
Biden-Trump secure majority of delegates | The DONG-A ILBO

Biden-Trump secure majority of delegates

Posted March. 14, 2024 07:54,   

Updated March. 14, 2024 07:54


On Tuesday (local time), U.S. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump made history by simultaneously securing the majority of delegates needed to nominate Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. This marks the first time in 112 years since 1912 that a rematch between the former and current presidents has been confirmed in the United States, a significant event in the country's political landscape.

President Biden emerged victorious in the fiercely contested primary elections held in Georgia, Washington, and Mississippi on this day, securing more than 2,000 delegates out of the 3,932 delegates. Former President Trump also exceeded the ‘magic number’ of 1,215 delegates required to nominate the Republican presidential candidate through the primary on this day, showcasing the intense competition between the two candidates.

With President Biden and former President Trump confirm?ing their presidential candidacies, the longest presidential race in 20 years is set to unfold. According to the Pew Research Center, a U.S. public opinion poll, this year's presidential election race will last 244 days if the date of resignation of former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, who ran as the Republican presidential candidate, is taken as the cutoff date. This duration matches the 2004 presidential election, in which President George W. Bush and former Secretary of State John Kerry competed against each other. The New York Times highlighted, “Considering that the two candidates were virtually confirmed beforehand, this is the longest presidential race in modern American history.”

“I am honored that voters have placed their trust in me again to lead the United States, while the threat from Trump is greater than ever,” President Biden said. He also criticized former President Trump, stating, “We must choose whether to protect democracy or allow it to be destroyed.” In response, former President Trump countered in a video posted on social media, asserting, “Today is a great day of victory. We must defeat Joe Biden, the worst president in American history.”

However, analyses suggest that the weaknesses of both presidential candidates were revealed in today's primary. This is attributed to the results of the primary in Georgia, a representative battleground state that will determine the outcome of this year's presidential election. Former President Trump is deeply dismayed that former Ambassador Haley received only 13.2% of the vote in Georgia. It has already been demonstrated that despite the resignation, many Republican supporters still harbor anti-Trump sentiments. Even in Fulton County, where the capital, Atlanta, is located, former Ambassador Haley's vote rate was close to 40%.

워싱턴=문병기 記者 weappon@donga.com
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