
American museum digitally showcases Korean mountain folding screen | The DONG-A ILBO

American museum digitally showcases Korean mountain folding screen

American museum digitally showcases Korean mountain folding screen

Posted March. 16, 2024 07:49,   

Updated March. 16, 2024 07:49


A digital exhibition spanning South Korea and the U.S. showcases the scenic beauty of Mountain Chilbo, located in North Hamkyong Province, North Korea. Often dubbed the 'Little Geumgang Mountain,' it evokes the renowned Korean mountain massif known for its picturesque landscapes.

On Friday, South Korea's Cultural Heritage Administration and the Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation announced the simultaneous exhibition titled 'Walking through Mt. Chilbo, Little Geumgang,' hosted by the National Palace Museum of Korea in Seoul and the Cleveland Museum of Art in the U.S. The traditional Mt. Chilbo folding screen, belonging to the Cleveland Museum of Art, is digitally showcased on three large screens, measuring 22 meters wide and 4.7 meters high. The U.S. exhibition also features the actual folding screen alongside its digital counterpart. The exhibition runs until May 26 in South Korea and September 29 in the U.S.

The traditional Mt. Chilbo folding screen features Chilbo Mountain in Myongchon, North Hamkyong Province, North Korea. The image on the screen is believed to have been painted in the 19th century by an unknown artist. This marks the first time the Cultural Heritage Administration has digitized Korea's cultural heritage overseas and exhibited the digital content locally and globally."

社支援 記者 4g1@donga.com
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