
What is Stack Overflow for Teams? - Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow for Teams
What is Stack Overflow for Teams?

It’s a private instance of Stack Overflow for your company .

Stack Overflow is your go-to place for solving technical blockers, but sometimes your company’s knowledge can’t be shared publicly. Stack Overflow for Teams works alongside the public site to help you discover both public and private knowledge.

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In this video, we’ll explore reasons for adopting Stack Overflow for Teams in addition to the public platform.

Capture mission-critical knowledge in a private space

Stack Overflow’s Public Platform

Provides access to an open, global community to find and contribute public solutions to technical challenges. Here, we’re helping build the definitive collection of coding questions & answers and connecting technologists from around the globe.

Stack Overflow for Teams

Provides a secure, private community that helps you learn and solve technical challenges at work. Here, you can safely capture and share your company’s internal proprietary knowledge with your peers while seamlessly accessing the global community’s wisdom via Unified Search.

Adapt a familiar experience to fit your workflows

Odds are you regularly visit Stack Overflow to ask questions or get answers.

Imagine an extension of that familiar experience, but customized for your company . With Stack Overflow for Teams, you control the knowledge, who shares it, and how.

Plus out-of-the-box Slack and Microsoft Teams integrations keep your team in their flow state.

Make knowledge discoverable at the point of need

On Stack Overflow , community members with high reputations organize knowledge by public needs.

In Stack Overflow for Teams , your entire team can create company-specific tags from the get-go to organize knowledge in a way that works for you. This makes finding answers across your private instance and the public site a breeze.

Build a community of knowledge seekers and experts

Stack Overflow revolutionized knowledge sharing by rewarding community members for sharing their expertise.

You can emulate this community experience at your company with Stack Overflow for Teams. Its gamification and chat integrations encourage knowledge seekers and experts to continually connect and share knowledge.

Start collaborating efficiently today

Free for your first 50 users, no credit card required

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Want to learn about our premium features?
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Frequently asked questions about Stack Overflow for Teams

How does pricing work?

Stack Overflow for Teams is a software-as-a-serve (SaaS) product. The Free plan is free for up to 50 users and no credit card is required. All other plans are priced on a per seat basis and can be paid monthly or annually.

What are common customer use cases?

Some common use cases include capturing institutional knowledge, improving operational efficiencies, and reducing the time to onboard new hires.

What integrations are available?

On the Free plan we offer out-of-the-box Slack and Microsoft Teams integrations. These integrations allow your team to interact with your knowledge base from within chat.

How does Free compare to other plans?

We have more information about each plan on our pricing page. You can also contact us, and we’ll walk you through each plan to figure out the right one for you.
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