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Shakur, Tupac (1971-1996)
Fechas codificadas: 1971 1996
Lugar de nacimiento: Harlem del Este
Campo de actividad: Hip hop
Categoria profesional: Compositores; Bailarines; Guionistas; Compositores; Letristas; Poetas; Productor musical; Cantantes; Actores; Raperos
Lengua: Ingles

Usado por:
2pac (1971-1996)
Fuentes: Justicia poetica [video], 1995; carat. (Tupac Shakur (int.))
WWW., 05-11-2003; (The son of two Black Panther members, Tupac Amaru Shakur was born in New York City. His parents had separated before he was born, and his mother moved him and his sister around the country for much of their childhood. Frequently, the family was at the poverty level, but Shakur managed to gain acceptance to the prestigious Baltimore School of the Arts as a teenager)
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