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Elections 101 - Election Center 2008 -
Elections 101: Path to the Presidency
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The presidential prize is in sight as the nation's registered voters head to the polls on the first Tuesday in November to decide who'll lead the country.

November 4 is Election Day in 2008, with polls opening as early as midnight in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, and finally closing in Hawaii and Alaska.

Although polls across the country are open on one day, the election is not a national poll
but a series of 51 state-level elections that decide the members of the Electoral College. Technically, voters aren't choosing a candidate but a slate of electors who have pledged to vote for that candidate when the Electoral College meets.

The candidate who wins the most votes in each state normally wins all of that state's electoral
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More Information
Find your Election Day voting location using Google Maps. You'll only need your home address and ZIP code.
Voter ID laws
States across the country have different ID laws for voting. What are the laws in your state?
Voting machines
Check out this interactive for details on the three most common kinds of voting machines.
Talking Democracy
Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Electoral College.
The lay of the land
CNN Electoral College Map
Which states are toss-ups, which are "safe" and which are leaning toward Obama or McCain. See who's ahead
The Issues
Abortion  •  Energy  •  Health care  •  Housing  •  Iran  •  Iraq
Same-sex marriage  •  Taxes
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