
Genesist House New York gets good press | The DONG-A ILBO

Genesist House New York gets good press

Posted June. 27, 2022 07:58,   

Updated June. 27, 2022 07:58


Genesis received good press from local media and associations for its Genesis House New York, the auto brand’s cultural complex in Manhattan, New York.

According to Hyundai Motor Group on Sunday, Genesis House was selected as the 49th winner of the interior design award showrooms & exhibition spaces category by the International Interior Design Association. It was also recognized by Interior Design Magazine’s NYCxDesign Awards for Best Showroom of 2022.

Genesis House, which opened in November last year, showcases not only a car showroom but also a Korean restaurant, a space for tea ceremony, a performance room in the basement, and a terrace garden. “The place has become a brand space that reflects Genesis’ philosophy,” said a member of Genesis.

Gun-Huk Lee gun@donga.com
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