloads up to 10,000 pounds (about 4,536 kilograms), allowing for a versatile array of armaments and equipment.

Approximately 1.08 – With full fuel and a standard weapons load, the F-22 Raptor achieves a thrust-to-weight ratio of around 1.08, ensuring superior acceleration and performance.

The F-22 Does not Have External Hardpoints – The F-22 Raptor is designed without external hardpoints to maintain its stealth profile. It carries weapons internally, in bays designed to minimize radar cross-section and maintain stealth.

The F-22 Raptor has been primarily used for air superiority missions, with its first combat deployment occurring in 2014 during Operation Inherent Resolve against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. It conducted airstrikes, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR), and command and control missions. Despite its advanced capabilities, the F-22’s combat use has been relatively limited, reflecting its high operational costs and the nature of U.S. military engagements since its introduction.

The F-22 Raptor is one of the most expensive fighter jets ever produced, with its costs encompassing development, production, and operational expenses. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  • Development Cost : The development of the F-22 Raptor was a massive undertaking that spanned over 15 years, from the early 1980s to its official entry into service in 2005. The total development cost for the F-22 program is estimated to have been about $40 billion, which includes research, testing, and engineering.
  • Production Cost : The production cost per unit varied throughout the production run, with early estimates around $150 million per aircraft. However, including research and development (R&D) costs spread over the limited number of units produced, the cost per aircraft rises significantly, with some estimates putting it at over $350 million per aircraft.
  • Operational Costs : Operating the F-22 is also expensive due to its advanced technology and the need for specialized maintenance. The operational cost per flying hour for the F-22 is estimated to be around $60,000, which is higher than that of many other fighter jets.

In comparison, other modern fighter jets like the F-35 Lightning II have attempted to control costs through international development partnerships and larger production numbers. However, the F-35 also faces its challenges with high development and operational costs.

The high costs associated with the F-22 have been a point of contention and led to the decision to limit production to 187 operational aircraft, far fewer than initially planned. These costs reflect the Raptor’s position as a technological marvel, unparalleled in its capabilities, but also highlight the challenges of developing and maintaining such advanced military assets.

The F-22 Raptor is not available for export due to U.S. federal law restrictions, primarily stemming from concerns over safeguarding its advanced stealth technology and maintaining the U.S. military’s qualitative edge. The Obey Amendment, passed in 1998, specifically prohibits the sale of the F-22 to foreign governments. This legislation reflects the high value placed on the Raptor’s sophisticated technology, including stealth capabilities, advanced avionics, and integrated weapons systems, which the U.S. government aims to protect from potential adversaries. The decision to restrict exports also aligns with broader U.S. defense strategy considerations, ensuring that the most advanced air combat capabilities remain exclusive to the United States Air Force.

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About the author

Hi! My name is Joan Smith, I’m a travel blogger from the UK and founder of Hevor. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and give you tips about hotels, restaurants, activities and destinations to visit. You can watch my videos or join my group tours that I organize to selected destinations. [Suggestion: You could use the Author Biography Block here]

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