
Korean boy group Seventeen wins six awards at Golden Disc Awards | The DONG-A ILBO

Korean boy group Seventeen wins six awards at Golden Disc Awards

Korean boy group Seventeen wins six awards at Golden Disc Awards

Posted March. 14, 2024 07:54,   

Updated March. 14, 2024 07:54


Korean boy group Seventeen won six awards at the Japan Gold Disk Awards. Seventeen won the ‘Best Artist’ Asia category award, followed by the top three album titles for their tenth mini album ‘FML,’ Japan’s best album ‘ALWAYS YOURS,’ and 11th mini album ‘SEVENTEENTH HEAVEN’ in the Asian category, according to the ‘38th Japan Gold Disc Awards’ announced by the Recording Industry Association of Japan on Wednesday. ‘FML’ also won the ‘Album of the Year’ in the Asia category.

Seventeen’s World Tour Be the Sun Japan,’ which includes a live concert of the group, was awarded ‘Music Video of the Year’ in the Asian category. “This is the first time in the history of the Gold Disk Awards for a single artist to win all ‘Top Three Albums’ in the Asia category,” said Pledis, the boy group’s entertainment agency. The Japan Gold Disc Awards has been hosted by the Recording Industry Association of Japan since 1987, and winners are determined based on sales of albums and videos released over the year.

Min Kim kimmin@donga.com
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