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The Group 1927 - 1977: an annotated bibliography - Heritage - Christchurch City Libraries


The Group 1927-1977: an annotated bibliography

Cover of The Group 1927-1977: an annotated bibliography by Elizabeth Louise C’Ailceta Cooke.

The aim of this bibliography

This bibliography is designed for researchers interested in 20th century New Zealand, and specifically Canterbury, art history. Like many other aspects of our social and cultural past, New Zealand art history is an increasingly popular area of study as we seek to develop a sense of our unique national identity and history. The newness of this interest, however, often means that these topics lack the research and bibliographical tools available in other, more established areas.

Although some specific artists associated with the Group are now the subject of such research little has been undertaken on the Group itself. The Group is a unique and important part of New Zealand art history and this bibliography is intended to begin filling this gap, and by raising awareness of the resources available encourage further research into New Zealand art and local history-related topics.

View The Group 1927 - 1977: an annotated bibliography [441 KB PDF]

Related Resources:

The Group Catalogues 1927 - 1977
Digitised copies of the extant catalogues.
Digitised publication of the Robert McDougall Art Gallery (Christchurch) 1971-1978.
Includes the Group Special Issue Survey 16 - November 1977 .
Art New Zealand
Selected articles and index.
Bulletin of the Christchuch Art Gallery
Quarterly magazine that details and reviews the Gallery’s exhibitions and events and provides in-depth focus on current issues in art. Digitised archive since 1979.

View catalogue record

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