The Education Encyclopedia is a resource for professional educators as well as students in an education program. The encyclopedia features hundreds of carefully-researched articles about educational methods, best practices, and controversial issues in higher education. The encyclopedia features hundreds of carefully-researched articles about educational methods, best practices, and controversial issues in higher education. For additional topics of interest, not covered here, we recommend using AI for search with this Free Ask AI Search Engine where you can ask AI questions on any topic and receive an instant response to the query.

Global Education Reference

Ecuador - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System?overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education, Belgium - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System?overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Egypt - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System?overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education, El Salvador - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System?overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education - TEACHING PROFESSION, Bolivia - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System?overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education…

Global Education Reference

Malawi - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System?overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education, Indonesia - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System?overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education, Paraguay - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System?overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education, Malaysia - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System?overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education, Iran - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System?overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education…

Global Education Reference

Yemen - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System?overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education, Sudan - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System?overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education, Suriname - History & Background, Educational System?overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education, Administration, Finance, & Educational Research, Zambia - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System?overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education, Swaziland - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System?overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education…

Education Encyclopedia

Faculty as Entrepreneurs - Growth of Faculty Entrepreneurship, What Is Faculty Entrepreneurship?, Advantages of Faculty Entrepreneurship, Disadvantages of Faculty Entrepreneurship, Faculty Consulting - Issues, Policies, Characteristics of Faculty Who Consult, Faculty Diversity - The Growth of Faculty Diversity as an Ideal, Barriers in the Academic Workplace, Demographics, Part Time Faculty Members - Reasons for the Growth of Part-Time Faculty, Who Are the Part-Time Faculty?, Faculty Performance of Research and Scholarship - Historical Background, Factors Affecting Scholarly Performance, Defining Scholarship, Measurement, Scholarly Activities and Products…

Education Encyclopedia

Immigrant Education - UNITED STATES, INTERNATIONAL, Immunization and Children's Physical Health - Childhood Immunizations, Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, Immunization Safety, Impact Aid, Public Laws 815 and 874 - Program Analysis, Future Directions, Independent Study - Purposes and Goals of Independent Study, Independent Study and Extensiveness in Grades K? (12), Individual Differences - Affective And Conative Processes, Ethnicity, Gender Equity And Schooling - ABILITIES AND APTITUDES, Individualized Instruction - Pace, Method, Content, Examples of Individualized Instruction, Final Issues, Infant Schools in England - A History of Infant Schools, Influences of the Infant Schools on Education in Other Countries, Summary…

Education Encyclopedia

Teacher Preparation Mathematics Education - The Evolution of Mathematics Teacher Education, The Evolution of Mathematics Education as a Field of Inquiry, Mathematics Learning - Complex Problem Solving, Geometry, Learning Tools, Myths, Mysteries, And Realities, Number Sense - ALGEBRA, Benjamin Mays (1895?1984) - The Formative Years, Early Religious Scholarship, The Howard Years, Morehouse College, The Morehouse Mentor, William A. McCall (1891?1982), Charles McMurry (1857?1929), Media and Learning - Definitions and Summary of Research, Do Media Influence the Cost and Access to Instruction?…

Education Encyclopedia

Ethnicity Race and Culture - Latino Growth, Racial And Ethnic Minority Students In Higher Education - CULTURAL EXPECTATIONS AND STUDENT LEARNING, Readability in Dices - Readability Formulas, Readability and Comprehension Processes, Reading - Comprehension, Content Areas, Interest, Learning From Text, Prior Knowledge, Beliefs, And Learning - BEGINNING READING, Reading Disabilities - Historical Context, Types of Reading Disabilities, Validity of the Discrepancy Model, Changing Criteria for Reading Disability, Records and School Reports - Records Custodian, Categories, Recreation Programs in the Schools - School-Sponsored Recreation, Community-Sponsored Recreation, School-Community Cooperative Partnerships, Current Trends…

Education Encyclopedia

Strategic and Long-Range Planning in Higher Education - Long-Range Planning, Strategic Planning, Contextual Planning, Cooperation and Leadership in Planning, Conclusion, Florence Stratemeyer (1900?1980), Stress and Depression - The Role of Stress in Depression, The Impact on Academic Functioning and Educational Progress, Student Activities - OVERVIEW, FINANCING, Student Loans in an International Context - Development of Student Loan Programs, Characteristics of Student Loans, Evaluation of International Experience, International Issues, Student Mobility - The Extent of Student Mobility, The Impact of Mobility on Students, Causes of Mobility…

Education Encyclopedia

Appendix III: Court Cases, Legislation, and International Agreements, Appendix IV: Internet Resources, Appendix V: Bibliography, Appendix VI: Outline of Contents…

Education Encyclopedia: AACSB International - Program to Septima Poinsette Clark (1898?1987)

AACSB International - Program, History, Academic Advising in Higher Education - Developmental Advising, Differences between Developmental and Prescriptive Approaches, A Brief History of Academic Advising, Academic Calendars - Calendar Use during the Decade (1990?2000), Current Calendar Use, Calendar Conversions, The Academic Dean - Typical Characteristics of Academic Deans, Career Path to the Academic Deanship, Academic Disciplines - Disciplines and the Structure of Higher Education, Discipline Classification Systems, Discipline Differences, Academic Freedom and Tenure - Roots of Academic Freedom, Restrictions on Academic Freedom, Tenure, Academic Labor Markets - Supply and Demand, Gender and Ethnicity, Salary Issues…

Education Encyclopedia: Education Reform - OVERVIEW to Correspondence course

Education Reform - OVERVIEW, REPORTS OF HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE, Efficiency in Education - The Choice of Outcomes, The Choice of Inputs, The Transformation Process and Implications for Policy, Effort and Interest - Effort, Interest, Effort and Interest, Eight-Year Study - Purpose, Method, Results, Elementary Education - Current Trends, Preparation Of Teachers - HISTORY OF, Charles Eliot (1834?1926) - Harvard: From College to University, Recruiting a Superior Faculty, The Elective System, Education of Emotionally Disturbed, Employment - Employers' Perceptions Of Employment Readiness, Reasons Students Work - GENERAL IMPACT ON STUDENTS…

Education Encyclopedia: Classroom Management - Creating a Learning Environment to Association for Science Education (ASE)

Classroom Management - Creating a Learning Environment, Setting Expectations, Motivational Climate, Maintaining a Learning Environment, When Problems Occur, Classroom Observation - Purposes of Classroom Observation, Limitations of Classroom Observation, New Directions, Classroom Questions - Types Of Questions, Feedback, Effective Questioning Practices, Class Size and Student Learning - Class-Size Research (1978?2002), Translating Class-Size Research to Practice, Clubs - Club Participation, Why Participation is Expected to Benefit Youth, Benefits of Participation in Clubs, Coalition of Essential Schools, Coalition of Essential Schools' Common Principles…

Paying for College

A college degree opens windows of opportunity, but paying for a college education can be costly. Public community colleges with open admissions are relatively inexpensive when compared to highly selective private universities, but tuition and fees can add up quickly at any school.

Student loans are often given a bad reputation by the media, but they are a form of financial aid that helps many students get through college. However, loans are not the only way to pay for college. Many students are eligible for need-based grants or merit-based scholarships. Work-study and tuition payment plans are also options.

If you know where to look and who to ask, financial assistance to help with paying for college is out there.

Common College Courses

Whether you major in accounting or zoology, there are some common college courses that will eventually wind up in your class schedule. General education requirements usually include basic college courses in English, mathematics, the humanities, and more; learning the requirements at your school will help save time and effort if you take them early in your college career and get them out of the way.

Transfer students will also benefit from information about common college courses. Credits earned for a class taken at one college or university may transfer to another school if the course was similar to the course that is required at the student’s new school.

Top Colleges by Major

Although many college students begin their freshman year without declaring a major, other students have their hearts set on a particular career path from the beginning. Attending a college that offers the program you wish to study is of utmost importance. There is quite a difference between small liberal arts schools and large research universities!

Unfortunately, the college that you attend may affect your job opportunities after graduation. School reputations do count in some fields. Several colleges and universities are world-renowned for their business or medical programs while others have highly acclaimed law schools or education departments.

Annual college rankings are one way to find out about the top colleges by major, and speaking with recent alumni is another way to get first-hand knowledge of the quality of a particular school’s program. These articles about top colleges by major may also come in handy.

Tips for College Students

The college application process can be a stressful event, but even students that are already enrolled in college can use some advice every now and then. It can be tough to juggle a full course load, work-study job and an active social life, especially if a pesky roommate or incredibly tough professor is thrown into the mix!

Figuring out how to register for the right classes for your major or deciding which new computer to buy for school can get confusing, but helpful advice can make tough tasks seem much easier. From time management suggestions to advice on writing essays, these helpful tips for college students will definitely come in handy throughout the semester.

Answers to Your Questions about College

What high school classes will help prepare you for college? Should you take the SAT or the ACT? Is it better to live at home and drive to school or live on campus in a dorm? What about online college? How can you find an awesome summer internship?

The college years are supposed to be the best years of your life, but plenty of questions come up along the way! High school students that want to go to college will also have tons of questions, especially if they are the first member of their family to continue on with higher education.

Taking the right courses during high school, figuring out how to apply to college, and choosing the right college for you can be a frustrating experience! Don’t be afraid to speak with your parents, teachers, guidance counselors, and school admissions counselors. You can even do some of your own research online, and these useful articles will help you find some answers to your questions about college.

Exams and Tests

If you’re in high school or college, you know by now that exams and tests come with the territory of being a student. Some exams are used to ensure that students have the proper knowledge needed to graduate or enroll in a particular class or program, while other tests are used to measure students’ skill levels in subjects like reading, writing, and math.

Many educators and administrators believe that standardized tests are not an accurate measure of knowledge, but the truth is that exams and tests remain common requirements at most high schools, colleges and universities in the United States.

From AP exams and the PSAT to college entrance exams and college placement tests, this section provides plenty of insight on understanding the importance of, preparing for, and succeeding at tests and exams.