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Update retrieve_reports.php
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Support command-line parameters to set content owner, job ID, download URL. Support option to include system-managed reports. Update auth flow.
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AndyDiamondstein committed Aug 16, 2017
1 parent 170530f commit 5193a5a
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 129 deletions .
259 changes: 130 additions & 129 deletions php/retrieve_reports.php
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@

* This sample retrieves reports created by a specific job by :
* This sample supports the following use cases :
* 1. Listing the jobs using the "jobs.list" method.
* 2. Retrieving reports using the "reports.list" method.
* @author Ibrahim Ulukaya
* 1. Retrieve reporting jobs by content owner:
* Ex: php retrieve_reports.php --contentOwner=="CONTENT_OWNER_ID"
* Ex: php retrieve_reports.php --contentOwner=="CONTENT_OWNER_ID" --includeSystemManaged==True
* 2. Retrieving list of downloadable reports for a particular job:
* Ex: php retrieve_reports.php --contentOwner=="CONTENT_OWNER_ID" --jobId="JOB_ID"
* 3. Download a report:
* Ex: php retrieve_reports.php --contentOwner=="CONTENT_OWNER_ID" --downloadUrl="DOWNLOAD_URL" --outputFile="report.txt"

Expand All @@ -18,180 +21,178 @@
* $ composer require google/apiclient:~2.0
if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php' )) {
throw new \ Exception ( 'please run "composer require google/apiclient:~2.0" in "' . __DIR__ . '"' );
throw new \ Exception ( 'please run "composer require google/apiclient:~2. 2. 0" in "' . __DIR__ . '"' );

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php' ;

define( 'CREDENTIALS_PATH' , '~/.credentials/youtube-php.json' );

$ longOptions = array (
'contentOwner::' ,
'downloadUrl::' ,
'includeSystemManaged::' ,
'jobId::' ,
'outputFile::' ,

$ options = getopt( '' , $ longOptions );

$ CONTENT_OWNER_ID = ( $ options [ 'contentOwner' ] ? $ options [ 'contentOwner' ] : '' );
$ DOWNLOAD_URL = (array_key_exists( 'downloadUrl' , $ options ) ?
$ options [ 'downloadUrl' ] : '' );
$ INCLUDE_SYSTEM_MANAGED = (array_key_exists( 'includeSystemManaged' , $ options ) ?
$ options [ 'includeSystemManaged' ] : '' );
$ JOB_ID = (array_key_exists( 'jobId' , $ options ) ? $ options [ 'jobId' ] : '' );
$ OUTPUT_FILE = (array_key_exists( 'outputFile' , $ options ) ?
$ options [ 'outputFile' ] : '' );

* You can acquire an OAuth 2.0 client ID and client secret from the
* You can obtain an OAuth 2.0 client ID and client secret from the
* {{ Google Cloud Console }} <{{ https://cloud.google.com/console }}>
* For more information about using OAuth 2.0 to access Google APIs, please see:
* <https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/authentication>
* Please ensure that you have enabled the YouTube Data API for your project.

$ client = new Google_Client ();
$ client -> setClientId ( $ OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID );
$ client -> setClientSecret ( $ OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET );

* This OAuth 2.0 access scope allows for full read/write access to the
* authenticated user's account.
$ client -> setScopes ( 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/yt-analytics-monetary.readonly' );
$ redirect = filter_var( 'http://' . $ _SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ] . $ _SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ],
$ client -> setRedirectUri ( $ redirect );

// YouTube Reporting object used to make YouTube Reporting API requests.
$ youtubeReporting = new Google_Service_YoutubeReporting ( $ client );
function getClient () {
$ client = new Google_Client ();
$ client -> setAuthConfigFile ( 'client_secrets_php.json' );
$ client -> addScope (
'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/yt-analytics-monetary.readonly' );
$ client -> setRedirectUri ( 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' );
$ client -> setAccessType ( 'offline' );

// Load previously authorized credentials from a file.
$ credentialsPath = expandHomeDirectory( CREDENTIALS_PATH );
if (file_exists( $ credentialsPath )) {
$ accessToken = json_decode(file_get_contents( $ credentialsPath ), true );
} else {
// Request authorization from the user.
$ authUrl = $ client -> createAuthUrl ();
printf( 'Open the following link in your browser:\n%s\n' , $ authUrl );
print 'Enter verification code: ' ;
$ authCode = trim(fgets( STDIN ));

// Exchange authorization code for an access token.
$ accessToken = $ client -> authenticate ( $ authCode );
$ refreshToken = $ client -> getRefreshToken ();

// Store the credentials to disk.
if (!file_exists(dirname( $ credentialsPath ))) {
mkdir(dirname( $ credentialsPath ), 0700 , true );
file_put_contents( $ credentialsPath , json_encode( $ accessToken ));
printf( 'Credentials saved to %s\n' , $ credentialsPath );

// Check if an auth token exists for the required scopes
$ tokenSessionKey = 'token-' . $ client -> prepareScopes ();
if (isset( $ _GET [ 'code' ])) {
if (strval( $ _SESSION [ 'state' ]) !== strval( $ _GET [ 'state' ])) {
die( 'The session state did not match.' );
$ client -> setAccessToken ( $ accessToken );

$ client -> authenticate ( $ _GET [ 'code' ]);
$ _SESSION [ $ tokenSessionKey ] = $ client -> getAccessToken ();
header( 'Location: ' . $ redirect );
// Refresh the token if it's expired.
if ( $ client -> isAccessTokenExpired ()) {
$ client -> fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken ( $ client -> getRefreshToken ());
file_put_contents( $ credentialsPath , json_encode( $ client -> getAccessToken ()));

if (isset( $ _SESSION [ $ tokenSessionKey ])) {
$ client -> setAccessToken ( $ _SESSION [ $ tokenSessionKey ]);
return $ client ;

// Check to ensure that the access token was successfully acquired.
if ( $ client -> getAccessToken ()) {
$ htmlBody = '' ;
try {
if (empty(listReportingJobs( $ youtubeReporting , $ htmlBody ))) {
$ htmlBody .= sprintf( '<p>No jobs found.</p>' );
} else if ( $ _GET [ 'reportUrl' ]){
downloadReport( $ youtubeReporting , $ _GET [ 'reportUrl' ], $ htmlBody );
} else if ( $ _GET [ 'jobId' ]){
retrieveReports( $ youtubeReporting , $ _GET [ 'jobId' ], $ htmlBody );
} catch ( Google_Service_Exception $ e ) {
$ htmlBody .= sprintf( '<p>A service error occurred: <code>%s</code></p>' ,
htmlspecialchars( $ e -> getMessage ()));
} catch ( Google_Exception $ e ) {
$ htmlBody .= sprintf( '<p>An client error occurred: <code>%s</code></p>' ,
htmlspecialchars( $ e -> getMessage ()));
* Expands the home directory alias '~' to the full path.
* @param string $path the path to expand.
* @return string the expanded path.
function expandHomeDirectory ( $ path ) {
$ homeDirectory = getenv( 'HOME' );
if (empty( $ homeDirectory )) {
$ homeDirectory = getenv( 'HOMEDRIVE' ) . getenv( 'HOMEPATH' );
$ _SESSION [ $ tokenSessionKey ] = $ client -> getAccessToken ();
} elseif ( $ OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID == 'REPLACE_ME' ) {
$ htmlBody = <<<END
<h3>Client Credentials Required</h3>
You need to set <code>\$OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID</code> and
<code>\$OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID</code> before proceeding.
} else {
// If the user hasn't authorized the app, initiate the OAuth flow
$ state = mt_rand();
$ client -> setState ( $ state );
$ _SESSION [ 'state' ] = $ state ;

$ authUrl = $ client -> createAuthUrl ();
$ htmlBody = <<<END
<h3>Authorization Required</h3>
<p>You need to <a href="$authUrl">authorize access</a> before proceeding.<p>
return str_replace( '~' , realpath( $ homeDirectory ), $ path );

* Returns a list of reporting jobs. (jobs.listJobs)
* @param Google_Service_YouTubereporting $youtubeReporting YouTube Reporting service object.
* @param $htmlBody - html body .
* @param string $onBehalfOfContentOwner A content owner ID .
function listReportingJobs ( Google_Service_YouTubeReporting $ youtubeReporting , & $ htmlBody ) {
// Call the YouTube Reporting API's jobs.list method to retrieve reporting jobs.
$ reportingJobs = $ youtubeReporting -> jobs -> listJobs ();

$ htmlBody .= " <h3>Reporting Jobs</h3><ul> ";
function listReportingJobs ( Google_Service_YouTubeReporting $ youtubeReporting ,
$ onBehalfOfContentOwner = '' , $ includeSystemManaged = False ) {
$ reportingJobs = $ youtubeReporting -> jobs -> listJobs (
array ( 'onBehalfOfContentOwner' => $ onBehalfOfContentOwner ,
'includeSystemManaged' => $ includeSystemManaged ));
print ( 'REPORTING JOBS' . PHP_EOL . '**************' . PHP_EOL );
foreach ( $ reportingJobs as $ job ) {
$ htmlBody .= sprintf( '<li>id: "%s", name: "%s" report type: "%s"</li>' , $ job [ 'id' ],
$ job [ 'name' ], $ job [ 'reportTypeId' ]);
print( $ job [ 'reportTypeId' ] . ':' . $ job [ 'id' ] . PHP_EOL );
$ htmlBody .= '</ul>' ;

return $ reportingJobs ;
print( PHP_EOL );

* Lists reports created by a specific job. (reports.listJobsReports)
* @param Google_Service_YouTubereporting $youtubeReporting YouTube Reporting service object.
* @param string $jobId The ID of the job.
* @param $htmlBody - html body .
* @param string $onBehalfOfContentOwner A content owner ID .
function retrieveReports ( Google_Service_YouTubeReporting $ youtubeReporting , $ jobId , & $ htmlBody ) {
// Call the YouTube Reporting API's reports.list method to retrieve reports created by a job.
$ reports = $ youtubeReporting -> jobs_reports -> listJobsReports ( $ jobId );

if (empty( $ reports )) {
$ htmlBody .= sprintf( '<p>No reports found.</p>' );
} else {
$ htmlBody .= sprintf( '<h2>Reports for the job "%s"</h2><ul>' , $ jobId );
foreach ( $ reports as $ report ) {
$ htmlBody .= sprintf( '<li>From "%s" to "%s" downloadable at "%s"</li>' ,
$ report [ 'startTime' ], $ report [ 'endTime' ], $ report [ 'downloadUrl' ]);
$ htmlBody .= '</ul>' ;
function listReportsForJob ( Google_Service_YouTubeReporting $ youtubeReporting ,
$ jobId , $ onBehalfOfContentOwner = '' ) {
$ reports = $ youtubeReporting -> jobs_reports -> listJobsReports ( $ jobId ,
array ( 'onBehalfOfContentOwner' => $ onBehalfOfContentOwner ));
print ( 'DOWNLOADABLE REPORTS' . PHP_EOL . '********************' . PHP_EOL );
foreach ( $ reports [ 'reports' ] as $ report ) {
print( 'Created: ' . date( 'd M Y' , strtotime( $ report [ 'createTime' ])) .
' (' . date( 'd M Y' , strtotime( $ report [ 'startTime' ])) .
' to ' . date( 'd M Y' , strtotime( $ report [ 'endTime' ])) . ')' .
PHP_EOL . ' ' . $ report [ 'downloadUrl' ] . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL );

* Download the report specified by the URL. (media.download)
* @param Google_Service_YouTubereporting $youtubeReporting YouTube Reporting service object.
* @param string $reportUrl The URL of the report to be downloaded.
* @param string $outputFile The file to write the report to locally.
* @param $htmlBody - html body.
function downloadReport ( Google_Service_YouTubeReporting $ youtubeReporting , $ reportUrl , & $ htmlBody ) {
function downloadReport ( Google_Service_YouTubeReporting $ youtubeReporting ,
$ reportUrl , $ outputFile ) {
$ client = $ youtubeReporting -> getClient ();
// Setting the defer flag to true tells the client to return a request which can be called
// with ->execute(); instead of making the API call immediately.
// Setting the defer flag to true tells the client to return a request that
// can be called with ->execute(); instead of making the API call immediately.
$ client -> setDefer ( true );

// Call the YouTube Reporting API's media.download method to download a report.
$ request = $ youtubeReporting -> media -> download ( "" , array ( " alt " => " media " ));
// Call YouTube Reporting API's media.download method to download a report.
$ request = $ youtubeReporting -> media -> download ( '' , array ( ' alt ' => ' media ' ));
$ request = $ request -> withUri ( new \ GuzzleHttp \ Psr7 \ Uri ( $ reportUrl ));
$ response = $ client -> execute ( $ request );

file_put_contents(" reportFile ", $ response -> getBody ());
$ responseBody = '' ;
try {
$ response = $ client -> execute ( $ request );
$ responseBody = $ response -> getBody ();
} catch ( Google_Service_Exception $ e ) {
$ responseBody = $ e -> getTrace ()[ 0 ][ 'args' ][ 0 ]-> getResponseBody ();
file_put_contents( $ outputFile , $ responseBody );
$ client -> setDefer ( false );

<!doctype html >
< html >
< head >
< title > Retrieve reports </ title >
</ head >
< body >
< form method =" GET " >
< div >
Job Id: < input type =" text " id =" jobId " name =" jobId " placeholder =" Enter Job Id " >
</ div >
< br >
< div >
Report URL: < input type =" text " id =" reportUrl " name =" reportUrl " placeholder =" Enter Report Url " >
</ div >
< br > < input type =" submit " value =" Retrieve! " >
</ form >
<?= $ htmlBody ?>
</ body >
</ html >
// Define an object that will be used to make all API requests.
$ client = getClient();
// YouTube Reporting object used to make YouTube Reporting API requests.
$ youtubeReporting = new Google_Service_YouTubeReporting ( $ client );

if (! $ DOWNLOAD_URL && ! $ JOB_ID ) {
listReportingJobs( $ youtubeReporting , $ CONTENT_OWNER_ID ,
} else if ( $ JOB_ID ) {
listReportsForJob( $ youtubeReporting , $ JOB_ID , $ CONTENT_OWNER_ID );
} else if ( $ DOWNLOAD_URL && $ OUTPUT_FILE ) {
downloadReport( $ youtubeReporting , $ DOWNLOAD_URL , $ OUTPUT_FILE );


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