
Run Payments with Stripe | Firebase Extensions Hub

Run Payments with Stripe

Made by Stripe

Controls access to paid content by syncing your one-time and recurring payments with Firebase Authentication.

Works with
Authentication and Cloud Firestore
0.3.4 | Source code

How this extension works

Use this extension as a backend for your Stripe payments.

The extension supports multiple use cases:

  • Process one-time payments with Stripe Checkout on the web.
  • Create subscriptions for your users and manage access control via Firebase Authentication.
  • Process payments & set up payment methods with the mobile payment sheet on Android , iOS , or with React Native .

Subscription payments with Stripe Checkout

Users can sign-up for your digital goods and paid content with Stripe Checkout and manage their subscriptions with the Stripe customer portal.

This extension syncs customers’ subscription status with your Cloud Firestore and adds custom claims using Firebase Authentication for convenient access control in your application.

The design for Stripe Checkout and the customer portal can be customized in your Stripe Dashboard branding settings . See this example which is customized to match the Firebase color scheme:

Stripe Checkout Page
Stripe Customer Portal

If you’re building on the web platform, you can use this extension for any of your payment use cases.

If you’re developing native mobile applications and you’re selling digital products or services within your app, (e.g. subscriptions, in-game currencies, game levels, access to premium content, or unlocking a full version), you must use the app store’s in-app purchase APIs. See Apple’s and Google’s guidelines for more information.

For all other scenarios you can use the stripe-android , stripe-ios , stripe-react-native , or flutter_stripe SDKs.

Client SDK

You can use the @stripe/firestore-stripe-payments
JavaScript package to easily access this extension from web clients. This client SDK provides
TypeScript type definitions and high-level convenience APIs for most common operations client
applications would want to implement using the extension.

Use a package manager like NPM to install the above package, and use it in conjunction with
the Firebase Web SDK.


This extension emits events, which allows you to listen to and run custom logic at different trigger points during the functioning of the extension. For example you can listen to events when a product has been added via the product.created event, or whenever a payment has succeeded through the invoice.payment_succeeded event.

Additional setup

Before installing this extension, set up the following Firebase services in your Firebase project:

Then, in the Stripe Dashboard :

  • Create a new restricted key with write access for the “Customers”, “Checkout Sessions” and “Customer portal” resources, and read-only access for the “Subscriptions” and “Prices” resources.


This extension uses the following Firebase services which may have associated charges:

  • Cloud Firestore
  • Cloud Functions
  • Cloud Secret Manager
  • Firebase Authentication
  • If you enable events Eventarc fees apply .

This extension also uses the following third-party services:

You are responsible for any costs associated with your use of these services.

Note from Firebase

To install this extension, your Firebase project must be on the Blaze (pay-as-you-go) plan. You will only be charged for the resources you use. Most Firebase services offer a free tier for low-volume use. Learn more about Firebase billing.

Starting August 17 2020, you will be billed a small amount (typically less than $0.10) when you install or reconfigure this extension. See the Cloud Functions for Firebase billing FAQ for a detailed explanation.

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