
Political leaders trade attacks ahead of general elections | The DONG-A ILBO

Political leaders trade attacks ahead of general elections

Posted March. 27, 2024 07:45,   

Updated March. 27, 2024 07:45


“What they (Democratic Party) are saying is close to overthrowing the government rather than keeping check and balance,” said Chairman Han Dong-hoon of the People Power Party Emergency Response Committee, ahead of the official election campaign for the April 10 general election, which kicks off on Thursday. Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung criticized the ruling party, saying, “The incompetent and irresponsible government cannot transform the people's lives by making empty promises.” Political slander on both sides signaled tough competition for the upcoming general elections.

“Keeping the government in check has always been highly valued and rightfully done,” said Chairman Han in an interview held at a cafe in Seoul on Monday. “However, (the Democratic Party) speaks from a power struggle point of view, poised to just bring down (the government) in extralegal and abnormal ways.” Han also criticized the Democratic Party’s promise to provide 250,000 won per person in economic support, saying that it is not responsible in any way, simply exploiting future generations. "The Democratic Party takes advantage of election as a testing ground to gain votes,” Han added.

Democratic Party leader Lee criticized the government in a written interview with The Dong-A Ilbo on the same day. “For the past two years, the Yoon Suk Yeol administration has made lives miserable with the power bestowed to him by the people and failed to come up with any measures despite the cries of the people difficult to make a living," Lee said. "As a lawmaker of national affairs and a political leader of the opposition party, I want to ensure that the Republic of Korea stops going backward and stands upright as an advanced country again. I am doing my best to secure as many votes as possible to bring justice.”

Hoon-Sang Park tigermask@donga.com
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